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Call for an unconscious. 19 year old female passed out in class. Reports being sick yesterday, denies nausea/vomiting, BP 80/P, 700cc's of fluid later she's feeling a lot better.

Yours truly the treating paramedic signs up for an overtime shift in the morning, goes home, goes to bed....


Hunched over the toilet bowl with violent vomiting, spiking a fever. Needless to say, didn't go to work. All day Wednesday, on and off fever, vomiting, chills the entire day. Have to enlist the help of a friend working the area to get some groceries because I am to weak to leave the damn apartment. Now I'm dehydrated with a blood pressure of 74/Palp, but a can of chicken soup and two bottles of pedialyte later, I'm doing better.


Feeling better but still achey as hell. Took the rest of the week off. Keeping myself hydrated and vomitings stopped. I'm very bored though so I'd thought I'd share my misery. This really sucks. Stupid patients getting me sick.


Sorry to hear your ill, man. Get to feeling better ,ya hear.

(Kind of sounds like you may have been "Kissing" close to that HOT 19 y.o."


Sorry your feeling like feces.. darn patient ! Although, we would like to blame the patient... (fast virus affecting you in 2 hrs..)

I do hate the ones that for some reason or another, have to cough or sneeze on you ... only a few days later, of course you have their illness.. I now carry the cheaper masks for patients, who love to share...

Get feeling better !

R/r 911


Asysin, I feel your pain. :lol:

Monday: Feeling weak but went into work anyway. 4 hours into shift, weakness getting worse so I head home. On the way home, stop at grocery store. Took everything I had to do this. Make it home. While climbing the staircase to my apartment for the second time with groceries, bust out crying due to increasing pain in hips and knees. Lay on couch for 10 mins. > sudden onset chills so I head to the shower in a desperate attempt to warm up. Stood under steaming hot water for 30 mins. and still had goosebumps. Rest of night spent on couch with chills and bodyaches, fever, sore throat, headache.

Tuesday: Chills gone, but headache and sore throat back with a vengeance. Now add extremely dry cough and intense sinus pain. Mild nausea and lower GI issues. Also, blew out a huge bloody thing from right nostril. Was intrigued.

Wednesday: Becoming bored but still nursing all symptoms noted above. I want to poke holes into my head to relieve sinus pressure. Also, not sleeping well. Really wanting my mom for comfort. Grown women can call for their moms when they're sick, right? :lol: :oops:

Thursday: Sinus headache refuses to go away. Chest starting to hurt from constant dry coughing. Sore throat. REALLY BORED. I MUST work up energy to go to store for meds.

I HAVE to get better cause my niece is having her first birthday party on Saturday and it'll kill me if I can't hold her. :cry:


Wow! You get exposed to the bird flu, then you treat it with chicken soup? :shock:

You are a better man than I, Asys

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