Ace844 Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 What do you all think? ACE844
Savoy6 Posted July 7, 2006 Posted July 7, 2006 That's old news. But it does give a good dose of reality. having been in force protection, I'd not hesitate to send them to their 72 virgins. But remember ,we have to play by the rules. Shortly after 9-11 there was a scare in the US regarding the same thing. Goes back even further, remember Passenger 57 with Wesley Snipes? 'member that stinker of a movie?? For the vets out there, we are all taught under LOAC(law of armed conflict) they lose their non-combatant status(if they ever had it to begin with) and become fair game. As always, stay low, check-six.
windsong Posted July 7, 2006 Posted July 7, 2006 You know its a darn shame when you see these ppl using ambulances because they wont fire at ya, a friend of mine I know from chat room was going to Iraq to work as a medic there, the last time I heard from him was 3 months later, he said they were constantly busy, so now he had a break and would be working when duty calls. He said he was in the ambulance when down the street a car blew apart, parts flying everywhere, what got him is when a body part landed right in front of the ambulance. @s weeks goes by and I get an email from one of his friends telling me that Garrett Spalding died at 3:02pm when in broad daylight their ambulance sitting beside a black car carrying a wife, children and the husband waiting for something I dont know when all of a sudden (witnesses) saw this. A man carrying 2 suitcases walked over between the ambulance and the black car, your thinking their going on a trip or somethin, it's harmless. Then KABOOM! Everyone in the car, dead, everyone in the ambulance dead. Garrett Spalding or spear as he used to be called thought he would be coming home to celebrate with his family their parents anniversary insted he came home a hero, a dead one at that. It's been 4 yrs and it's hard to believe ppl like us, not me go over seas because they want to help, help whom. As much as I love helping ppl, I will never go to Iraq, ever. But for those who do, may God bless you, keep you safe from harm and bring you back alive and in 1 piece.
Asysin2leads Posted July 7, 2006 Posted July 7, 2006 A terrorist is someone who uses fear to achieve political goals. The people who operate this way are criminals, and criminals will do whatever they can, so this type of behavior should be no surprise. Of course, what exactly constitutes terrorist activities becomes a little grey when you hold it up to the microscope. Take killing of civilians, for instance, its a bad thing sure, but our allies the British were particularly good at it circa 1940, they felt that if there was no one at the factory to make the bombs, there wouldn't be any bombs falling on them. How about hiding in civilian populations and training operatives? Our Special Forces are pretty much chartered to do just that. Trust me, I'm not defending the barbarians who kill innocent people for their twisted views, I'm just saying that "The Rules of War" have been an oxymoron ever since someone came up with the notion. War is not noble, nor just, nor courageous. War is bad. Way bad.
SSG G-man Posted July 7, 2006 Posted July 7, 2006 "War is bad very bad" "I would never go" I can relate to the first, but I have trouble with the second. If one enjoys all that a great nation like ours has to offer, than one should be willing to defend that. I know a lot of people have issues with us being in Iraq, what about Afghanistan? Would these people have fought the Germans in WWII? Would they have fought to save the Union in the Civil War? I personally think that a stint in the military ought to be a requirement for getting a high school diploma, unless there is something that precludes military service, then it should be the peace corps. Conscientious objector? Be a medic or a chaplains assistant. Sorry, to rant, but I am serving and my nephew is getting ready to head to Iraq for tour 2 and lost two guys from old unit in Afghanistan. Sarge PS Savoy 6 Great Name!!!
Savoy6 Posted July 7, 2006 Posted July 7, 2006 Asysin2leads said: A terrorist is someone who uses fear to achieve political goals. The people who operate this way are criminals, and criminals will do whatever they can, so this type of behavior should be no surprise. Of course, what exactly constitutes terrorist activities becomes a little grey when you hold it up to the microscope. Take killing of civilians, for instance, its a bad thing sure, but our allies the British were particularly good at it circa 1940, they felt that if there was no one at the factory to make the bombs, there wouldn't be any bombs falling on them. How about hiding in civilian populations and training operatives? Our Special Forces are pretty much chartered to do just that. Trust me, I'm not defending the barbarians who kill innocent people for their twisted views, I'm just saying that "The Rules of War" have been an oxymoron ever since someone came up with the notion. War is not noble, nor just, nor courageous. War is bad. Way bad. History refresher- The Britiish and the US both were involved in saturation bombing of cities as were the Germans. The Germans made it an art in Guernica, Spain. Factories make the tools of war, ie ball bearings, and fuel. The fire bombombing of Dresden had no strategic purpose other than demoralizing the germans. Terrorism??? Hiroshima and nagasaki too had no strategic importance either- The planned invasion of Japan would jave been a bloody affair that would habe made Normandy look like a walk in the park. Read the SF motto on their berets. They do more than train operatives and "hide in the civilian population". An A-team is more than killers. You are right though, war is bad, very bad. But, you can sit at your computer expressing this becasue a soldier, somehwere in time took up arms. Your freedoms are protected by the military. If this is a false statement, then why isn't California a Japanese state or New York run by the Germans. War is not courageous, the men(and women) who fight it are though. Oh and when you start referring to rules of war as an oxymoron, would you rather have all out unrestricted war? The barbarians are at the gate, want them to come in. An old saying, older than many reading this goes, "nobody likes a soldier until the enemy is at the gates". Well guess what, not only are they at the gate, they are inside now. Sleeep tight knowing this. I was never shot at in my career. but I did deal with terrorism and counter-terrorism. I've seen their work up close. See, in my job if everyone woke up in the morning and nobody has breached our security and all the planes could go on their mission, my job was done for that shift, then someone else took over. Warfare does not always mean shooting and going boom! Kind of preventive medicine. Only it's called making "hard targets". Equating Special Forces to terrorists does make the acid reflux come back. I'm only assuming here, but you never served, right?? And that's okay. it's easier to make those statements. And if you did that's okay too. I just think the views were a misguided but that's ok too.... Freedom of Speech, "AIN'T IT GRAND?"
Dustdevil Posted July 7, 2006 Posted July 7, 2006 Interesting how this has become a discussion of Iraq. WTF does this have to do with Iraq? Those who know nothing of which they speak should STFU.
Savoy6 Posted July 7, 2006 Posted July 7, 2006 You are right. you need to stay safe your own bad self.
SSG G-man Posted July 7, 2006 Posted July 7, 2006 Dust, Keep your head down. Hope all is well in your little piece of hell. I knew where you were, I friends over there that I would try to have l;look out for you.
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