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Whit, I'm not even going to fucking get into this. You're smug arrogance in you percieved abilities will cause someone great pain or death someday. The fact you are perfectly okay with giving a high dose of epinephrine to a COPDer is evidence of this. I don't give a fuck what your protocols say, or what you think you can do. You can tell yourself otherwise, but looking at the squiggly lines on the lifepak 12 and pretending to be Roy Desoto is not diagnostics, and pulling epinephrine out of a multi dose vial and pushing it because your protocol says so is not medicine.

Mark my words, you personally are going to get someone killed one of these days, if you haven't done so already. Their death will be on your hands, because of your arrogance and attitude. If you really knew what these drugs were capabble of, if you had the slightest clue, you wouldn't go near the with a ten foot cattle prod. The fact that you don't is full reason why you shouldn't be giving them

PRPG, et al, I say enough. We're fighting a losing battle. The tactics, and debate style you use is one that is reserved for those who are well read and have a deeper understanding of prehospital emergency care than whit can ever hope to. If the boy can't understand the inherent dangers in giving the meds described, there's no use trying to convince him. Its like trying to tell a teenager not to drink and drive, they just don't get it. Let him have his toys, let him think he's a hero and knows what he's doing, and be content in knowing that if nothing else, paramedic class prevented us from turning into guys like him. Concentrate on being a good paramedic, concentrate on keeping your educational standards to the premium that they are, and say a prayer for the poor people of Massachusettes and Rhode Island who will suffer at the hands of fools with sharp objects.

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Whit, I'm not even going to fucking get into this. You're smug arrogance in you percieved abilities will cause someone great pain or death someday. The fact you are perfectly okay with giving a high dose of epinephrine to a COPDer is evidence of this. I don't give a f&%k what your protocols say, or what you think you can do. You can tell yourself otherwise, but looking at the squiggly lines on the lifepak 12 and pretending to be Roy Desoto is not diagnostics, and pulling epinephrine out of a multi dose vial and pushing it because your protocol says so is not medicine.

Mark my words, you personally are going to get someone killed one of these days, if you haven't done so already. Their death will be on your hands, because of your arrogance and attitude. If you really knew what these drugs were capabble of, if you had the slightest clue, you wouldn't go near the with a ten foot cattle prod. The fact that you don't is full reason why you shouldn't be giving them

PRPG, et al, I say enough. We're fighting a losing battle. The tactics, and debate style you use is one that is reserved for those who are well read and have a deeper understanding of prehospital emergency care than whit can ever hope to. If the boy can't understand the inherent dangers in giving the meds described, there's no use trying to convince him. Its like trying to tell a teenager not to drink and drive, they just don't get it. Let him have his toys, let him think he's a hero and knows what he's doing, and be content in knowing that if nothing else, paramedic class prevented us from turning into guys like him. Concentrate on being a good paramedic, concentrate on keeping your educational standards to the premium that they are, and say a prayer for the poor people of Massachusettes and Rhode Island who will suffer at the hands of fools with sharp objects.

And all in the choir said ...........A-M-E-N!!!!!


Asys, the trouble is this individual hasn't responded to anything in the last few days. Deaf ears is one thing, but I do believe that it appears we have run the troll out of here.


ASYSN stated:

Whit, I'm not even going to fucking get into this. You're smug arrogance in you percieved abilities will cause someone great pain or death someday. The fact you are perfectly okay with giving a high dose of epinephrine to a COPDer is evidence of this. I don't give a f&%k what your protocols say, or what you think you can do. You can tell yourself otherwise, but looking at the squiggly lines on the lifepak 12 and pretending to be Roy Desoto is not diagnostics, and pulling epinephrine out of a multi dose vial and pushing it because your protocol says so is not medicine.

Mark my words, you personally are going to get someone killed one of these days, if you haven't done so already. Their death will be on your hands, because of your arrogance and attitude. If you really knew what these drugs were capabble of, if you had the slightest clue, you wouldn't go near the with a ten foot cattle prod. The fact that you don't is full reason why you shouldn't be giving them

PRPG, et al, I say enough. We're fighting a losing battle. The tactics, and debate style you use is one that is reserved for those who are well read and have a deeper understanding of prehospital emergency care than whit can ever hope to. If the boy can't understand the inherent dangers in giving the meds described, there's no use trying to convince him. Its like trying to tell a teenager not to drink and drive, they just don't get it. Let him have his toys, let him think he's a hero and knows what he's doing, and be content in knowing that if nothing else, paramedic class prevented us from turning into guys like him. Concentrate on being a good paramedic, concentrate on keeping your educational standards to the premium that they are, and say a prayer for the poor people of Massachusettes and Rhode Island who will suffer at the hands of fools with sharp objects.

Sorry I havent been able to comment in a day or so. Awful 24.......Im sure you understand

First of all ASYS, I stated I didnt agree with some of the protocols.

If you want to make this personal. I dont need to discuss this with you.

I dont write the protocols. DO I have to work with them? Yes, Am I concerned that possibley people could be hurt by someone who interpets these protocols as law. YES

Have I stated before that I believed this this could be a problem for EMT's and paramedics who dont have the experience or knowledge. Yes

For gods sake take a breath...I also stated that I have been reprimanded for NOT following a protocol.

AS far as your family becoming sick or injured in and area where I work or previousley worked I have since transfered.....whatever, but rest assured they will recieve competent treatment and care consistent with their injuries. As far as the medics I worked with rolling up on your familys injury or sickness? If you were there you should probably grab a chair a notebook and pen and prepared to be schooled in the finer art of para-medicine. These are not paramedics that went to school for 3 or 4 months on tuesdays and thursdays did a few clinical hours and claim to know everything. Most of them Went to a hospital based program we have close by that is or used to be(that has now changed for the benefit of pumping out more medics for the almighty buck). Full time 9 to 5 every day for over a year, thats over 2000 classroom hours, close to 2000 clinical hours in a hospital setting , thats before they even stepping foot in the back of an ambulance. So I would rest assured that their care would not resemble anything close to some reatrd that went to medic school cause he had tuesday and thursdays form 6-10 free and had a check for 5,000usd in his hand. And by the way when I have a question about somthing and I do have many at times those are the people I go to for the answer.


wait one minute...........I've stayed out of this so far, but you comment about Asysn's education slaps me in the face. are you stating that just because i went to PARAMEDIC school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 3pm with a one hour lunch break, and only had to do 300 hrs in hospital/ 300 hrs ride time with a list of skills to preform and Pt's to treat..........i don't compare with your medics!!!! i do believe that years, yes YEARS, of experience and continuing education speaks for itself!!!!!!

no matter what your initial education consists of.........there is a difference between being a "paper"medic and a PARAMEDIC!!!!!!!



Whit, if you don't like the protocols, do something to change them. Hiding behind your protocols and using them as an excuse to not adequately or appropriately treat your patients shouldn't be acceptable. If you are only following them as a mindless provider, you're doing no one any favors. Except maybe your CQI manager, perhaps.

"Sorry I havent been able to comment in a day or so. Awful 24.......Im sure you understand "

Yes, we understand. 24's can be rough.

I'm relatively sure that most people here wish you had one of those so-called 'cushy jobs', where you don't have to meet many or any patients while you work.

"So I would rest assured that their care would not resemble anything close to some reatrd that went to medic school cause he had tuesday and thursdays form 6-10 free and had a check for 5,000usd in his hand."

Is that how you failed out of Medic school?

"And by the way when I have a question about somthing and I do have many at times those are the people I go to for the answer."

Why ask questions of anyone, really? You ignore them, and find an inappropriate response to reaffirm your original stand or belief. All while offending everyone while you go.


no matter what your initial education consists of.........there is a difference between being a "paper"medic and a PARAMEDIC!!!!!!!

That is what I have been stating the wole time.

Whit, if you don't like the protocols, do something to change them. Hiding behind your protocols and using them as an excuse to not adequately or appropriately treat your patients shouldn't be acceptable. If you are only following them as a mindless provider, you're doing no one any favors. Except maybe your CQI manager, perhaps.

If you would so kindley re read the post to understand my thoughts reguarding my protocols.

Is that how you failed out of Medic school?

Does anyone fail out of medic school?

Why ask questions of anyone, really? You ignore them, and find an inappropriate response to reaffirm your original stand or belief. All while offending everyone while you go.

I dont believe I asked a question of anyone. I was wondering you opinions on the protocols.

wait one minute...........I've stayed out of this so far, but you comment about Asysn's education slaps me in the face.

Whatever it does, but unlike yourselves I reserve the right to comment on someones expertise or competency, until I have actually gone thru some doors with them. Because you can quote med md, or recite some study of why we shouldnt work arrest pts. Doesnt really translate into how effectivley you can do your job.

In my own experience the guys that run around telling everyone how wonderful a paramedic they are, usually are trying to convince themselves.


I'll tell ya what, you haven't seen one quote from me anywhere in the "city" off of any other web site, secondly, if you read the "PCP calling themselves medics" thread, you will get a better idea of who i am. as far as "running through any doors" with you.......well that's NOT going to happen in this life time. i don't understand how it is that a "BROTHER" can put out such a blanket insult like you did, and not care that he did it!!!!!

it's one thing to discuss or argue a point (win or lose), but that is uncalled for!!!!

offended by a "BROTHER"


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