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I got a nice phone call this morning - Im due for a panel interview at an EMS Co in the next county over Monday morning.

While I know there have been several threads disscussing EMS job interviews - can you guys give me some pointers and some ideas of what to expect in a panel interview? Any questions I need to be prepared for? Any questions I should be asking?

This is definitely a nice relief after the job searching getting me down. Kinda funny how just when you give up, something unexpected happens. I guess it just goes to show how impatient I can be at times.

Anyway enough of my rambling on- Im just looking for tips and pointers on how to walk into this interview confident but not cocky. Ive been studying up and refreshing myself on my skills and knowledge.

Thanks in advance guys.

Alco 8)

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Minus 5 for poor subject title.

Minus 5 for not searching previous topics.


Congratulations, and good luck!


Very nice Alco.... Glad to hear it.. and yes, I have to agree with you.. just when life has beaten you to a pulp, and you feel like you're gonna have to give it up.. things change dramatically.


Just out of curiosity, it is difficult to get an EMS job in other parts of the country? Here all you need is a pulse and a card (the ink doesn't even have to be dry) and the pulse is negotiable.


It can be extremely difficult for a new grad basic to get an EMS job in many, many areas nationwide. It's darn near impossible in Tarrant County (Fort Worth) Texas. Except for a couple of very small suburbs who have FD run services, the rest of the country is run by a total of two services. Both of them have more applicants than they know what to do with, and are pretty picky about who they hire. And, of course, both of those services also have exclusivity ordinances that prevent other companies from even running transfer.

So, what to do? You can go one county east to Dallas County, but each and every city EMS there is run by their FD. The two counties north of Dallas and Tarrant counties? All FD run. The two counties south of Dallas and Tarrant? Private contracts for one company in each of the counties. Being mostly rural, they only have a few units, and therefore few jobs. So, sadly enough, the only job that a new grad has the slightest chance at in the entire Dallas - Fort Worth Metroplex is driving a transfer truck in Dallas. And yes, they hire anybody with a pulse. The patch is optional. But there simply aren't any EMS jobs.

I see that being the case in many other areas nationwide. And it is really not at all hard to figure out. That's why I tend to have zero sympathy for somebody who goes to EMT school and then whines that they can't get a job. Half an hour of rudimentary market analysis would have told them they were not likely to find a job in their area.

Always look before you leap!


Well Dust is right - there are more EMTs than EMT jobs nationwide with many many schools churning out basics left and right. It seems its a bit easier for newly graduated Medics as I see ads for Medics more often than for basics.

Even though it may only be part time, its a start to a hopefully successful EMS career for me.

And I also noticed someone changed my thread title, :D

Alco 8)

Just out of curiosity, it is difficult to get an EMS job in other parts of the country? Here all you need is a pulse and a card (the ink doesn't even have to be dry) and the pulse is negotiable.

You just described the area with in Houston.


Yeah EMT's are a dime a dozen. But I refused to go to medic school without any experiance. I just started a part time and a full time job after 6 months of searching. now I plain on starting medic school in oct 2007 and I am going to work every shift I can between now and then I feel it will help me in medic school.I can tell you it does not hurt to know someone that already works there.


Well done girl, had not heard for a long time re your job hunting, thought you had given up.

Lots of tips spring to mind but ill give you just one, dont ask about pay etc, until they offer you the job. You can allways turn it down, but you need to appear interested more in the experience, and job rather than the time off and pay at the interview.

Hope that makes sense, cause I am 25 mins from finishing a 12 hour night shift and up all night.

Cheers and good luck


Way to go Alco!

Just be yourself, personable and confident as you said, not cocky. ( can I say that here? )

I have always found if you dress professionally, the interviewer seems to notice you a bit more. Don't smoke ( if you do ) before your interview.

Good luck!

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