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I believe I have to tend to agree especially with the last code they worked.



That's the quickest I have ever seen Narcan work!

People still use simple face masks?

The reservoir on the NRB mask was never inflated...

How did the NUD figure out how to work the PA on the ambulance?

Pronouncing the kid after attempting resuscitiation, not in my world... (Zoll was off during CPR)

They did suction the mouth before the nose on the delivery, big plus there...

The sex scene in the rig was better than any I've ever seen on a fire truck...but still amateur at best...

The female latino paramedic, I think I have the recipe for curing her attitude, she just needs a...

I give it 2 out of 4 stars, I'll watch another episode...


](*,) all I can say is WOW!! :shock: Not sure who decided to check this show for accuracy! I'm guessing nobody. i was fortunate to only catch the last 20 minutes of this Horrible show. I don't know which i hate the most...

1-the fake strobe lights flashing everywhere, with most all apparatus onscene at the fire with halogens,

2- the chick being rescued (due to smoke inhalation) by the fireman with NO mask on,

3- the weak excuse for a master stream coming from the ladder truck,

4- the extremely poor attempt at resuscitating the chick from #2 ( did they stop bagging while intubated?? more than once!! I know they did after they shocked and got a sinus rhythm!)

That should be taken off the air immediately and burned. And it should not be re-aired... EVER!! :pottytrain5:


I have seen plenty of REAL EMS personnel do things wrong, backwards, etc. on Discovery Health, so if you want perfect accuracy, who the hell are you supposed to turn to? When shows like this on any subject were produced in the past, the 'experts' consulted for the show were clearly "admin" types, and the various professions being portrayed would cry foul. If the producers of this show consulted actual service personnel for this show, then any inaccuracy is the responsibility of our brothers and sisters. Besides, at least there weren't any 'ambuslaps' !!! quit yer bitchin and get that this show will not be an accurate portrayal of your job, and if it was you wouldn't want to watch it. And as for the hobby comment, it was clearly made by the type of person who tends to have contempt for our profession anyhow (docs).


TOTAL waste of time. I'm just a rookie EMT and I was totally turned off by the numerous procedural inaccuracies. "SAVED"? I was saved by my remote - turned it off.


Sex in the back of the ambulance is dirty, dirty, dirty, and not in a good 'dirty' way. Ugggh, come one people, take your partner back home after the shift, lets not be lazy. I mean, uh, oh never mind. :oops:


I only saw the last 20 minutes, but the show looked pretty awful. Yeah, most shows will have inaccuracies, but come on...at least attempt to ventilate the pt after you tube her. I didn't know you could get a good sinus rhythm with the "monitor stare" technique. I never learned that in school! Do you need a certain number of medics to perform it properly? :D


So far we have 12 thumbs down... on our crew. Maybe we can be lucky and be one of the fastest shows canceled. As for as bitching, I think we ought to bitch loud and strong!.. that is the way, other poor portrayal. of other professions change things. Apparently, someone read the posts on here.. maybe, they can read these.

Not just looking for accuracy, but at least be somewhat realistic in life, and have a clue what you are supposed to be portraying. Yes, if there was consultants, and were allowed to change things and didn't... shame on them !

R/r 911

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