weasel 108 Posted June 21, 2006 Posted June 21, 2006 I cant believe what Im reading here. You stretcher people/ambulance drivers are the biggest bunch of crybaby bitc hes Ive ever seen! I can understand a little frustration with you guys not being able to do your thing with a maltese cross on your back, but put down the hoho's, quit smoking, and go for a run. Your local FD will be hiring again soon! This animosity and mutual encouragement is like a sad circle jerk of biblical proportions, starring Richard Simmons's target audience. So now its time to make a choice. Type about how ignorant I am of how hardcore life in EMS is (even though I am in it up to my eyeballs), or (this is what I would do, but most people choose corroboration ahead of good advice) stfu, get off the internet, and do something productive with your day (NOT dungeons and dragons!). ANd by day, I mean 9pm-3am. God knows you sundowners see less sunlight than the average eyeliner and panty hose wearing goth outcasts you went to high school with. Which also may have been.... you. Just put the wet stuff on the hot stuff :wink: . Most of the volly firefighters in my area work full time in EMS somewhere,so there is only a few isolated cases of problems on an EMS scene.
weasel 108 Posted June 21, 2006 Posted June 21, 2006 In my are there are alot of cocky/arrogant ems units that always give us attitude and think we're idiots. On average we make 25% more money, work 80% less, get better benefits, and get alot more respect from the community and family.....now you tell me who's the idiot. We've had 4 or 5 or them see the light and go through fire school and get hired at our department. Their great guys and fit it decently enough and now laugh at their former co-workers for not making the same career decisions. Say all the bad things you want.......i sleep through most nights and get up and work a second job while ems people run their ass off all night and sleep the day away. On a side note i'm going to paramedic school in a couple months....which is not only going to be paid for buy the department but they are also paying me for the hours i'm in class. How you like them apples? Must be a road toad.(that's what we call fire police in my area) :roll:
whit72 Posted June 21, 2006 Posted June 21, 2006 Thats intelligent. I am sure they will remeber that when your house is on fire.
hfdff422 Posted June 21, 2006 Posted June 21, 2006 O9E- Just wanted to get this in before the posting is locked thanks to you- Blanket statements are usually due to a lack of comprehensive thought or the ability to see other points of view. As for my experience, I am from what is traditionally called fire based EMS, but the tide has turned now and it would be more accurate to call it EMS based fire. Our FD's minimum hiring standards are EMT-B currently and a neighboring department is switching to EMT-I. Most hiring processes don't bother with B's anymore, and go directly for Paramedics. This is because they have figured out that if 85% of our runs are EMS related and firefighting is just a bonus, they would quit wasting time with hiring people who will be unhappy not getting the big one. I started in the FD just to get into EMS and about 80% of the people coming in are at the same place. We are lucky to be in a progressive system in that they do see the real picture and fire is only a small piece of the pie. You have to pass a BLS written exam as part of your hiring process, then it is on to fire aptitude and physical fitness. They are willing to train you for firefighting, but want the EMS basis to be there.
EMT City Administrator Posted June 21, 2006 Posted June 21, 2006 The tread will not be locked as of yet. But I am keeping my eye on it.
Yummymedic05 Posted June 21, 2006 Posted June 21, 2006 We have some sensitive sallys' wondering around the city! It's all in good fun, like when the basics bash the medics. Learn to laugh!
James_ffemt Posted June 21, 2006 Posted June 21, 2006 Not that I can say much more than everyone else has but I am going to try. I am a vol. ff and work ems as well. I am also in the process of testing for a paid position at a fire department. Seems like a simple solution. Train your local ff. If they are not required to be first responders or higher go and train them. It may be your butt one day that they have to save. Don't you want to know that they have the knowledge. Ever think about going to the FD and having dinner or lunch with them?? Maybe answer some questions or talk about scenarios. I have a BS from a great school. SO why would I want to work in either ems or as a ff. It comes down to serving your community and the people who live in it. Everybody needs to quit being so pig headed about this. If your so dang smart than why are you making so little money. If that pisses you off than do something about it. I think that full time ems people get so burned out because that don't get paid enough and they work their butts of. Then they find things to bitch about like ff and all the frequent fliers they run on. It doesn't matter if you have ran on the person 100 times. You have a job to do and if you don't like it get the hell out. I chose ems for a reason. For sure not the money, but to help people in need. Everybody needs to get off their soap box and learn how to get along with each other. You might not think so now but one day you are going to need the person your bashing on this board.
SkylinePCG Posted June 21, 2006 Posted June 21, 2006 I think I made a mistake. I owe alot of you guys an apology. Here I had you pegged as a slovenly lot of overzealous school girls trapped in adult fatbodies, too lazy to get where you secretly wish you could be. But I was wrong. Well, sort of. If you just replace "Lazy" with "crazy" then Im right on again. Its not the physical thats giving you trouble, its the psych! Anytime you guys want to come back to earth, youre welcome too. I know the space suits tight when its packed so full of self righteousness. And thanks for the chill pill. Because I needed it so bad after filling up the first three pages of this thread. Oh wait, that was....
hfdff422 Posted June 21, 2006 Posted June 21, 2006 James, read the post right before yours. This site is often used to vent, and I thought this topic was humorous- except for one post. Skyline- ditto on my respnse to James (just for clarification, my previous post was not to take this thread to task, but was meant to inform others how I thought fire departments should do things and any that don't need to get a clue.)
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