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what is the rationale or benefit of 24 hour shifts 2 days a week as opposed to 8 hour shifts 5 days a week in the EMS and or fire industry? and why are these the only industries that have this type of schedule (that i can think of)?

what is the rationale or benefit of 24 hour shifts 2 days a week as opposed to 8 hour shifts 5 days a week in the EMS and or fire industry? and why are these the only industries that have this type of schedule (that i can think of)?

i can tell you the rational for 12 -14 hour shifts - more days off, but 24 and 48 hour shifts are a particualr US ems / fire thing

would be illegal in the UK (or any EU state)


24 hour shifts work if your at a service that isn't running 24 hours a day, 365 days straight. I ride around in a Ford Explorer, so I'm not always on every call. I get to sleep most nights, works out great for my schooling.


You mean you can actually just work one or the other? LMAO...between my 5 million jobs...some of which are 12 hour shifts and the others 24's...I work so damn much mine all run together anyway...so it's as if I do almost work daily....except...like...3 of one person's weeks into one of mine... :shock:

I know...I'm a glutton for punishment....

I don't really have an answer to your question, except that it's alway been that way...I like it though. I hate when I work 12's. Would MUCH rather work a 24....dunno....just my opinion...




Yes, this is an American problem.

The 24 hour schedule is good for the smaller departments that don't run many calls. Once you hit, 10-15 calls per unit, the utility of the 24 hour day is seriously compromised. Most metro areas use a combination 8-10-12 hour schedule. These allow for more staffing during the "peak" hours. This could very well be the only good thing about system status management.

With the 24 hour routine, you tend to get more days off, but at the same time, you will spend more time recovering.


most of our 24 hour stations work a 4x4 roster, 2 days (10 hrs) then 2 nights (14 hrs) gives u more days off.


A lot of it is simple economics.. Less FTE, and more $$ for medics. Our service is considering, 12 hr instead of 24 due to the increase number of calls as well. However; this would be a major reduction in pay for medics. As this time there paid for the full 24 hr shift & are guaranteed overtime and we only work 10 shifts a month, which allows most work a part time job as well.

Management would have to place a full crew for 12 hr shift as well and dip into the budget. Thus decrease benefits, and pay... Yes, we would get more an hour, but less yearly.

Personally, I have worked both and 12 hr.. shifts. 12 hr shifts seems like you just get off duty and time to go back on duty again.. then, too exhausted to work part time. Both shifts has benefits and disadvantages.

Be safe,

R/r 911


When I started in EMS some 30 yrs ago we worked 48 on and 48 off....then it changed to 48 on 24 off one week then 24 on and 48's off the next week....that was a messed up shift...but it then went to the 10 - 24hr shifts a mo.

but as one post said the more calls the system has the shorter the shifts become to fight fatigue with the crews


We work 24 on and 72 off. Its pretty sweet only working 7 or 8 days a month. The reason we have 24 hour shifts in our area is to reduce overtime on the 12 hour units. We have mostly 12 hour bases seperated by a couple of 24 hr bases. That way there are units avaliable to do calls, coverages and transfers during the critical hours where other units are coming up on a crew change. ie. between six and eight oclock in morning and night.


The best benefit i can think of is that with gas prices so high you dont have to do 10 round trips to work every week, it will really save you on gas.... but it is also true about not being able to do it if you are working at a busy station...

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