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Should there be a helmet law for motorcyclists, just like there is for seatbelts in vehicles?  

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I ride and I admit I usually don't wear a helmet. It's my choice and I prefer to keep it that way. I don't think it's a reflection of my intelligence or lack there of. I am, otherwise a safe and responsible Rider. Riding defensively at safe speeds and staying alert will protect you more then a helmet. Everybody has their own level of risk they're willing to take and I don't feel the Government should decide that for us.

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In California, there is a helmet law not just for motorcycles, but also for minors on bicycles. It used to piss me off when I was a kid, but now that I have eaten shit a few times on my bike, I wouldn't go anywhere without one. My debate about safety is usually whether or not I should wear my jacket or not. I have gone to work in 90° weather with my jacket on for safety's sake and also because people can't drive here.

I agree that your best defense when it comes to your actual safety is paying attention to the damn road and the numerous idiots around you, but being in EMS, I know as well as you do that shit happens and I would rather be ready for it. I have had a compression skull fracture and I know that it sucks to screw up your brain and it takes a long time to recover if you recover at all and I would rather atleast attempt to save my brain from further damage. I know that I will probably die if I crash at high speeds or at the very least have a pnuemothorax and bi-lat femur fx, but anyone who's ever riden knows that motorcycles are the least stable when they are going slow and a helmet has half a chance at slow speeds.

I don't think that the helmet law is likely to have too many people that disobey it because it is pretty obvious if you on a motorcycle without a helmet whereas a cop can't always see if you are wearing a seatbelt or not from behind you or even from the side in some cars.

Having said all that, it's cool that there are so many of us out there that ride. See you on the road.

Take care,


  TTLWHKR said:
Should be up to the tax payers, to hell with their personal freedoms. Because when those careless bastards are in a coma for the rest of their lives, and have no insurance, we're going to be footing the bill. Every year tax payers spend over 65 Billion dollars on long term health care caused by motorcycle accidents alone..

Thats a very scary argument to me - the idea of a slippery slope comes to mind. What other personal freedoms should the taxpayers be able to vote away?

Now, having said that... I love to ride - riding in a group with some good friends (usually cops and other EMT's :lol:) is one of the best things in the world. I always wear a helmet - obviously, its stupid not to wear a helmet, and I have seen the consequences of failing to wear a helmet (as I'm sure most of you have as well). But I can't really justify mandating a helmet. Because really, if you are going to mandate wearing a helmet, you should mandate wearing a full face helmet. Those "brain bucket" types you see the Harley guys wearing are (while they are DOT approved) worthless in a crash.


I live off of major routes and we respond constantly to accidents

I dont know how many times I have seen people hurt because of not wearing a helmet

It makes absolutely no sense to me you have a parent who makes their toddler wear a helmet but then minutes later will get on a bike (dirt,cycle,etc )with out putting one on!

What is the point of this?What example does he set for the kid?

Helmets are very effective if worn properly and consitently

I dont like seeing brain matter splattered all over the ground..do you?

I just dont understand why it isnt mandatory for helmet use on a huge piece of machinery like a cycle but it is on a friggin tricycle!?!?

Just my 2 cents ........

But seriously please wear a helmet they are definitely worth it


I can't tell you the number of times in my area that I have come up on motorcycle crashes where the rider is dead and the bike only had minor damage. Riders head, no helmet, smashes into handle bar posts or the rocks.

Other times worked riders that had totaled bikes. Wearing helmet and leathers they only had minor injuries.

Yes I've seen the opposite, but not often. Just like the seatbelt debate, well I knew a guy would have lived if he had not been wearing his belt. May happen but not often.


Here in NY State, motorcycle riders must wear helmets. Unfortunately, some I have seen feel that wearing it over their arm is enough.

Not on the head? Must be a well protected elbow.

Notify the trauma center we're bringing in an organ transplant donor.



Cheap insurance. Slight discomfort. Negligible inconvenience.

I've seen too many otherwise survivable incidents where the lack of a helmet killed 'em.

Long-term head injury care? Millions, perhaps.

Concussion care? Thousands.

Helmet? Priceless.

  • 2 weeks later...

i ride motorcycles in atlanta, right now its my only mode of trasportation, and I have a shoei helmet. Those that know the industry know shoei is one of the top,..and thats how i like it. i only have one head and i want to keep it. Even upon trips to myrtle and florida i wear a certified brain bucket when everyone else is peels theres off...no thanks, it only takes a split second to catch that nail in your tire..or for someone not to see you and nail you broadside....helmets should be a must, but if you choose not to wear it, dont bitch when your head is gone...

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