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In turn, Paramedics are supposed to be better than Basics or Intermediates [including Canadian equivalents]. As an ALS provider, one should be more than thoroughly and utterly competent in all of their BLS skills. Hands down. Yes, we can still learn from each other, any level to level, but an Advanced provider should have no issues with the BLS.

Now, I'm not throwing this out there to say we don't need BLS because we're better at it. guess what, we work in a system, where we should rely on each other to reach our goals: Transporting patients to definitive care, and performing appropriate and helpful interventions on the way.

Paragods are the ones who will walk in, disregard any other healthcare provider, and only address the patient. I know I hated it when I called for ALS and was promptly ignored. Anyone can do an assessment, right?

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I will have to disagree with you on this one.... Just because medic's are allowed to do more doesn't make us better then EMT's...

Actually, yes it does.

regardless I work with some great EMT's that have in more then one occasion saved my ass in more way then one....

Sounds like you weren't quite ready to be a medic then. Regardless, another medic could have saved your ass just as well. There is nothing special about an EMT that enabled him to rescue you where no mere mortal could have.

Just remember that once upon a time you were one of those EMT's.

And your point is...?

ParaGod - A medic who thinks he is the greatest thing since the invention of Beer .... mmmmm beer now.


Advanced Care Paramedic

Medic v/s Beer....no contest, Beer every time.


and your point was...hick!


we work in a system, where we should rely on each other to reach our goals: Transporting patients to definitive care, and performing appropriate and helpful interventions on the way.

Paragods are the ones who will walk in, disregard any other healthcare provider, and only address the patient. I know I hated it when I called for ALS and was promptly ignored. Anyone can do an assessment, right?

"The eye cannot say to the hand, 'I don't need you!' And the head cannot say to the feet, 'I don't need you!' On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it."

That's from a page of a whole prescription pad addressed to the residents of the Times Square of the ancient world, Corinth, composed by a certain Saul of Tarsus, who used the handle "Paul" online.



In my world a paragod is someone who thinks that they are gods gift to paramedicine DESPITE what everyone else thinks.

I would like to point out that while you are correct that BLS comes before ALS that despite all the fancy book learnin' most medics are infinitly more capable of performing BLS assesments and skills than your average BLS provider, given the added experience and schooling.

Believe it or not we can do both.

P.S. I am bald and have a star of life tatoo. (both before I was ALS) I also am perfectly willing to tell a idiot they are being a idiot weather they are BLS, ALS, nurse or doc. Some might call it a paragod syndrome but again I did it when I was BLS too.

If you don't tell stupid people they are being stupid how will they ever know they are stupid? They may be too stupid to figure it out on their own.


Okay, paragod, paragod, paragod, etc. etc. What name shall we come up with for those of the members of service who think that 15 years of doing volunteer EMT-B work makes them trauma surgeons cum fire chiefs cum sherriffs of this here town who know the real deal of medicine despite what those silly old texbooks say? How about E-M-TARD? Huh? Actually, I like that. I'm going to start using that. Yes Mr. E-M-Tard Captain of the Rescue Response Squad, I didn't realize my cavalier attitude towards proper placement of the NRB mask endangered the lives of the patient, myself, the crew and the earth in general. Yeah, I know BLS before ALS, yes EMT's do save paramedics, what was I thinking, you think I can treat the patient now?



An (alleged) Paramedic who believes his fecal matter do not emit a foul odor.

One who believes he/she is ALWAYS right.

One who talks down to everyone, especially BLS.

One who does not remember what it's like to do BLS.

An overall asshole.

The problem wouldn't exist if EMT's simply accepted the fact tht Paramedics are better than them.

LMFAO! Dust.....behave yourself!!! 8)

I'm just upset that I pulled that poem out of my ass in like...2 minutes...and no one even liked it. I kinda thought it was funny. I know I was hyper and silly yesterday....but....it at least deserved a laugh. Geez....tough crowd. :) :-({|=



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