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Here in Arkansas there actually was a guy going around the state impersonating being a Paramedic. He went so far as to buy an old ambulance and restored it, lights, sirens, the whole nine yards. He went to an online medical supply store and bought the supplies and uniform. He did such a good job no one realized he was fake for almost 6 mos! Then one of his pts that he "treated" went down to the local EMS station to thank the guy for saving his life and the crew was like, "that aint one of our guys." But the pt demanded to speak to the "paramedic". Finally he got to speak to the crew chief, and the crew cheif realized there was an impostor runing aruond. So the crew cheif called the state DoH so they could start an investigation into the matter. Within about 3 weeks, they pin pointed who it was then all of a sudden the impostor disappeared.

Then about a year later he showed up in a neighboring county doing the same thing. Finally they just had to set him up for an ambush. They staged a mock MVA, and this guy happened to be passing by and he got the pt. in the truck, then the pt. revealed that he was an undercover cop and he arrested the impostor on the spot. They did a background check and as far anyone knew he had no medical training whatsoever. Makes you think twice about accepting help when an ambulance shows up. I think altogether the guy treated around 80-100 pts during his spree.

Just teaches the general public, if your in doubt about your medic you do have the right to refuse and the right to ask for credentials! To the real medics I wish there was a way to make it illegal for the general public to purchase an ambulance that is less than 20 years old. Anything that is more than 20 y/o is going to look really out of place at an MVA. I know some rich guys that purchase vintage ambulances and restore them and donate them to museums, that is ok. But not for the general public to purchase and utilize.


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Re the EMS imposter:

Did he hurt, kill, or allow anyone to die before he was busted?

Also, reports keep coming in of people with "middle eastern" accents, wanting to buy used ambulances, and pay for them in cash.

Also, folks walking up to crews and asking questions about operations have been reported.

If either happens to you, remember what they look like, and report them to the local LEOs, State Police, local FBI office, or local Office of Homeland Security (those with camera cellphones, take a picture!). I'd rather be thought crying wolf, than allow someone to use a retired ambulance vehicle as a WMD delivery system.

On similar note, keep your apparatus yards locked when nobody is around, which can slow down anyone planning to steal an emergency vehicle for nefarious purposes (always wanted to use that word, "nefarious").


I dont think anyone died during his spree, but some people have said that he did cuase 2 "pts" harm by causing one guy an infection, and he also gave another person an overdose of NTG. I dont know if he was actually trying to kill people or if he just wanted to be an EMT so bad he stepped over the line. Either way it is downright scary. There should be more stringent laws in place on who can and cannot purchase EMS lights and sirens, and also you would have to go through your service to purchase them and getting the crew cheif and MD's ok first. Also you have these people that "pimp" out their vehicles, they easily have access to strobes and such that can be easily used on POVs. These lights are handy for the actual EMS personnel, but they shouldnt be easily accessible to the general public.


:lol: I drive a SVU,,,, But with the gas prices I wish I had a car that gets like 40 miles to a gallon rather than maybe 16 if I am lucky
:lol: I drive a SVU,,,, I even have to LOL on that one.. That is what I get when I watch SVU on TV and type the same time.,.. I can't do two things at one time...... :lol: SUV

I am now transmitting an update on usage in New York State of Emergency Red Lights and Sirens on POVs, just received moments prior to posting here:

Bureau of EMS Policy Statement

Policy Statement #





Re: Amendment to 10NYCRR Part 800.26 Emergency Ambulance Service Vehicles




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10NYCRR Part 800.26 — Emergency Ambulance Service Vehicles

In November of 2004, amendments to the Part 800.26, which address Emergency Ambulance Service Vehicles (EASV) went into effect. The proposed amendments are intended to allow local EMS systems and agencies an increased flexibility in determining the best and most appropriate configuration for assigning vehicles to emergency response in order to meet system, local EMS personnel, deployment and patient needs.

The new sections of the regulation are as follows:

The governing authority of any ambulance service, which, as a part of its response system, utilizes emergency ambulance service vehicles, other than an ambulance to bring personnel and equipment to the scene, must have policies in effect for equipment, staffing, individual authorization, dispatch and response criteria and appropriate insurance.

(a) A waiver of the equipment for emergency ambulance service vehicles may be considered when the service provides an acceptable plan to the Department demonstrating how appropriate staff, equipment and vehicles will respond to a call for emergency medical assistance. The Regional EMS Councils will be solicited for comment.…


The purpose of an EASV, which remains unchanged by this amendment and policy, is to deliver personnel and/or equipment to the scene of a medical emergency. Ambulance services must still address and document how this purpose is met whenever an EASV equipment waiver is requested.

Part 800.26(:lol: is the list of equipment required for all EASVs. This list represents the minimum amount of equipment and suppliesnecessary for an EMS provider to respond to a scene to care for a sick or injured patient. The amendment to the regulation specifically allows for an ambulance service to request that the Department of Health, Bureau of EMS (BEMS), in consultation with the Regional EMS Council (REMSCO), waive some, or all of the equipment requirements listed in Part 800.26(B). In order for a waiver to be considered, the following criteria must be met.

A request for an equipment waiver must be made in writing to BEMS.

The letter must be on the EMS agency's official letterhead.

The letter must detail what specific equipment and/or supplies are to be waived .

The letter must include the reason the waiver is being requested.

The letter must include the agency's EASV policies and procedures addressing equipment, staffing, individual authorizations, dispatch, response criteria and appropriate insurance.

The letter must be signed by the agency's chief executive officer (CEO), or the head of the governing body (i.e. Chairman of the board of commissioners, president or mayor)

The ambulance service must submit a complete and executed Affirmation of Compliance (DOH-1881) identifying each EASV.

A copy must be provided to the REMSCO(s).

The complete regulation, including the equipment list is available on the Department's web site at www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/ems/part800.htm#800.26

Important Notes

In addition to the Part 800 requirements, the operation of any EASV must be in compliance with all applicable New York State Vehicle and Traffic Laws. Additionally, when equipped with red lights and siren, the EASV must be insured with the appropriate coverage as an emergency vehicle. No waivers for appropriate policies and procedures or vehicle insurance will be granted.

This policy statement DOES NOT SUPERCEDE DOH EMS Policy Statement 01-01. Policy Statement 01-01 is intended to clarify the requirements and procedures for authorization of Emergency Ambulance Service Vehicles (EASV).

Authorization as an EASV involves more than just the use of red lights and a siren on a vehicle. It is expected that every EASV be in compliance with all of the provisions of 10 NYCRR Part 800.21 & .26. This includes proper agency identification; vehicle marking and patient care equipment. All vehicles authorized by the service as EASVs may be subject to inspection. In the event violations to the code are found, the violations will be charged against the service authorizing the vehicle.

Issued and Authorized by:

Edward Wronski, Director


Im glad to hear that NY state is taking steps to help regulate who can and who cannot have lights and sirens on their POV. There is enough people out there abusing them, giving the rest of us a bad rep.

Like I posted before, there should be stricter laws on who can and cannot purchase lights and sirens for their POV.

Here locally a POV may not have strobe lights or a siren of any sort (but pimpers easily get by this by purchasing "flashers" not strobes.)

The only allowable lights on a POV are red brake lights, and there must be three of them. Two clear headlamps that must be adjustable for brightness and dimness. And two yellow side markers they may also function as "parking lights". A POV may only use the "Parking lights" as flashers is duing an urgent life or death emergency.


I have seen two trucks that I know are not owned by EMS personnel that have little halogen strobes below the headlamps.

There is one small car that has strobes inserted into the headlamps. The driver of this car stated to me that he only puts on his strobes is while he is parked, somehow I dont believe him.

I also seen partyers purchase a strobe lamp that is blue from the local radio shack and put it in their back window and plug it into the power point. They also use it while parked, supposedly.

If a person around here really wanted to impersonate a LEO or EMS vehicle they can easily do it. Yes there are laws and regs in place but there is still a large gap that needs to be filled.

Many of these general public purchases are done over the internet.

Remember the "Blue Light Rapist"?? This guy had a blue strobe light placed in his vehicle. Any time he saw a woman driver pass by he would "blue light" her and con her into thinking it was a LEO vehicle. He would have their trust as most cops are honorable, and he would use this trust to his advantage to rape these women.

As badass as I may be sometimes, I am still scared that these things will fall into the wrong hands and be used wrongly. Thats why I want to question some of these people for their use of lights and sirens illegally, if not that then it is still wrongful.

My. 02 cents.

Richard thanks for posting your local protocols.



it is amazing just how people can abuse the lights.. and sirens rules.. I def agree... i think that certain types of lights.. IE the red and the blue etc.. should make u provide proof of being either Fire/EMS or LEO. wether it is as simple as showing a valid fire department id/dl etc... or some other way... any one else agree w/ me?


i agree but as mentioned by other people, its not hard to get the lights and put em on with no one knowing. I do have white strobes in the headlights and taillights of my personal truck but only use them when off-roading because they grab my buddies attention allot better than flashing my headlights and if i get stuck i use em to say "get over here and pull me out". there do need to be regulations on the lights and even more so, those regulations need to be enforced.

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