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No I am not new, been at the hospital a year. If a future situation like this comes up I will check the BP myself before going to report it to someone else.

I don't know the patients history. In my short trip with her she didn't complain of a bad headache, pressure behind the eyes, or dizziness. She was breathing fine. No assessment was done on her besides the BP, but she did seem asymtomatic, but then again I can't really say that because I didn't assess her myself.

Guess I will let it go. I could say something to my manager, maybe, I just don't like how they handled it. I am sure the patient was listening, and does she now think she is not hypertensive when she has a BP of 180+? Our relationship with the ER isn't that great to begin with, so I really wouldn't be damaging our relationship much if I made a deal out of it. The thing is that I was considering going down there to work, which is partly why I kept my mouth shut. But I don't think those are the people I want to work with. I'll keep applying for positions on a box.



* None of the staff at this hospital seem very nice.

* The patient didn't sound symptomatic and will probably live to fight another day.

I'd remove them from my Christmas card list and politely decline invitation to any social events, unless it's some sort of delightful masquerade ball. In which case, I'd politely decline, wait until they'd left, and then laugh. Also, I'd drink a cup of coffee, with too much milk, and a lot of sugar.


Honestly, there are some battles that are best not fought. LIke the battle of the little bighorn, the battle of the bulge and the battle of the possibly hypertensive patient who was hypertensive but the nurses couldn't figure out between their petty bickering amongst themselves in front of the patient which shows pretty bad form if you ask me.

But you did what you were supposed to do and I would just let this battle be written down in your little black book of what would you do if you were in this situation again and you can develop a little situation awareness for next time. You now know how to at least handle a situation like this in the future and you have learned something. You can put that in your little black book of tricks. Consider this a win for you.


You have to pick your battles and I agree this one doesn't seem to be the battle. Take note of what happened, and good for you for not arguing in front of the pt. I hate those nurse on a sticks and I do all my BPs manually even in the hospital setting. So with that being said dont treat the machine, treat the pt like they all say.........................................


A more positive thing to do, rather than get everyone in an uproar:

1. See when the last time your B/P machine was calibrated (or cuff if done manually). Machines need to be serviced routinely and maybe yours or the ER's machine is out of whack, more likely that it is yours.

2. Was the B/P taken in the same arm both times (next time you may want to make sure the same one is tested, as that could account for a variance).

3. The treatment itself could have temporarily raised the B/P.

4. Sounds like the whole facility could use some teambuilding. You have to see it from the ER's side, to them you and the Urgent Care "dump" on them all the time, what do you do to help them ???? No, its not really dumping, it is their job but that is how they see it. So try to find ways to be their buddies, get to know each other, it is harder to get mad at a friend.

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