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Maintain perfusion, elevate the head of the LSB to facilitate venous drainage, maintain normal ventilation, monitor BGL.


Good discussion. We try to avoid hyperventilating our head injury patients if at all possible and focus on adequate oxygenation. Asysin2leads, I have seen beta blockers used in a few head injured patients and nontraumatic ruptured berry aneurysms. Ridryder 911, thank you for the link. I know some people may be put off by my land of OZ progressive ambulance stuff, but I like presenting a scenario all the way to the diagnosis and definitive care. I hope it helps people appreciate the big picture and the pathology behind the problem. I always want to know what happens to my patients after they leave the ER and their eventual outcome. I hope this way of looking at health care leads to a greater understanding of the diseases and injuries that I encounter. I try to include the EMS and in hospital aspect of my scenarios. Let me know if I need to spend more time focusing on the EMS aspect of my scenarios.

Take care,


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