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Rolling Stone Magazine Cover Featuring Boston Bomber

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I think Rolling Stone realizes that they have lost any and all relevance they might've once had so they're trying to drum up interest by being "edgy" and "controversial".


I think that 'featuring' anyone who commits terrorism, mass murder or any other violent crimes on the cover of any magazine is only playing into the perpetrator's search for 'fame and glory'.

There is NO need to epitomize ANY person who gets their kicks by killing or maiming as many people as they can for some misguided cause.....


I agree with Brett why give him or anyone more publicity? That is just playing into their hands.

But I would like to know how people get to that point in their life, and what makes them tick. But as far as keeping it going in the press that just gives them more fame and causes the families more grief. As long as it keeps going the family of the victims will never get any closure. Why should they keep pouring salt on those wounds just to sale a few magazines. That makes them as heartless as the terrorist.


Would the outrage be different if a newspaper used the same photo on the front page? What about broadcast news?


Eh, I think more is being made out of it than it deserves. Was BinLaden, McVeigh, Kazinski or any of the hundreds of serial killers ever on the cover of Time or Newsweek? I would assume so. The ones bringing attention to it are the ones that are giving him his fame. If no one made a big deal out of it most people would never have know (as we can see by some of the comments here). If you ignore something long enough it will go away with little fanfare.


Maybe people should go and read the aerticle then have a think about what the cover actually represents

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That's not the American way Bushy. We jump to conclusions with minimal facts and then once the real facts are presented we stop talking about it.


That's not the American way Bushy. We jump to conclusions with minimal facts and then once the real facts are presented we stop talking about it.

Its the way of the western world Doc.

I had the same conversattion with a mate today. Everyones jumped on the "glorifying terrorists" bandwagon without reading it, and the article doesn't do that at all.

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