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If you won the appeals.. why did they charge you for this ? Sounds odd. You were told this,by your instructor or was this more here say? It was your evaluation, he should had showed your clinical performance. If your school did you this wrong, you should had received your money back with an apology as well as program director discussing with preceptors service. This preceptor should not continue to be one. Was there no discussion during your clinical time(s) of your grades, performance level, etc.. seems odd that you would find out only at the end.

I don't care about the size, sex, color, etc.. when they are a student ... I do know some that feels image is important and yes being obese in EMS can be a hindrance inside small units and movement. But, I would hope the sole basis of clinical performance would not be based upon looks alone.

The same is true, I have not seen where clinicals was the majority portion of the grade was based upon clinical grades.

R/R 911

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Connie....It's unfortunate the way you were treated and the way you felt walking away from all of this. However, don't let it get ya down. :wink: I, like Rid, do not judge based upon weight or size. If you are able to do the job, you are able to do the job. If not, don't bother. That's my attitude. There are those that want to learn, and those that are lazy and want everything handed to them. Unfortuantely, in this business, just as there are lazy and unprepared students, there are also lazy and inappropriately behaved instructors and mentors. That is not acceptable any more than being a lazy student. As Dust and Rid both commented on briefly, education has been seriously lacking in EMS in a lot of areas for years. Unfortuantely, a lot of us have gotten jaded because of it. It's certainly not an excuse, and not because we mean to. But, more often, because it's the cold hard truth. Most students are not prepared. Now, for that I blame both the student AND the instructor. The instructor for allowing these students to leave their classroom unprepared. The students for not having the responsibility and good self respect to speak up and say, "Hey...I don't know what the hell I'm doing...maybe I need more practice before I embarrass myself." It's a whole lot easier to learn in class than it is to be looking like a fool in clinicals when you can't take a BP.

I'm sorry...I didn't mean to get on my soapbox...but the way you were treated could be a result of someone just being tired of all the BS. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and will probably piss a lot of women off, but it has to be said.... I've never been disrespected in this field because I'm a female. Nor, do I ever suspect I will. Why? Because people who know me know that I don't play on the female bullshit. I don't want or expect any special treatment. All I want is the fair chance to be able to do my job and do it well. Nothing pisses me off more than a woman who gets into this field and then allows their lazy ass to not pull their fair share of the weight because they don't feel they should have to because they are a girl. That's crap. If I knew I couldn't go to work and give 150% of myself to my department and to my co-workers and my community, then I wouldn't be here. I've heard so many whiny women utter crap like..."It's TOOOOO HEEEEAVVVVVVVYYYYYYY"....or...."I don't FEEEEEEEELLLLLLL goooooodd" or "I can't DOOOOOOOOOOO thisssss". That makes me madder than anything in the world!!!! Why? Because it is a downright utter shame and embarrassment to our gender as a whole, and I take it personally. I guarantee you any guy that you talk to that works with me will tell you...I am able and willing to do the job and they have no issue with being my partner. It's not because of any other reason, than the fact that I've busted my ass to earn their respect. Now, I'm not overweight. Quite the opposite...I am small. But, I have that on my side, which can be just as difficult. But, I absolutely REFUSE to let it stop me, or to allow anyone to EVER be able to say that I can't or won't do my fair share. Instead, they are usually pulling me back going...."we'll get it"....and those that know me better are going..."let her go....She won't listen to you. You can't stop her"...LMAO. My point here is....there are certain sort of women that give us a bad name in this profession. You have to prove that you aren't one of them. Maybe that is why you were treated that way. It's not necessarily fair...but life is not fair...So, don't get mad....get even!!

You have to be willing to kick ass at your job. The day I can't.....is the day I get off the truck.

Please don't take any of this the wrong way. This is not meant for you personally....it's meant to help shed some light on what I think is a huge problem in this field. Just trying to help you look at things from a different angle... 8)

Go get 'em girl.... :wink:



  medik8 said:
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and will probably piss a lot of women off, but it has to be said.... I've never been disrespected in this field because I'm a female. Nor, do I ever suspect I will. Why? Because people who know me know that I don't play on the female bullshit. I don't want or expect any special treatment. All I want is the fair chance to be able to do my job and do it well. Nothing pisses me off more than a woman who gets into this field and then allows their lazy ass to not pull their fair share of the weight because they don't feel they should have to because they are a girl. That's crap. If I knew I couldn't go to work and give 150% of myself to my department and to my co-workers and my community, then I wouldn't be here. I've heard so many whiny women utter crap like..."It's TOOOOO HEEEEAVVVVVVVYYYYYYY"....or...."I don't FEEEEEEEELLLLLLL goooooodd" or "I can't DOOOOOOOOOOO thisssss". That makes me madder than anything in the world!!!! Why? Because it is a downright utter shame and embarrassment to our gender as a whole, and I take it personally. I guarantee you any guy that you talk to that works with me will tell you...I am able and willing to do the job and they have no issue with being my partner. It's not because of any other reason, than the fact that I've busted my ass to earn their respect. Now, I'm not overweight. Quite the opposite...I am small. But, I have that on my side, which can be just as difficult. But, I absolutely REFUSE to let it stop me, or to allow anyone to EVER be able to say that I can't or won't do my fair share. Instead, they are usually pulling me back going...."we'll get it"....and those that know me better are going..."let her go....She won't listen to you. You can't stop her"...LMAO. My point here is....there are certain sort of women that give us a bad name in this profession. You have to prove that you aren't one of them. Maybe that is why you were treated that way. It's not necessarily fair...but life is not fair...So, don't get mad....get even!!

*standing up and applauding*

I'm a woman and far from being pissed off. Women who piss and moan about equal rights then retract that when the going gets tough deserve a swift kick in the pants followed by a "Suck it up and get your a** moving or get back in the kitchen" lecture.


So true Medik8.. We have some females on my crew. Both are very opposites. One is truly female..but she is "one of the guys" and performs outstandingly well as a medic performing all her duties (she evens volunteers as a Firefighter on her days off) .. she is definitely not manly built, but can lift a well as others. The other female, uses her height and frame as issue more than the female gender, but does try to pawn off her size is due to her gender. Everyone is tired of her not pulling her fair share etc....

Over the course of several years, I have seen many as was described. I have seen many play games , it might be cute at first for some... buy, after a while..... it wears off and then resentment sets in. So those that are considering such behavior, I highly discourage it, if you want a career.

This goes from clinical phase to being employed. The same goes for the "macho" type male, that has ego and being vain.... it wears out thin as well.

Be safe,

R/R 911





Franco: You know one time she beat the living shit out of me?

Sean: Oh, come on. She's a chick, bro.

Franco: Yeah, not when she's high she ain't. Touch of tequila, dollop of blow, she's the Jolly Green goddamn Giant.

Tommy: So, you got a woman who can do the job better than the guys on my crew? Bring her on. You know? You got a martian, or a cyborg, or a China man that can do the job, bring them on too.

Dr. Goldberg: Are there any Chinese firefighters?

Tommy: Yeah, probably. Somewhere in China.

Mary Magdalene: My ride's here.
(Jesus drives up in a Lamborghini and lowers his sunglasses)





LMFAO..... Wow....responses I didn't know I'd get. Good to know you agree Wackie....Rid.... :wink:

Ace...as always, thanks for the entertaining pics. She definitely looks like she could handle most anything. I'd let her be my partner anytime. LOL! In fact...she brings along those guns...she can pretty much do anything she wants...

Seriously though...it's good to see that others share my point of view and my frustration. It's probably #1 on my peeve list. :banghead:


Luv 8

  • 2 weeks later...

I was reading back over yall's answers to my questions about what to expect during clinicals. I'd have to say a big thanks for the tips. :lol: My ride times with an ambulance company have really been a great learning experience. But, it's been scary. Every time I go, I feel like a lost goose in a zoo. [i'm told this is normal?] 24 hours suddenly became like squat to me. This company allows students to third ride anytime, so they said I was more than welcome to keep riding once I get my hours in. 8)


Awesome! Good for you.. I'm glad that you're having a good experience... get all of the ride time you can... it'll pay off in the end.

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