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Medic53226, sounds like a train wreck..err..ran over by a tractor wreck. Did the patient have a flail chest with all of those rib fx's? I would also suspect a pneumo and or a pulmonary contusion. This guy will be in for a long recovery. Did our treatment and assessment techniques differ from yours?

Take care,



I did everything that everyone suggested, I saw the tractor on arrival and knew were it was and wasn't running but he was found by a person driving by and we had no ideal of how long he was there and how much he had bleed out or internally, pt is in bad condition and not looking good because of all the broken bones, and by the way there was 4 specialty doctors with the ER doctor on arrival and he had the fail segment that I had immobilized. They said on CT and Xray that his pelvis is in pieces and multiple internal injuries when we arrived I checked his abdomen again and it was rigid and like rock, and just the lightess touch he would smack you hand away, but never LOC, and at the hospital with segment immobilized the pt SPO2 92% on NRB.

I thank all that wrote in and think that all you questions we make me better on my next run.

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