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  Dustdevil said:
Of course, job experience is not the "life experience" that was being referred to in the earlier post. And job experience is a whole 'nother issue for a different thread. But I would like to point out that the lack of entry level medic jobs is a consequence of allowing EMT-B's to work 911 ambulances. Nine out of ten employers are going to opt for the cheap labour over the qualified medic.

I actually sent an e-mail to our compliance office about under trained medics. For the past several months I've had to "help" another paramedic out because he didn't know who to do this or that, and always called for another paramedic when he should have been able to handle it on his own. (At least he called I guess.) The second part was EMT-Basics that always say "but my instructor said this" or feel like they have to cut me off when I'm in the middle of patient report to the nurse or doctor (at the ER) to tell me the patient has a temp. of 98.6.

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  Nate said:
For the past several months I've had to "help" another paramedic out because he didn't know who to do this or that, and always called for another paramedic when he should have been able to handle it on his own.

Ugh....I've got one of THOSE.....and thank goodness he doesn't work often, but when we are together...I feel like this...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :director:


Of course, job experience is not the "life experience" that was being referred to in the earlier post.

Yea i realize that and thought i had addressed it, but thats ok. what i was getting at with the statement i made about job experience was that it is a common complaint among most on the site that we are being saddled with inexperienced medics at one point or another. And im sure if the question was ever posed that we all know medics that have quit and or left the field after a particularly hard call that they have never had to deal with before. That can also be directly linked to lack of job experience or what have you.

I feel that this can also be linked to the rise in educational standards and the move from service based education to Medics being taught by the colleges. Now before everyone gets their panties in a bind look at it like this. While being educated by a service in their facilities you are exposed to the everyday runnings to an extent. You tent to feel like your becoming part of the service as the class moves along. The street medics get to know you and take a roll in the class, be it tutoring or skills testing or even the occational war story. It all adds up to a realistic view of the job. You hear the calls you see the medics get up and go, listen to radio traffic. And to top it all off you get to see how the medics deal with bad calls. you hear what they saw, what they did or did not do and why. That is the way it used to be here anyway. And now that the college has taken over that part of it is gone. In my opinion that was a major portion of the class even though it was never concidered as such.

I know it wasn't job experience or even life experience, but it was a way for students to really see what happens with out being directly involved. That it's not all Lights and sirens, drivin fast and blowing threw red lights. You don't always save a life or get the girl/guy at the end and drive off in to the sunset.

I really wish that they would put out an unedited version to PARAMEDICS, one that shows the real side to all of this. they need to follow a crew for a yr. report the fights they have, the hard calls. follow them home and see how it effects their families. Give a true total picture of the profession as most of us all know it. Not the glamed up kiss they baby for the camera BS.

I guess what is was refering to in a long way around sort of way is this. As i stated in the other post on this thread, My life before i got in to EMS did nothing to prepare me for what i would see and deal with in person. Sure my grandmother, mother and father were all nurses. My mother and father were also EMT's. I read their text books, looked at the pictures and even went on a few calls with them. But it in now way prepared me for what i would have to deal with when it was just ME out there. I am the one in charge, I decide what to do. I am the one that has to deal with the kids that are killed because mom decides to roll a stop sign and a semi cuts the car in half. or the drunk that runs a light because she spent to much time at the bar and has to get the baby sitter home before she is late, again killing the kids........

Im sorry, i have gotten in to something that has gotten away from the main subject. I will return later and try again


I hear ya, Race.....and I understand what you are saying... :lol:


I understand and agree with mos is being said. It would be ideal to have concurrent education & life experiences; however; this is not realistic anymore. Not that it can't occur, but just getting more difficult.

Yes, experience is essential. But, I believe most of us that have been in life longer than others .. understand what we mean by "life experiences".. understanding life is more "gray" than black & white. This can occur at given ages, but usually over all maturity increases with age (hopefully) .

The art of medicine is to be able to apply all those understandings of science, life, and emotions.. That is why there is never ...one way to handle a situation.

Be safe,

R/R 911


It would seem to me that alot of companies would love to have a fresh medic as long as they are willing to learn and gather more knowledge even after completing school. I know as an EMT depending on the company, they want new EMT's because they get to mold the EMT or medic, into what THEY are looking for and you don't really have a set practice yet. Once you start, you get a routine and certain way of handling situations not to say that it can't be changed. The company I work for especially loves it because I'm in medic school so I can use knowledge not necessarily ALS skills but knowledge I learn in A&P and Pathology and such. Anyways, this got off topic but personally I am 20 and in medic school. I have always had an extreme interest in medicine to the extent of sitting and reading my medical dictionary. Instead of age limits we need maturity limits. I know here you ahve to go through interviews with the college's program director before being accepted into clinicals.


Hmm...my paramedic program gave me the option to an internship (which I took) where I rode every shift the crew I was placed with did. So I was on their rotation, at their station, with their engine company, and their patients, and their supervisor, and their hospital, and soon it was mine too.

I agree with Race, this really made a BIG difference in getting me ready to go on the streets as an entry level paramedic (which is all you can expect a college to produce).


I don't think there should be a minimum age limit for paramedics. HOWEVER, I think there should be a minimum number of years worked as an EMT-B/I. There is a paramedic program around here, I can't remember which one, that requires 2 years active experience with an EMS agency with documented (and verifiable) 1500 hours per year of work. I think that minimum requirements should be set, but not necessarily minumum ages. I have a 24 year old partner who is as immature as they come. She's a good Basic, but her immaturity has led me to request a new partner. Just my $0.02.


This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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