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I remember I call I ran a few years ago for a MVC in an area thats famous for it's very deep ditches. We pulled up to the scene along with the engine and our medic unit. I noticed a hatchback car down in the ditch, so deep that the top of the car was even with the road and was still occupied with the driver. Since the doors would nit open due to being in the ditch, I opened the hatchback and crawled inside to the occupant. AS I crawled up to the driver, my partner was talking to the male driver. I heard my partner ask "Are you okay?" and touched him. The Driver eplied "Don't touch me!" My partner and I quizzidly looked at each other and the first thing going through my mind was, this guy is either drunk, high or has a altered mental status due to an injury. I folded up the passenger seat to get a better look at the driver and it was at that point when I noticed the snake in the car: 12 feet long, long fangs, a mouth big enough to swallow a man, hissing and very aggitated !(okay I exagerated, it was 11 feet! No wait, it was only about 14 inches long) I saluted it, screamed like a little school girl and crawled out of there leaving a brown streak in my path of exit! (okay, I exagerated again, I didn't salute) The guy was, we found out later, was using some halucinigent drugs and was very messed up! I'll never forget that call! Especially since the guy who went in to get the snake threw it at me! :roll: :shock:


Actually I crawled in to see if he'd share whatever he was on! :shock: :twisted: 8) :) :wink:


LMAO & getting strange looks from my stepkids, who, fortunately know better than to ask. Are you sure you weren't the one on the hallucinogen?


LMAO...big long snakes don't scare me....no prob. But...throw a spider on me or let one sneak up on me, and folks, you've got yourself ANOTHER patient. :shock: I pass out. Damn...I hate it, :oops: but what am I to do?!!?? It's my one true weakness. Hate those damn things. Would rather SLEEP with a snake than have a spider anywhere near me!



AH - you guys are wimps! I have no fear of reptiles, insects, or any other creepy crawlies.

The only thing that gives me the screaming heebie jeebies is parnsips. Put one on my plate and I'll have nightmares for a week. Put me in a field of them, I would probably go catatonic!

And people actually EAT them?

AH - you guys are wimps! I have no fear of reptiles, insects, or any other creepy crawlies.

The only thing that gives me the screaming heebie jeebies is parnsips. Put one on my plate and I'll have nightmares for a week. Put me in a field of them, I would probably go catatonic!

And people actually EAT them?


Your killing me here, the closest thing you have to insects where you live are mosqitoes (sans malaria or denge fever) and killer ice worms, I will send you a bushmaster or a camel spider, they really like parsnips.



Yeah - but they are BIG mosquitoes!

Also did spend a chunk of my childhood in West Africa, where we had a menagerie of poisonous reptiles, and collected scorpions. Never ate any of them though, like the locals did.



Your killing me here, the closest thing you have to insects where you live are mosqitoes (sans malaria or denge fever) and killer ice worms, I will send you a bushmaster or a camel spider, they really like parsnips.



Killer Ice Worms?

Camel Spiders?

:shock: WTF?!??


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