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Here's a good one for ya..

I already know that an EMT-B can only hand over care of

a patient to another who is currently certified at that same

EMS level or higher who also has their credentials on hand.

What happens if a civilian claims to be a "nurse" or "doctor"

and does not have proof, and won't leave when you tell them to.

No cops on hand.

What is the law.. Especially in Minnesota.

Could not find anything here at EMT City about Good Samaritan

Law for civilians or anything in search using the terms "transfer of care."

"transition of care." with respect to an EMT-B's legal responsibility in

actual writing or EMS law.

Does anybody know?

Guest CHP medic

Well not sure what the protocol is in Minnesota, but this is what it is where I work, in Central California.

We advise the on-scene doctor of the following; They can assumed all responsibilty of treating the patient, but they must accompany us to the hospital. They can give us guidance and assist us with treatment. Or they can immediatly turn care over to us. If they assume care or assist us, we have to contact medical control ASAP, and if possible let the on-scene physician talk to the base physician.

If the patient is critically sick or ill, we can wait to ID the phyisian until it can be done without interfering with patient care. However is the patient is stable, the physician must produce ID before assuming care or assisting.

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