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FIRE FIRE FIRE Away at ACE Boom boom flame flame

Actually Ace, your posts are almost always spot on. I agree and have no flames to send.

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Better yet, lets take this a step further using the pictures posted as an example. Say that perhaps someone form NYS DPH-OEMS saw the front page and these other pictures. This person is also a state examiner and knows that a ‘CRITICAL PASS-FAIL CRITERIA’ for the ‘SPINAL IMMOBILIZATION STATION' is to properly secure the body, and lastly the head using ‘head blocks or other device to ensure there is restricted ROM and movement, thus potentially compromising a spinal injury.’

This person also knows that every program and the national standard curricular teach these principles as well as;

Exactly, among the basic tenets of assessment and trauma care are assess, correct life threats & potential life threats, if they can't be corrected stabilize them as best as possible, if not able don't move on, if able, move on. Then begin the assessment from the beginning, and do as aforementioned. Exposing as necessary. If in the prescience of the above where something wasn't secured properly, or you need to fix it, do so but be sure all is correctly done and placed before moving on. Next move on to the other interventions and assessment items as you were taught. This would include exposure to look for hidden life threats, BLI, an IV, etc...

Now the state ‘investigates’ the providers and the ‘situation’ and they have no leg to stand on and their defense is, ‘I didn’t do it, the FF did..’ or ‘Well the doc was there so he’s in charge,’ Yet, isn’t also one of the tenets of our profession to ensure that ‘FIRST DO NO HARM,’ and by knowingly ignoring a situation which constitutes negligence we contributed to this patients further injury.

Try this again form a different perspective. The public safety professionals get ‘sued’, and on the stand they are questioned and the preceding photos are placed into evidence. The lawyers question you, how do you defend taking the time to ‘pad the voids’, but not secure the head with head blocks on the board? How about you took the time to hook up th O[sub:6ac38f64b3]2[/sub:6ac38f64b3] and connect the NRB, but you couldn't place it on the patient why? The answer is you can’t! There is no defense. Perhaps I am the evil one for trying to get you to focus on some key things here. But the fact is we live in a litigious society. The fact is that by failing to do your duty correctly YOU are responsible. The fact is that failing to do ‘your duty’ and provide adequate care hurts and can cause permanent damage to someone family friends and loved ones!

These are the realities of your profession and responsibilities as a clinician. If this is too much for you to handle or accomplish, or you want to ‘pass the buck’ to everyone else. Move on to polishing floor or driving a garbage truck.

But to whine and say they are picking on the FF’s, or its because they were basics is B$. Just more excuses. Clearly based on the pictures posted the care in those moments, which were captured, is suspect and inadequate AT ALL LEVELS!!! So clearly I am not just ‘TOSSING SHOTS’ to be argumentative, or hostile. Clearly things went wrong and they need to be FIXED!

Clearly we can all learn from this post and most others here SO THAT WE AS INDIVIDUAL EMS CLINICIANS don’t make the same mistakes or fall into the same situation. Now, re-reading ALL of my posts in this thread; has everyones questions on why I posted what I did been answered?

Just my .02, HLO…



While we are talking about "flaming" towards others, isn't this thread "flaming" towards FDNY and the other responders involved in this incident? Or maybe a FDNY bash fest? :-s

Nah, that couldn't be... :roll:

While we are talking about "flaming" towards others, isn't this thread "flaming" towards FDNY and the other responders involved in this incident? Or maybe a FDNY bash fest? :-s

Nah, that couldn't be... :roll:

I guess ignorance is bliss eh, "NC,"? :roll: :?: :roll: :!: :shock:

If they do stupid, incompetent or negligent things they get bashed....whoever they are.... :twisted: :evil: :shock: :cry: 8) :lol:

We're equal opportunity haters here... We hate everyone equally 8)


Well that pretty much put him over the edge........he is circling the the computer in attack mode..........Screw him if he cant take a joke.

He loves ebaums world. Good audio clip sight.


Whit ..you could learn alot more if you kept your eyes open and your MOUTH SHUT

the older more seasoned people here have alot to offer if you would just open your mind to what they are saying instead of making stupid remarks all the time.......some times it is better to remain quit and let people wonder about your stupidity.....than to open your mouth and remove all doubts............


Have we beaten this to death yet?

It should be locked...

why the discussion was just getting to be productive........ :roll: .........................

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