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  medik8 said:

LMFAO! Dust.....behave yourself!!! 8)

I'm just upset that I pulled that poem out of my ass in like...2 minutes...and no one even liked it. I kinda thought it was funny. I know I was hyper and silly yesterday....but....it at least deserved a laugh. Geez....tough crowd. :) :-({|=



:sign5: :headbang: :)/ Feel better now 8?

J/K, very creative. :wink:

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8, 8, 8.... begging for attention does not become you.... :bootyshake: LOL


LMAO.... Michael

  Michael said:

But that's what we volly poegods do!

LMFAO!!!!!!! You guys are silly sallyyyyyyy!!!!

:hello1: :)/


8, you got a snicker here.....

Michael you might have pointed out that you were quoting a guy who was about as solid a physician as any of his contemporaries....

Paragod is (not a definition, more a description) the EMT-P who hip checks the responder on the scene to remove him or her form the victim and begins an assessment that disregards/ignores the report said responder is trying to give...


BTDT, had the flight surgeon of one of the Aeromedical Services hereabouts point out to said paragod that he MIGHT want to have listened to the guy he shoved out of the way (literally, in the doc's presence) since he really WAS an EMT-P, even though he was working under FR (ARC to boot) protocols.....

Paragod has shown the level of respect that the doc wanted him to show to almost EVERYONE he comes in contact with after the incident I described. He some how lost his GodHood that afternoon.....I think it was the appology he made (with the Doc in the background, just standing there watching the race cars....)...

Same doc a year later stuffed someone into our First Aid Tent and said "Hydrate this guy and call me if you need me" as he went elsewhere on the grounds.....said doc later that day took his helo and went and played ATC at one of the largest MCI's in the region in the last 10 years....

shadowfane, who IS a -P, and who has, in the last 12 months worked under FR, EMT-B, -I, and -P protocols.....the joys of Volunteering, with a Medical Response Corps, among other roles...

  shadowfane said:
shadowfane, who IS a -P, and who has, in the last 12 months worked under FR, EMT-B, -I, and -P protocols.....the joys of Volunteering, with a Medical Response Corps, among other roles...

Thank you, Shadow. Now, if you'll please go to this thread, we have some lovely gifts for you.



  Mediclease said:
well reading this I thought that I would throw in my two cents worth....

ParaGod... Someone who forgets that they use to an EMT's before they were a Paramedic..... In the years that I've been doing this (19 now 12 of those as an EMT) I seen my share of Paragods.... They get that Paramedic cert and you can just watch their heads become so big that they can't go through doors with out turning side ways....They know everything and they also forget everything too......They also like to state I'm the PARAMEDIC your just the emt/driver...... they also forget that BLS comes before ALS.. If you can't remember your BLS skills how can you do your ALS skills..... Seen to many medic forget that too.

That's my two cents on Paragods

Thought I would add some.. I was different I actually became a Paramedic before EMT, yes there are some of us by-passed the EMT initially. Second BLS is not always before BLS... really it should be performed concurrently. You are not really performing ALS procedures if BLS procedures are not established. Any discussion of ALS should always be read that BLS has been controlled or simultaneously performed. If you are attempting to perform an ALS skill without BLS, then you are performing a procedure not ALS. not knowing the difference is gross incompetence on the ALS provider. Semantics, not really ..

All levels can have BIG heads...ever looked on the newly EMT back window ?..

The difference is most Paramedics will make a mistake, that their ego will be immediately deflated and will sweat over.. this, usually humbles someone. However some basics with hero syndromes may exaggerate their role and knowledge.. and never becomes humble. Both are bad for the profession...

R/r 911

The difference is most Paramedics will make a mistake, that their ego will be immediately deflated and will sweat over.. this, usually humbles someone. However some basics with hero syndromes may exaggerate their role and knowledge.. and never becomes humble. Both are bad for the profession...

Rid, as always, well put. I thought I was just being 'moody' with how quickly confidence levels changed at times...yeah, not getting into ego, as I'm never allowed to really grow one with the constant medic bashing at work. It almost serves a useful purpose. Almost.

A new EMT-B came into work today, first day. she couldn't even put her phone down long enough for me to introduce myself, never mind her to tell me her name. I just can't wait until I get to work with this Para-basic-God.


I say EMT's can have the same attitude that medics have when it becomes as easy to kill someone at the BLS level as it is at the ALS level.

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