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I'm sure the defendant's will file an appeal. I'm with the Doc here. How can Temple, the Attending and the resident be held liable? They treated him appropriately on the first visit I would think. 3 mths later, the guy has an MI. How are these two related? Craziness. We don't know, but I think the pt. would've had a full cardiac work-up on the first visit.

What we also don't know, is the pt.'s physical condition. Perhaps, to much exertion on HIS part lead to his MI?


It doesn't sound like he had his lipids drawn, but in the ER, this is not so important and they are highly inaccurate if he is not fasting. I would assume that he did not have troponins drawn either but would it really change anything?


says a lot about the american legal system though.......litigate till the cows come home......why work if yuo can get 12 gullible people to rule nothing is your fault...

bit like the lady that won a 900 K payout for getting herpes from a guy that SHE had the one night stand with........surely at the age of 48 she would have know the risk of picking up in a bar and making the beast with two backs......

like i said only in America.........


While I am unable to trace the tale's accuracy, I keep hearing of the guy who passed a routine EKG 12 lead test, as a part of his annual physical, and died of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in the parking lot on the way back to his car.

Who is to say?


They should have done a Trop-T and CKmb but even still probably would not have shown jack crap

This is fucking mental insanity like seriously FOUR MONTHS later? OMG WTF

Only in America ...


It doesn't sound like he had his lipids drawn, but in the ER, this is not so important and they are highly inaccurate if he is not fasting. I would assume that he did not have troponins drawn either but would it really change anything?

I don't think having troponins drawn on his first visit would have prevented his have an MI 3 mths later. I cannot understand how 12 reasonable (supposedly) people could have found the defendants liable. Boggles the mind.

says a lot about the american legal system though.......litigate till the cows come home......why work if yuo can get 12 gullible people to rule nothing is your fault...

bit like the lady that won a 900 K payout for getting herpes from a guy that SHE had the one night stand with........surely at the age of 48 she would have know the risk of picking up in a bar and making the beast with two backs......

like i said only in America.........

The US justice system sucks, but for the herpes case I might agree with it. If the guy knew he had them and didn't tell her or lied to her, he should be responsible. I don't know all of the details so I will hold judgement on that one.

While I am unable to trace the tale's accuracy, I keep hearing of the guy who passed a routine EKG 12 lead test, as a part of his annual physical, and died of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in the parking lot on the way back to his car.

Who is to say?

There was a recent case (not mine) where a guy had a normal stress test on Monday and came in on Tuesday with chest pain and a rather elevated troponin.

I don't think having troponins drawn on his first visit would have prevented his have an MI 3 mths later. I cannot understand how 12 reasonable (supposedly) people could have found the defendants liable. Boggles the mind.

Any case that involves leaving kids without a parent or leaves a kid injured is hard to fight. Juries are stupid when it comes to understanding medicine and have lots of sympathy for those groups and want to give them whatever they can to compensate them, even at the expense of the filthy rich, bad doctor.

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