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So we have all had an experience with Bullying. I was the bully in school and one time I made my best friend cry. It made me stop and start bulling the bullies later on. My children were very lucky in highschool and never felt the effects of this crisis, nor did they do it. This, when I was a kid consisted of name calling, a bit of pushing, and some threats of bodily harm. Now it is just unbelievable how it has escalated in our society. When social media became the norm in life my older boys were already out of the house and my youngest was about 14. So this was not a reality in my household. When facebook came out I was one of his first friends, and yes I did monitor his facebook, I was lucky.

This young girl is from BC. She committed suicide 2 days ago because her life was unbearable. I cried through out this whole video because I know she is not the only one out there. Please pass this on to those in your life, please talk to your kids, grandkids and any other kids in your life. It dosn't matter if they are the bully or being bullied. This is so unacceptable and I will for one be just a bit more of an advocate when I can. There is a young man in my life that has had suicidal tendencies and I had to ship him out to get help and this is what I told him. (I asked my partner to leave the room and waited for the nurse to leave) I told him that I loved him unconditionaly, I told him that he is an important part of my life, I gave him a hug full of love and I let him cry on my shoulder until he felt better. It dosn't matter why a child would want to committe suicide what matters is that those children know that there is someone, anyone that loves them. If you know anyone like my boy, let them know they are loved, it might make the difference in their life.

"You may only be one person in this whole world, but you may also be the whole world to one person"

  • 2 weeks later...

Many people never really understand the lasting effects of our actions. The small things that we do can impact others in great ways. Some people impact the world with evil and should most definitely be punished. Others spend their life doing good.

We often think that bullying is an adolescent problem, I would propose that it is a human problem that crosses age, gender and occupation. Many of us, if not all of us, know adults that have left jobs or even changed careers because they were bullied in the work place. We call it something else; hazing, fish week or breaking in the probies, but at it's root it is the same thing. It is just a pack of individuals abusing another simply because there is evil in their heart.

This story is sad and horrible but is not isolated.

Every person should endeavor to stop abusive behavior in the world.

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