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Okay we get it: You do the Goth thing to piss your mother off and to be uniquely different in your mind from the thousands of other goth's out there.

In an Emergency situation we will spend just about 20 seconds looking for a source of information as to why a pt is unresponsive or unable to communicate. By then if I don't find a bracelet or necklace , I move on and do what needs to be done .

If you are covered in black leather and piercings the last place I would expect to find a medic-alert[ notice how they call it medic alert} tag. Same for having ICE in your phone. The last thing We have time for is to scroll through your phone directory to get vital info.

You came here for advice from seasoned professionals and were given same.

Hope you figure out what you want.

I don't do the goth thing to piss off my mom, somehow I manage to do that just by breathing :( I just love black (it's honestly been my favorite color since Kindergarden), and leather, and studs, no piercings except reguar earings and nothing sharp. Ouch that hurts. I may love the "look" but I have the "Scene"loud music, clbs and drinking & drugs are def n

my next piece of advice is that with an INR of 5.1 that you dont go anywhere near a needle.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2



Wow. Sorry to hear your life sucks. However, I have to agree with Mobey... the original purpose of you coming here has been satisfied. Nobody's trying to be mean, we're trying to discourage fake drama-vomit in our forum. Makes the place kind of stanky. Sounds like you have some legit drama.

News flash for you: There are many of us here who have gone through LOTS in recent history. Some still dealing with ongoing issues. You don't see us writhing (and writing) in agony all over the place...

You want something to change in your life? Change something. Look for creative solutions. Ask for help. We'll give you all the advice we can, but you have to give us somewhere to start.

Best of luck to you...



RN-ADN Student

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As a 38 years experience EMT, and as a registered organ donor, a sleep apnea sufferer, and having cardiac stents, I wear a dog tag-like "Medic-Alert" device, from the Medic Alert Foundation, out of Turlock, California. They offer stainless steel, and gold plated, bracelets, necklaces, and dog tags in both shiny and "combat blackout" styles.

There are also many makers of medic alerting devices, including a computer "thumb drive" built into a bracelet, or devices that clip to a watch band, but the common denominator is they have an easily notable Red or Blue Star Of Life or Caduceus emblem on it.

I admit I'd probably not note a heavy leather wristband as an alerting device, or a device tied onto a shoelace, but that is due to a lack of seeing samples while undergoing initial or refresher training. Now, due to this string, I know to look (again).

Truthisone, I say, "So What?" to you having a Brooklyn accent. Da Noo Yawk/Noo Joisey accent is accepted woildwide as a kind of mark of distinction, so fageddabouddit! Ya wanna make sumpin ovvit? I'll meet ya at toity toid and toid, an we'll duke it out (Not really) (FYI, I'm just over the Marine Parkway Bridge, at the south end of Flatbush Avenue, east of Riis Park in Queens) Within NYC, we speak our wierd combination of English, Spanish, "Spanglish", Italian, French, Hatian style French, several Chinese dialects, Japanese, Croatian, Russian, Polish, German, Hebrew, Yiddish, and probably more languages than are recognized at the UN.

Posted (edited)

no dont go. you need more help than we can give you here other than a couple of good ears to listen with.

my advice, take it as you wish, reach out to a crisis line for help. that crisis line can put you in touch with resources that can help you get out of the abusive situation you are in.

you can also call 911 and file assault charges against mommy, get her out of the house for a short period of time, get step dad to help you get all your meds and get to a place of safety.

You are responsible for your oen safety and you have to start the process of removing yourself from the bad situation. No one else as you have found will do it for you.

I wish you luck.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2

step dad is on her side he will and has lied for her and thereatened to commit me he only helps me because my mom forces him to

I've called the crisis line all they say is tell u to go to the so they can admi u to te psych ward. Anyways, enough of this off topic stuff

Truthisone, I say, "So What?" to you having a Brooklyn accent. Da Noo Yawk/Noo Joisey accent is accepted woildwide as a kind of mark of distinction, so fageddabouddit! Ya wanna make sumpin ovvit? I'll meet ya at toity toid and toid, an we'll duke it out (Not really) (FYI, I'm just over the Marine Parkway Bridge, at the south end of Flatbush Avenue, east of Riis Park in Queens) Within NYC, we speak our wierd combination of English, Spanish, "Spanglish", Italian, French, Hatian style French, several Chinese dialects, Japanese, Croatian, Russian, Polish, German, Hebrew, Yiddish, and probably more languages than are recognized at the UN.

I only said that cause moby hated the way i typed


Wow. Sorry to hear your life sucks. However, I have to agree with Mobey... the original purpose of you coming here has been satisfied. Nobody's trying to be mean, we're trying to discourage fake drama-vomit in our forum. Makes the place kind of stanky. Sounds like you have some legit drama.

News flash for you: There are many of us here who have gone through LOTS in recent history. Some still dealing with ongoing issues. You don't see us writhing (and writing) in agony all over the place...

You want something to change in your life? Change something. Look for creative solutions. Ask for help. We'll give you all the advice we can, but you have to give us somewhere to start.

Best of luck to you...



RN-ADN Student

Sorry for the off topic stuff, theres no need to remain on this sie i will delete my account or a mod ca

So, what bracelet are you going to purchase?

I wiil get the plain old stainless steel one of course!

Edited by truthisone

you are the one who keeps bringing up all this extraneous emotional crap up and when someone gives you options and advice you dismiss that advice so I am done with this waste of bandwidth.

keep taking the abuse or not, I tend to no longer care. Sorry if Im sounding like an asshole but you refuse to listen to any of the advice we keep giving so this topic is dead to me.

good luck to you. hopefully you will find someone you will listen to, obviously it isnt anyone here.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2


Why delete your account when it would just be easier for you to delete your bookmark to this website? If you don't want to be a participant, then don't participate. If you do want to participate, then do it respectfully and intelligently.

It's quite a simple concept really.


Please respect my wishes and let me know how to delete my account. Like I said I have nothing to offer with no medical knowledge and your topics aren't my cup of tea.

Posted (edited)

You can't delete your account, and it won't be deleted just because you're pouting. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

Ceftriaxone is carried in New Zealand and most state in Australia (QAS, AV, ASNSW and SAAS, not sure about NT or WA)

UK NHS Ambulance Trusts have carried benzylpenicillin for a number of years

I think some sort of antibiotic is carried in South Africa, I am not sure which one and the HPCSA website is being a bitch so I can't check

We've got Cefotaxime here for sepsis.

Edited by Arctickat
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