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LOL...word.... :lol::lol:

Wow...you guys are tough...but I luvs you anyway....now...go ahead...call me a post whore for posting something completely meaningless...er...uh...wait...it's not meaningless cuz I said I love you..... :love7:


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:tweety: So, I was reading these posts, thinking..Hey, i know this term, I've heard it used before by a British friend...so I went to the best online encyclopedia and this is what I found.... Hmmmmm.... Dr. Bledsoe might not want to use this in England!!!!

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Look up wanker in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Wanker is a pejorative term of British origin, also common in Australia and New Zealand, literally meaning one who wanks (masturbates). It is particularly used of someone (usually male) who is self-obsessed or a show-off. It has the similar meanings and overtones to the American "jerk" or "jerk-off".

Although masturbation is now seen as a widespread and acceptable practice, the insulting properties of these terms still remain. The idea is not to draw attention to the fact that a male masturbates, but to emphasise that he has little sexual interaction with others and is left only with the option to masturbate. As with many profanities it is considered much less shocking today than before, but is nevertheless an insult.

The idea can also be conveyed using a hand gesture involving curling the fingers of the (usually right) hand into a loose fist and moving the hand back and forth in symbolic imitation of the act of male masturbation. This is probably most common during altercations between motorists.

Various jocular rhyming slang terms exist for wanker and wank, including merchant banker, Sherman (short for Sherman Tank), J. Arthur (J. Arthur Rank) and Jodrell (Jodrell Bank). Non-rhyming terms include 'five-knuckle shuffle' or 'spanking the monkey'


Usage and social acceptability

As with the word "jerk", the level of insult is dependent upon the situation. However, the use of the word in a potentially aggressive situation such as a football match can lead to much more serious consequences.

The term wanker has not been considered profane in the United States because of its British origins, though most Americans nowadays are familiar with the term, as they are with the mildly profane Britishism "bloody". In the ribald American sitcom Married... with Children, the character Peggy's maiden name was Wanker; Al Bundy's in-laws were therefore the Wankers. An episode of Mork & Mindy also included a character called Arnold Wanker, though this aired before the understanding of the term was common throughout the U.S. and was less likely to be intentional, as the Married... with Children usage was.

As most Americans are familiar with the term nowadays, such "incidental" uses as the Mork & Mindy example have declined. However, there remains an American brand of bottled beer named Wanker.

In the UK, the term would not generally be acceptable for use in front of minors, and would most likely lead to some form of discipline for those who were to say it during daytime television in the United Kingdom. That said, an infamous out-take from the word game Countdown records a moment when both contestants offered the word wankers as their answer, much to the embarrassment of the host of the show, the late Richard Whiteley.

A common use is in the phrase "The Referee's a Wanker", commonly chanted by football supporters to express disapproval towards a refree, almost invariably following a decision unfavourable to their team.

Humorous uses are common; a notable example being the song I'm a wanker in the cult TV comedy Men Behaving Badly, or the line "[i'm] not a wanker or a banker" in Devo's Triumph of the Will. There is an obvious separation between the insult and the reality of the act.

The term wanker has also been extended as a generic insult to cover self-aggrandizement or overly showy performance, specifically where the performer's impression of their own talent manifestly exceeds that of the audience. By extension, "wanking" can describe any activity which is showy but gives pleasure mainly to the participant, such as playing air guitar, free-form guitar playing or progressive jazz saxophone solos.

A related but less common slang term is wankered to mean "drunk". This usage is almost exclusively found in the UK, primarily in youth culture.


Other uses

According to the 1990 Census, "Wanker" is the 53,492nd most common surname in the United States. [1]

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wanker"

Categories: Profanity | Sexual slang

  • 1 month later...

Do I qualify here?

No radios, pagers, scanners, etc- don't want 'em

I do wear EMS boots all the time pretty much (hey, they are steel toed and when I'm not on duty I'm around horses, the steel comes in handy ! )

Alot of my clothing does come from various services I've worked for, fire schools, etc. Hey, I'll take anything (within reason) if it's free.

People see me in uniform more than they don't. I work 3 days a week Industrial EMS and 2 days a week for a Fire Dept

I am required to have Emergency Services plates on my car to be able to respond to a scene off duty if called in or as a fly car if needed which frequently happens (and helps prevent speeding tickets ). This is a department rule. Is surrounded by a license plate holder that says "thoroughbred breeder" on it....

I do have a small ( 2 inch) star of life and maltese cross in the far corner of my backseat window because I am proud of what I do. I also have a racehorse emblem on the other side though-so enough said there

I used to keep my stethoscope on my rearview mirror until I cleaned my car 'cause I could never find the daggone thing if I didn't ! Changed at the farm one too many times after getting off or going to work.

And yep, I wear my EMS coat everywhere 'cause it's waterproof and it was FREE ! No service on it though, just a subtle star of life on it.

Do I qualify yet?

  • 4 months later...

Ok I’m gana top it off lol if anyone can beat me I’ll be surprised!

I’m a volley with this doshhead that’s been in the service for 30 years.

He has only been employed as a fruit picker and school cleaner in his whole life!

He got married last year and he’s lyk 55 years old now….

He has the nickname of “radar” as he is obsessed with HAM and scanner radio, he only ever talks about this, in an 8hr shift that’s all he’ll talk about. By the end of the shift I’m in tears from boredom and mentally scared for life. On his belt he’ll have a pager, UHF, UHF CB, Police-fire-ambo scanner, airport radio, whether up date scanner ect…

He has this massive radio scanner that takes up the whole front seat of the ambulance, sticks a huge magnetic arrayal on top of the roof and on many occasions it has drained the battery then we get a call…

He calls me at 3AM to tell me that someone has been pulled over by the police or some poor person’s house is on fire.

He carry’s a trauma kit and ambulance overalls in the back of his car. I’m sure if it was legal to have LEDs in your POV he’d have them.

He stalks emergency services when ever they get a call out.

I also made a very big mistake of telling him about a big party I was going to, he parked the ambulance out the front just in case anyone passed out and made me walk around with portable radio.

Another guy we had was just plan obsessed with the flashing light!! He found it amusing to fly throw the centre of town with the beacons on because McDonalds was just about to close. The ambulance would also go missing at god knows what hour in the morning at return 3 days later…

Whackerish things I’ve done:

-Wore my uniform to school to give a presentation on party safe.

- My mates at motocross stuck an ambulance sticker on my bike (they think it’s funny that a medic races let alone can beat them lol)

- We have an ambulance sticker on the side of the family car (gives us free parking at Telstra Stadium!)

- I carry a small motorist kit in the car as paramedics can be a good 45mins away if there’s an MVA.


Do I compare to this guy lol????


Is being a wanker a good or bad thing. Sure I got a mini-lightbar on my pickup. But here in the hill country, WE are the ones who do traffic control on MVA, and the lights keep me from getting hit. I have 2 fd shirts, because there the only thing close to a uniform I have. And I got my Galls catalog because I need to order my ems pants from somewhere. So while I'm a fd/ems enthusiest, not really a wanker.

Here's a wanker. He wears three radio's at all times. His truck has light bar and siren. He bought a fire dept badge, which he wears on his blue vest when he works at Wal-Mart. He had been know to cry if he could not make the truck, likes to ride in them. And at the scene he always got the report box to fill out the report. He also loves to tell everyone he's a first reponder.

The last call we had was a roll-over semi. One of the patients had a amputated arm. He was first on scene. He promply got out of truck, put on the full turn-outs and started to direct the non-existing traffic. He never got close to the semi at all. He had a history of doing things like this, and now no longer is on our fire deptment. He joined the town fd, where he rides around town in a old cop car. He now has a "personal" fire vehicle.

This is my definition of a wanker.

  • 2 weeks later...
-5 for spelling stethoscope incorrectly.

All you need now is a light bar, a star of life tattoo, some Oakley's and shave your head. Oops, wrong sex. Just a few stickers on your POV and you'll be good to go. :D

BTW, welcome to EMT City!

Dang... I thought I was good not putting the star of life on my truck until AFTER I got my registration lol.. I never considered myself a wanker.. but where do I sign up? I have the truck sticker, and the Oakley's. (But not the Fakeley's that say EMT on the side either)

haha! You guys are too funny!

He has only been employed as a fruit picker and school cleaner in his whole life!

He got married last year and he’s lyk 55 years old now….

Timmy - Although I'm not clear of the advantages to the alternatives, namely unemployment, fruit-free diets, dirty schools, confirmed bachelor/spinsterhood, or premature death, :? it sounds like you've found your man. :D/

By the way, Google's sole entry for "doshhead" is your use here. Congratulations!


If I understand the always confusing New York State, and the contrary to the state's New York City, Vehicle and Traffic Laws, to have a radio capable of listening in to, and interfering with, Police broadcasts in a vehicle, without a permit, is a crime. However, nobody seems to be issuing these permits, at $25.00 per Police agency jurisdiction. You'd think the jurisdictions would want to get money...

However, in the same NYS VTL law, it states the LEOs and some "Peace Officer" status folks, don't need the permit, at least while performing the job, then states that licenced Amateur Radio Operators, known by some as HAM Radio operators, don't need the permits.

If this nimrod is placing electronic equipment into the ambulance that can interfere, or be interfered with, by the ambulance's electronics and/or communications gear, the individual is a fool. Also, even municipal ambulances get broken into, so the individual risks loss of their stuff by a thief (back in the 1970s CB radio craze, I was robbed of my CB walkie-talkie, so I speak from a little experience).

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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