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Thanks on the FYI I don't have one of those types of phones so I wasn't sure. Thanks

I never have my phone on when I am working, I turn it on when I know I have a break. It is second nature to all of us to grab our phones or pagers when they go off and unfortunately a lot of times we will grab the phone, it's just a matter of habit.

I have had to tell a partner or two to turn off the phone or not answer the phone when on scene and also while driving. I'm not about to become a statistic.

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I have been in EMS for 30 YRS. MARRIED for almost 25 YRS. my wife knew what my life's calling was / is when she met me. Yes there were times when she had a problem with the hrs. and shifts I worked. Sometimes, I just did not tell her what happened on shift ( somethings were just better left unsaid and unknown on her part) Yes she saw the news reports on TV of thing that were going on.... The calls I was on. I would get that panicked phone call later. You know.... I wouldn't have changed a thing... I loved EMS...I love my family very much... ..I retired from EMS at the first of the year and guess what.... I am a Police officer now...IT'S NOT A JOB...It's a life style.....It's in our blood.... we live for it every day....it's who we are...... it's what we do...

It's hard to find that special someone who understands what we do everyday.....Best of luck

  AJ said:
#1 i am not dumping him. we're looking at marriage. adolescent crush?? i think not.

Wish you the best of luck..... reply back to this in 1 year, then 2 years.... if you are still together.. will place a BIG post about it..

again, good luck,

R?R 911

  AJ said:
advice yes, degredation and insults no! i have enough people tearing me down right now, i don't need ya'lls doing that too. isn't it enough to have to deal with my co-workers? oh wait, that's right, i'm a paramedic student. that makes me fair game for anyone who wants to take pot shots at me. thanks for your help, and to those of you who actually offered non-judgemental advice it is much appreciated. for the rest of you, go kiss a truck, or why don't you go gargle about 9 pounds of concrete?

Wow....AJ....you need to get a grip girl....I'm sorry...but you don't get on here asking for advice and then get all pissed off because it's not what you want to hear and throw it in everyone's face. You have to calm down and remember...there are a lot of different types of people on this board. Some are soft, some are hard...some are old, some are young...Some are educators, some are students...We are all individuals with different points of view. Read the posts...take what you want from them and leave the rest. Even if the comments seem rude...everyone is just trying to help. After all...isn't that what you asked for in the first place?.....our opinions and our help???.....Hmmmmm..... :roll:

P.S... I have had a couple failed relationships....I'm sorry but the odds are NOT in your favor. I hope you prove us wrong...it's possible....I suppose....



8, I don't think she wanted the negative advice. I think she wanted the advice all sugar coated and for everyone else to say, AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW it'll be all right. Don't fret, you guys can do it.

Believe it or not when I first started out as a medic in 1987, I was dating a resident for a surgical residency. She didn't understand and hated my hours. Go figure, a resident in surgery hating my hours. We broke up.

I then met my wife about 5 years later and I was very up front with her and told her, I worked 24 hour shifts and then was on call. I told her she had to understand that she would always be a big part of my life but that EMS is a calling and if she didn't think she could handle the hours then we shouldn't go any futher. So far so good and we've been married since 1993.

AJ I hope that you and your boyfriend can handle this but I have more friends whose relationships have faltered and ended due to the hours and such than I have friends whose relationships have made it. For every 10 that fail there is only 1 - 2 that are successful.

Like RLD said, get back to us in a year and if you and your boyfriend are still together we will post it from the roof tops, put it on the goodyear blimp and send you a "WAY TO GO" post on this site.

  AJ said:
#1 i am not dumping him. we're looking at marriage. adolescent crush?? i think not.

I don't know how old you are, but you sound very young. Even if you have no plans to break up... don't rush into marriage..... unless you want to become a statistic.

If I became Emperor of the world... you would have to be at least 26 years old to get married, and you would have to live with each other for at least 1 year before marriage. Take it slow, make sure it works. Don't get sucked into the "he's the ONE" bull... there are lots of ONES, that you could be compatible with. Make sure you guys can live with each other first.


hey AJ sounds to me like your a young immature little girl with no social skills. If your a student your phone shouldn't even be with you. If your one of my students and your phone goes off you would be packing and going home. As a student you should be either hitting the books or running calls. I bet your prob. way behind in your school. Oh well just another idiot under trained paramedic hitting the streets. I hope you never work in my area because I would have to keep my lawyers number handy when you screw up. I can see it now well mister go kiss a truck or what ever cleaver comment you come up with. Or sorry I can't treat your ripping MI because I was talking to my boyfriend instead of doing my studies. As for your no sex to married I know people that do that. They are ugly and if anyone would see them naked prior to marriage the other person would run. Well have fun AJ come and attack me or get a life and learn how to deal with the human race. Obviously your school never had and social events or taught social skills.


  cosgrojo said:
If I became Emperor of the world... you would have to be at least 26 years old to get married, and you would have to live with each other for at least 1 year before marriage. Take it slow, make sure it works. Don't get sucked into the "he's the ONE" bull... there are lots of ONES, that you could be compatible with. Make sure you guys can live with each other first.

I'm not sure 26 is old enough....and one year? Hell, I was still finding new things out after 4, and at 4 1/2 I decided I didn't like what I saw anymore. And if you are going to have more than one, definitely find out if your guys can live together. (Is that what he meant?) :scratch:

  hammerpcp said:

I'm not sure 26 is old enough....and one year? Hell, I was still finding new things out after 4, and at 4 1/2 I decided I didn't like what I saw anymore. And if you are going to have more than one, definitely find out if your guys can live together. (Is that what he meant?) :scratch:

:lol: This was just a bare minimum requirement..... And yes... it's very important to make sure that your multiple ONES can co-habitate. :lol:


LMAO! :lol:

This thread gets better by the minute! :lol:

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