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We use the term "Ambulance Driver" because that is all that they do. They are not EMT's and don't ever want to be.

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We have Drivers only here in AL...Only the true drivers can't work in certain cities because they only allow basics as the lowest level of provider. The drivers still must have a CPR for Healthcare providers card, a state license (Drivers and EVOC), and the ability to perform first responder types of duties.

I miss the old caddies with a 472 V8 + supercharger and Meteors on the roof...NOT!


I love the old ambulances, in the process of purchasing a 1953 packard hurst/ambulance ... it is so awesome

327 striaght eight flat head with three two barrels and a split manifold. three speed on the tree with overdrive. tops out at 167 mph. certified by the KHP. all in a 9000 puond 18 ft long all steel monster ..... Sweet .

ok i know off topic sorry


Around here in rural America, the old folks call the EMS Ambulance drivers because up until the early 90s thats all we had. The local company used to be housed with the funeral home for years until they got a new director and started receiving grants. They built their present station in 1994 I believe. They went from being a BLS to an ALS service within 3-4 years. Now they are the pride of the county. It is a small yet wildy successful service.

When the Medics and EMTs get called ambulance driver or ambulance worker, they take it with pride because they know the old timers respect them and what they do for the county. Believe me, me and my instructor had a discussion about this in class one time.

When people call you and ambulance driver, I honestly dont think they say it in a demeaning way, I think it is because they dont know there is an official title that goes along with it.

I giggle every time my grandpa asks me if I found a job being an ambulance driver yet, I just let it go.



I use the term " ambulance drivers" when the EMT's look like slobs or don't know hteir orifice from a hole in the ground.. but then : I would be insulting ambulance drivers then .....

Yes, it is an insult word...

Be safe,

Ridryder 911


It’s all in YOUR attitude... I've been called an "Ambulance Jockey"; I laugh and agree with them. No big deal.

Humility Hu*mil"i*ty, n.; pl. Humilities. [OE. humilite, OF.

humilit['e], humelit['e], F. humilit['e], fr. L. humiliatis.

See Humble.]

1. The state or quality of being humble; freedom from pride

and arrogance; lowliness of mind; a modest estimate of

one's own worth; a sense of one's own unworthiness through

imperfection and sinfulness; self-abasement; humbleness.

Aside: are people more sensitive these days?


Hi All,

I personally think it has abit to do with a lack of respect, I usually try to give others the benefit of the doubt..Then educate them, but from people who know better it is alot harder to tolerate....These are just a few reasons why I don't like being called an "ambulance driver"

As a matter of fact if one were to refer to a cop on the job as a "pig", a fireman "a useless hose dragger" or "bucket head, A RN a "Registered Nobody, or a bed pan attendant", go into a doctors office and say to a podiatrist "hey, where's the real doc..?!?!?" (Just to name a few things off the top of my head); I'm quite sure that they would see it as a total lack of respect, take serious offense, and try to place you in THE UNEMPLOYMENT EXPRESS LANE!!!! So I ask the group then, why would you tolerate it being done in reverse and take the sleight to you?!?!?!? just curious.... I don't know about you, but I worked hard to be skilled, professional, educated, etc....and until I prove I'm unworthy otherwise I expect to be treated in that manner..!!!


  RaceMedic said:
I love the old ambulances, in the process of purchasing a 1953 packard hurst/ambulance ... it is so awesome

327 striaght eight flat head with three two barrels and a split manifold. three speed on the tree with overdrive. tops out at 167 mph. certified by the KHP. all in a 9000 puond 18 ft long all steel monster ..... Sweet .

Now, for that I would be happy to be an Ambulance Driver! ;)


I can't tell you when I'm working how many times a day I hear from people "Oh honey, the ambulance drivers are here." or "The ambulance people are here." I just let it slide....the patch on my shoulder says New York State Emergency Medical Technician as does the card I carry in my wallet. I could care less what people think we do....also you'd be surprised how many of the rich yuppies in my town think we are a paid FD..even though it clearly says "Volunteer" right on the front of the firehouse.

Just my thoughts on the subject.


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