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Would You Leave a High-Paying Job for EMS?  

26 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • Ummm...no!
    • I don't know. How HIGH are we talking about?
    • Maybe. I have to REALLY love EMS (and I do mean LOOOOVE).
    • Yes I would, but it won't be easy. Man, it won't be easy!
    • Oh, yeah! EMS so rocks!!!

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So much so, that I now am enrolled at the CC in the Paramedic program. Our first class was last night and it sounds like it will be a tough road but rewarding in the end.

Going back to school is a bit overwhelming, but I well persevere! LMAO

I'll keep you posted as classes progress.

Oh YEAH!....that's what I'M talkin' about! Way to GO, Jake! You will be just fine. I have faith!! :wink:

(Besides...I'm gonna need your support when I do the Critical Care classes this fall) lmao....EEEEKKKKK.....

You knew there was a catch, didn't ya?



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8, I wouldn't expect anything less from you! :lol:

:roll: Didn't think so...

So many get in EMS or return because the love of the job, only to really learn to hate the job because of poor finances. We can all describe how this job is like a drug.. once it gets into your system it is hard to get out. But, we also need to realize the need of financial responsibilities as well. One cannot "always follow your heart".. one sometimes needs to follow your head and pocket book as well.

It's sad to admit, but I do agree with you on this. It is even a shame that we have to be having this discussion. EMS providers are obviously not paid near to what they're worth and it's bad that money plays a large role in determining whether or not to pursue this career. Contrary to popular belief, however, there are places out there that pay EMT's and paramedics a nice salary, but unfortunately that's the exception and not the rule. As long as there are hospitals and hundreds of private companies spranging up like weeds, there will not be a need for a city to have its own municipal ambulance. There are new companies popping up all the time and are dying to have contracts with any city, even to the point of offering the city free service so that the city won't have to pay for it. So EMS providers will never get the nice salaries that cops and firefighters will get. And even a municipal ambulance would only pay their employees just a little better than private companies, so it's almost like a no-win situation.

I am not completely back with EMS, but I may be forced to do it on either a per diem or volunteer bases because of the pay. I wanted to do it again full-time, but I have too many financial obligations that won't allow me to enter back into EMS with its nasty salary unless I work 100 hours a week, which I am definitely not willing to do. I have a wife and I enjoy SEEING her too :lol:

Sometimes you can't always follow your heart, unless you're a young, single person with no obligations whatsoever. Money is definitely not everything to me, but security is and that's something EMS cannot always guarantee. That's why a number of EMT's I've worked with were going for their nursing degree. As one guy told me, "As much as I have given to the community, I would also like to receive something back." Yeah, he wants that $60,000 salary so he won't have to settle for McDonald's dollar menu anymore.

Even though $43,000 in NYC isn't "high" for the city's standards, it's a heck of a lot better than $21,000, whichs goes down to $16,000 after taxes, and which goes down to near $10,000 after benefits!


Good points, Hampton. Security is important. I'm not young, and it's hard....(and I should mention that I have 4 jobs to make it work, 3 of which are in EMS). I have to follow my heart, because otherwise I'm miserable...but it definitely is not easy...ever... A lot, too, depends on your cost of living and where you are located, size of family, etc. Ya do what ya gotta do...and go from there...

The money that I make is largely why I continue to work where I do and do what I do. I do enjoy the profession and everything with it, but money does matter. I couldn't fathom doing this job (and really that's what it is, a job) for only $30-40k a year.

100% true. Totally how I feel as well.

I truly don't understand how people could work (especially full time YIKES!) at $8-10 dollars an hour in this biz. Which unfortunately a lot of my American friends seem to find themselves doing. Currency conversion and cost of living aside...

EDIT - I recall reading somewhere at some point the phrase (or paraphrase) of "EMS - It is a lifestyle, not a job". EMS is a job, pure and simple. Anyone who thinks EMS is some kind of "lifestyle" should take a step back...I would not be doing what I am doing if I felt that I wasn't being adequately compensated for my education and the job I do. Financially, benefits, retirement....I'm satisfied. A lot of people around here simply stay in this job because of the benefits (read financial gain) that it affords them.


I'm currently well over paid for what I do as an IT security consultant. well into the 6 figures range.

but... and I'll paraphrase from the "how'd you get started" thread...

I'm surrounded by idiots that hating being there.

Sooo... I'm volunteering at 2 squads and taking emt class. I'm taking vehicle rescue courses and am signed up for phtls and paramedic assistant pretty close after I wrap up EMT-B and I have visions of medic class starting next year.

all volunteer just getting to learn the ropes. all while juggling a full time job and a wife and 2 young kids.

The calls I've been on (the stabbing, the 26yo who was 36wks pregnantand got t-boned at 45mph, the compound fracture tib/fib with 65% seperation, etc... along with countless "my belly hurts" calls) have proven to me this is what I was put here to do.

now to figure out a way to make a living doing it. Makes me sick to my stomach to see what the engineers that work for me make versus what medics make. totally inverted.

let's do away with the lawyers and take their money!

Good points, Hampton. Security is important. I'm not young, and it's hard....(and I should mention that I have 4 jobs to make it work, 3 of which are in EMS). I have to follow my heart, because otherwise I'm miserable...but it definitely is not easy...ever...

Wow, 4 jobs are a lot. But yes, you REALLY have to love what you do. At least you're not working 3 jobs that you hate :lol: I definitely agree that you can't work at a job that you'll be miserable in, no matter how high the pay is. I could only imagine where in the midwest you are, but the fact that you ARE in the midwest tells me that EMS pay is just, well, sad. Unless you live in Chicago, perhaps.


Hampton...My primary job is in EMS, then in off-time, work another part time EMS job, as well as teach EMTs and another job that's just here and there, not EMS related. I work so much with teaching and the other EMS job, in my off-time because I love it so much. But, the other part is, (drum roll)....yeah....the pay. And you're right...it sucks here. Probably just about more than anywhere else. :?

Guest CHP medic

In California it seems like the only good paying EMS jobs are in the Fire service or a few law enforcement agencies. I made crap my first 7 years in EMS, but now I've been lucky enough to land one of those jobs.

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