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Jake that is true but once the instructor puts himself in that compromising position of having any type of romantic relationship with a student this could happen:

Said student breaks up with said instructor, gets a failing or poor grade or is cut from the class due to poor performance so the instructor says. She files complaint, or worse sues the educational entity for being cut after she broke up with said instructor. WINS the case, school stops class.

This has happened countless times where an instructor and the student get together and BAD things happen.

I don't see how anyone here can be defending this if it happens. To me it's black and white. There are just too many bad things that can come out of a relationship between the instructor and the student.

Then we get in to the arena where all the students know that instructor A is banging student A. Student A is getting great grades, better than anyone in class is. They file complaints because they foresee either cheating or extra help(cheating) and it gets ugly. I speak from experience since this happened in our class. The worst student proven by her first 3 tests of 65%, 50% and 70% started a relationship with the instructor. She miraculously jumped to 98% and above on all subsequent tests. We went to the instructor and he told us it was not our business what he did with anyone. We then went to the director of the class and both instructor and student were removed from the class.

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If you have little miss big boobs batting her eyelashes at the preceptors for a better grade, how do you deal with her? That can be a MUCH more difficult situation

It's like you have ESP! :P Actually that's the exact situation that disturbed me so much. The one girl I know of for sure has a "reputation" already around the clinical and rideout setting. She's incompetent, obnoxious, and hates to study or do actual "work". However, she's a "little miss bigboobs" (no offense to any short and or busty women around here of course) and this is one of the only ways she can actually get through her clinicals. She's trying to build up contacts and curry favour for when our final consolidation phase takes place. Well, at least that's how I see things happening... IF she actually passes her classes this semester...

If it were a matter of two people being introduced to each other through EMS or a clinical setting, then fine as long as it didn't interfere with their work or schooling. If I met a cute nurse or medic while I was in clinical or rideout, I might make a note of it and maintain a friendly relationship with her, but I'd definitely be careful not to cause any sort of conflict. We're supposed to be adults here, and maintain a professional attitude towards our patients and co workers (and students). Most of the people in my class understand that. It's just an unfortunate few who don't.


I'd like to talk privately with my course director, but what should I say to him?


Hehe no, but I know what college you're talking about. The one I go to is somewhat nearby though...

Heh, there are like 3 schools at least in Ontario that do PCP and have the initials C.C. However if this is the school that I am thinking about (and has a loose term for "one hundred" in it) then it has a BRUTAL REP. And apparently it continues...

I know that in my intake at work there were MULTIPLE people from said school that had relations with preceptors/lab techs/instructors. While I don't doubt that most/all of them were able students, it does plant a seed of doubt as per examples with other people in class. Unfortunately, ultimately they are almost always female students...

"Little misbigboobs" eh? Is she a brunette and decent looking? If she rides out in T.O. tell her I'll precept her... :P

I'd like to talk privately with my course director, but what should I say to him?

Again, if this is the school I am thinking of, it already has a bad rep that has been going on for years. I would assume that it would be already known by the director. See in some respects that is the problem for hiring "lab techs" that are already paramedics, the majority of which are young (say early 30's or below). Also most PCP preceptors are also young so it can be a recipe for academic misadventure (and hot monkey love) that tends to piss people off. Especially if it involves say "poorer" students who may be getting by because of it. Ya, it sucks. Honestly I can't really see anything much happening out of it. If this person is already poor academic and practically then they probably are known and a) should have been kicked out already or :P are screwing there way to a job.

Paramedicine is so popular now and certain services so desperate that they may simply retest and re-mediate until they pass. Total BS believe me. It boggled my mind how certain people even after over half my class failed out that still some people made it through. How? Threatening to sue, discrimination, whatever...I could go on a rant about this but...

That being said I have no issues with having student to student relations in class. *cough* Not that I would have any past experience in that *cough, good times, cough* :wink:


I think it's human nature. It happens in every profession, through all ranks I'm sure. (think about it...boss, secretary; principal,teacher....etc, etc, etc) And how about nepotism, I saw that mentioned...what about Mommy or Daddy who's kid is in the class?? At some point, I believe it works itself out (if they can't cut it, they don't make it type thing) If it involves two consenting adults-who cares??

Anyway, there isn't anything you or I or anyone else can do about it, and it's been going on forever. If it doesn't directly affect you (i.e. you aren't the one 'involved')-let it go.....concentrate on yourself and your studies......who cares who's knockin' boots with whom!

Just my .02

"Little misbigboobs" eh? Is she a brunette and decent looking? If she rides out in T.O. tell her I'll precept her... :P

Careful, VS. I think she may be on this board. :lol:

SPELL CHECKED: No errors found. 8)


Again, if this is the school I am thinking of, it already has a bad rep that has been going on for years. I would assume that it would be already known by the director. See in some respects that is the problem for hiring "lab techs" that are already paramedics, the majority of which are young (say early 30's or below)......

My college's program is actually relatively new (we're the 3rd class ever), so no bad rep just yet... But I see what you mean about the young "lab techs". Fortunately, this hasn't been a problem yet, since all the lab techs we've had are middle-aged, married men...

And as for student-student relations... I... uhh... plead the fifth.... Wait, that's an American thing... damn! well then in that case... I plead insanity :lol:

Maybe our program director knows, but then again maybe he doesn't. I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a word with him, although he has a tendency of being moody. Some days, he'll be like my best friend; other days, it's like he wants to tear my head off. I thought only women were like that! :wink: I just wonder how I'll start it off... Something like: "I'm concerned about inappropriate things going on during placement..." I think that sounds like a good introduction... I just have to make sure to catch him during one of his good moods!

and by the way, "littlemissbigboobs" isn't a brunette, sorry to disappoint :P


Well wasnt this an interesting thread to stumble upon. It is great to know my school is thought highly of here. I do have to say that sure there might be some crazy stuff going on (which I have not heard about happening at school), our techs are professional. This makes me mad. Isnt there bad stuff going on at each school? Whatever is said, we have a 100% pass rate first try on the EMCA. Im sorry but some of us can get through this program by our own skills and abilities not having to bribe our techs by sleeping with them.


Every class that I've been involved with, either as an instructor or preceptor/clinical evaluator, someone has tried to bat their eyes at me. I honestly try to maintain a level of professionalism, but sometimes I truly want to ring their necks. :twisted:

I don't care who you are, or what the setting that I interact with you is. If you don't know what you should know, you will not be granted a passing score. Students will try most anything to pull one over on an instructor. Only the weak ones allow this to happen. Might explain why there are so many piss poor providers fresh from classes.

Of course, I'm also of the opinion that if you have a license/certification and you don't know something that you should, don't expect me to teach it to you while I am fixing your mistakes.

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