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Ever had to change a negative personal trait you didn't know you had? How did you go about it?

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Because my partner was an experienced basic with really thick skin. He got that I was way out of my comfort zone and took my tone in that spirit rather than be offended.

It's been my limited experience that often Vollies, not always, but often, need to be handled more delicately...

Not the ones I run with, lol. As a "vollie" I've ever only been truly offended once. That was when a staff member of the STATE board questioned our intellegence, training and dedication. I was pissed as hell at that one. I tell each of my drivers/ partners in advance (I don't have a set shift partner, we all run with each other and I'm one of the techs with the most training) that if I offend/yell/ get annoyed with them, during a call to please not take it personally. I'm just trying to get what I need done in a timely manner. I try to be polite to everybody that I run with but when you ask an AO four times to clear the bench seat so you can transport a second pt rather then wait for a second unit and the sheriff has to step in and do it for you, my paitence is VERY thin at that point.

The problem that many have, and it sounds as if you do too, when viewed from a behavioral science point of view is that all of that "harden the fuck up" bullshit that you went through when you were new has a way of being superstitiously reinforcing. What that means is that it appears to be useful when in fact it has little to do, and often retards the learning, growing process. You can call that new age bullshit if you want, but you'll have a really hard time defending that point of view...

True. Most of that old "just suck it up" mentality does need to disappear. Unfortunately you can't change cultures overnight.

A new phenomenon has also seemed to develop over the past number of years. Many of this newest generation are deliberately disrespectful toward their elder colleagues. This is completely unacceptable and in fact creates much of this backlash. There exists a very fine line between respectful discourse and babying. You can't always say, "that's okay you're new and learning." Some things require an immediate response beyond "maybe you should try it this way." The appropriate response can be "Do not ever do that again and this is why. If you ever do said action again I will be forced to report you to the appropriate regulatory authority."

For lack of a simpler descriptor, there is a professional way to tell someone to shape up or ship out.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2

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A new phenomenon has also seemed to develop over the past number of years. Many of this newest generation are deliberately disrespectful toward their elder colleagues.

True, i find that many of the "problem" Geny Y'ers are often deliberately defiant.

For exaple, one particular Geny Y'er we had when being councilled on wearing thier uniform appropriately around the station argued back that she would refuse to do so based one "not being made uncomfortable in their workplace"

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