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My program used:

Brady's Paramedic Care, five volume set with workbooks

Brady's BTLS for advanced providers

BTLS International Pediatric BTLS

BTLS Access

AHA Neonatal Resuscitation

ABA Advanced Burn Life Support

Brady's 4-step method to drug calculations

Martini - Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

Incl. Applications Manual and Atlas of the human body

Brady's Basic Arrhythmia's (Walraven)

Bob Page - 12 Lead ECG for the acute care provider



Prentice Hall drug guide for healthcare professionals

ALS/Critical care field guide

Paramedic drug guide

On my own I purchased a comprehensive medical dictionary and a review manual. My understanding is the five volume text is far and away better then the large one volume book. My significant other used nearly the same textbooks, including the five volume Brady set. Nothing against Mosby, but when I took my first advanced class we used a Mosby book. Brady just seems to have text books that are informative and easy to read. Mosby would probably put out a great cookbook. :D


Has anyone ever used the paramedic textbook by Henry and Stapleton? It's an older book, so I will direct this at the veterans.


I don't have my book list handy but we are using:

Brady A&P For Emergency Care

Brady Essentials of Paramedic Care, 2nd ed (publishes March 8, 06)

PEPP, 2nd ed


There are a lot more but I can't remember them off the top of my head. I'll have to get my book list then edit this post later.


hi ppl ,

i am 2nd year paramedic student in ontario canada

Here are my list ...

Paramedic text boook 2nd edition

Priciples of pathophysiology and emergency medical care

Basic and advanced prehospital trauma life support

comprehensive guide to prehospital skills

medical terminology -language fro health care

Emergency dysrhythmias ECG injury patterns

Essential of human anatomry & physiology

why driven ems enrichment

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