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Being a member of a volunteer ems squad, at least here it is very valuable. My station is in the rural part of the county and the paid county ems has about a 10 minutes eta going emergency traffic, where we can be there in 2-4 minutes..so maybe where you are is may not be necessary but here it is. And oh yeah im also new here and just want to say hey.

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  VFD*EMT-B* said:
Being a member of a volunteer ems squad, at least here it is very valuable. My station is in the rural part of the county and the paid county ems has about a 10 minutes eta going emergency traffic, where we can be there in 2-4 minutes..so maybe where you are is may not be necessary but here it is. And oh yeah im also new here and just want to say hey.

First off, welcome.

However, your Volunteer is not valuable. It is the only thing that is keeping your area from having a full-time paid EMS crew. It may take the paid guys 10 minutes to arrive on scene but picture this.... The paid guys are in your station.... Or you are one of the paid guys....

Nobody is going to offer to pay for a service that they already get for free.

Nobody is going to offer to pay for a service that they already get for free.

Actually we do transport to the hospital (if its a BLS call or a paramedic on board)and the patient does get charged for our services so we arent technically free. And also ems is trying to put paid employees into our station due to the volunteer shortage, and if it was in the budget im sure it would be all paid but right now the counties EMS budget cant allow for that to happen. I think it would be wonderful to have that happen to our station though.


If you weren't there today for free, it would be in the budget tomorrow.


  VFD*EMT-B* said:
And also ems is trying to put paid employees into our station due to the volunteer shortage, and if it was in the budget im sure it would be all paid but right now the counties EMS budget cant allow for that to happen.

So really, your service isn't that valuable if you don't have enough volunteers to respond to calls.

Like dust said, if there was no-one jumping in a truck today for free they would find a way to pay for someone to do it tomorrow.

Again, welcome.


Hm - 12 pages later..... Has anybody reviewed the thread to see if there is a single new idea in the past 5 or 6 pages? It is the same stuff, being said by the same people. It is not constructive, or even instructive, any more.

  MedicNorth said:
It is the same stuff, being said by the same people. It is not constructive, or even instructive, any more.

It's not the same people. It is a different newbie on every page who is in denial, hasn't read the thread, and starts it all over again.


:-({|= So, this is on the verge of becoming boring....... Oh, sh.., I guess maybe it already is.

Obviously the solution is for everyone to work toward developing a paid system in their community. I'm not keen on going on withdrawing services for a day to prove a point. Dust....that would be the day your mother went into cardiac arrest and then you would be really pissed....

So, back to the suggestion to stop blaming the volunteers who fill the niche created by the screwed up system. You know what its like when you are confrontational with a patient. They get defensive. So do I. So what about using some of the active listening skills that you might actually have, being paid and all, and use some creative thinking. Get the volunteers on your side. Sweet words work better than bitter ones. This is an obvious dilemna everywhere around here, except Canada with its socialized medicine paying for services folks have to fork out big time for here (didn't someone mention that socializing medicine is the only way this problem will be resolved). Every volunteer I know would rather be paid. So join forces with us instead of fighting us. Maybe you'll have better luck by sifting through and finding who your allies are before you make blanket statements about all volunteers....](*,)

yaawwwnnnnn..... I feel like I'm having a deja vu.......... so sleepy....... z


z z

z z z

  cdemt5710 said:
Dust....that would be the day your mother went into cardiac arrest and then you would be really pissed.

Wrong. I do not now, nor would I ever be stupid enough to reside in a community which did not provide me with adequate, professional basic services. Try again.

So, back to the suggestion to stop blaming the volunteers who fill the niche created by the screwed up system. You know what its like when you are confrontational with a patient. They get defensive. So do I. So what about using some of the active listening skills that you might actually have, being paid and all, and use some creative thinking. Get the volunteers on your side. Sweet words work better than bitter ones.

So, what exactly does that mean? By volunteering, they are not on anybody's "side" but their own personal egos. To be on our "side," they would have to quit, which would not fit with their egos. As Rid so accurately pointed out here, almost every post from every volly is about "I" and "me." There is no getting those people on your side. Get real.


You are absolutely correct dust.

As long as everybody is being self centered.

"I" made 60000 dollars last year. "I" only work 42 hours a week. "I" am not on call when at home. "I" have excellent benifits. and "I" have an excellent pension.

If you are going to be self centered make sure you actually have something to be self centered about.

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