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I have an awful back. I have been in 2 horrific car accidents that have left me with chronic back pain and problems. However, I have been in the field for about 12-13 years. There are days that I hurt worse than others. I do not let it get in the way of my performance, jeopardize my partners, or patient care. I keep my weight low and exercise everyday, and work out like nobody's business to keep my muscles strong in my legs and arms.

I will warn you that EMS is NOT a profession for someone with back problems, however, I am an example of an exception to the rule. I am a very firm believer in the "you can do anything you set your mind to." I realize I say that at the risk of sounding cheesy....but...it's true. I absolutely REFUSED to fail to pursue my dream due to a physical limitation or problem. This is pretty harsh sounding....but I look at it like this. If I lost my foot tomorrow in an accident, would I quit and give up? HELL NO. I would sit and cry and feel sorry for myself for a while...then I would get up, rehabilitate, find a prosthesis and get right back on the damn truck. (hard headed as I am.....)

SO...my answer to you is this. You know your limitations and abilities. No one else does. It's more than a literal question of your physical ability, but also of your mentality. It sounds like you are a lot like me with your thinking that....*but I want to do this....*. If it is your dream....then go for it buddy. You won't know until you try. Just be careful...and take care of yourself. I wouldn't want you to be hurt worse...

:occasion5: Good luck!


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After 15 years in EMS, my back is terrible with all of the scars from being stabbed in the back. I had a few pulled muscles here and there but the stab wounds have been the worst.

Don't forget the broken heart from all the sad calls we have seen.

Also the loss of one's mind comes shortly after you start the job.

Then the breakdown of your washboard abs from eating ems style quick dinners.

  • 1 month later...

Don't be crazy this job will brake you up faster then a new set of dentures on a baked potato.

Thats if you are perfectly healthy. Theres nothing glamorous kneeling in shit and washing vomit from your cloths all day. You might look cool parked with your sunglasses on at the coffee shop but how cool do you look lifting the local 300 lbs drunk full of crap off of the side walk at 9am.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have 30 years in EMS....I retired form it and became a Police officer :lol: and moved to another part of the state. I went to join the Vol. Ambulance where I live now.

Well, they did a physical I passed that without problems....BUT.. :| ...They had me take Xrays of my back... :|

The Depts. DOC. would not let me on the service... :cry::cry: ...I have no pain or any problems...Yes after 30 years in EMS at a busy service you are going to have hidden problems.... :!: :!: :!:

The police Dept. I work for did not have a problem with my possible back problems to come. Heck..I am even on the SWAT team.... :lol:


wow... are you sure it wasn't a chiropractor? :?


My back is so screwed up that it only feels good when I'm lifting a 300+ pund person in the air. ;)

  • 1 month later...

After herniating 3 discs,I was bad for a year but now back to lifting and work!2o years of lifting people has its toll, but so far lucky to be back at work.Getting back wasn't easy, but I admit its due to weak abs and not being in shape.Ems historically has people who disregard there own health while caring for others! Yes I admit I used to be one, struggling every day to get back in shape and strengthen my abs.


You are definitely right on the money when you said to strengthen you abs. As a personal trainer, I eliminate a lot of my client's back pain by having them do core ab work. What is funny is that no one likes to work their abs, but is would solve most of the back problems. I am not saying that you won't hurt you back working EMS but your body might be a little more tolerant to injury. EMS is one of the toughest careers out there because of moving the constant dead weight (not dead people) with the drunks and heavier than normal patients and maneuvering through hallways etc. There are different ways of lifting to strengthen your back, just as there are different ways for sport specific athletes. Just something to think about. Keep up the good work out there, even though you are not always appreciated, you are always needed.

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