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Lets get this party started! Post something here so we know you're alive!

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Car repairs and the money they cost suck. So does you 9 year old son having migraines that last a day even with the tylenol 3.

On the other hand, in a few days, I will have a safer van in which to drive my children.

And I always try to remember things can get worse. I have it relatively easy.

Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, just one of those craptastic days!


Will be done the final scenario evaluations for Patient Management Integration and will be starting up practicum in a couple weeks! That is... if I don't score another 37% on a scenario for taking a blood pressure on scene and splinting a radius/ulna, and tib/fib # in the back of the unit... Got deducted marks for doing too much assessment and treatment.. Still confused about that.. I deemed it a load and go because of GCS 13 with neck pain and possible # pelvis, but vitals were stable and had no signs of cushings or unequal pupils..

  On 12/3/2012 at 12:23 AM, DFIB said:

Stayin' Alive, Stayin' Alive, ah,ah,ah,ah stain' aliiiivvvveeee ..... where is that darn Lucas?!?

Another one bites the dun nuh dun dun dun another one bites the dust.


Spending a morning dressed as Santa is a blast!

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