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Betty Crocker has to monitor the world for R movies!

If there is a TV in the station (Cable or otherwise) Good luck stopping it---watching Hard core porn is never acceptable and would get anyone busted--

Oh, forgot to mention....


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I appreciate the great comments, but I think we are missing the point. The question isnt whether or not you personally are offended, the question is, is it professional ? I am not sure where we should draw the line, but i know where the attorney's and courts have drawn the line, and many of us are over it. This falls into the same category of, Is it right to steal food if you are hungry ? The answer is no, it is never right to steal, although we can find all kinds of justifications to make it right in our minds. If you walked into the HQ of Home Depot or Microsoft, would you be shocked to see a TV playing a movie with nudity of any sorts in their lobby --- what if it were an episode of Rescue Me or the Shield, with the F or P word thrown out every other minute.


What if the rights of others infringe on mine? What if the work place becomes uncomfortable for me? You can't adequately argue this point when you try to cover each possibility with the broad stroke of self-righteousness.

You keep to your business, and I will keep to mine. Some of the administrators that put these rules in effect are only setting their employees up to fail.

Keep your personal beliefs to yourself, and this goes to everyone. It is very difficult to find anyone that wants to hear them.


GA.....Is this kind of activity going on at your stations and if so share with us what you are doing to rectify the situation. Furthermore, are you the "remotely religious" person in question? In the stations I have worked if a guest, such as the Chaplain, or county commisioner ETC. came to visit the televsion was usually turned off. Also I seriously doubt if anyone is putting a gun to your head and saying you absolutely have to watch soft core porn or other R rated movies. The bottom line is if it offends you leave the room, dont make the masses suffer for the dislikes of a few that are so damn sensitive that they should live in seclusion.

  GAmedic1506 said:
But it is not only the sex issue, the language in most of these programs would be horribly offensive to any one that is remotely religious.

Well, I guess it depends on your religion. My priest once took up language during a mass (I'm Catholic). His interpretation was that there was no hard rules against using bad language, but that wouldn't stop him from considering people who constantly use foul words to be morons.

  GAmedic1506 said:
I appreciate the great comments, but I think we are missing the point. The question isnt whether or not you personally are offended, the question is, is it professional ? I am not sure where we should draw the line, but i know where the attorney's and courts have drawn the line, and many of us are over it. This falls into the same category of, Is it right to steal food if you are hungry ? The answer is no, it is never right to steal, although we can find all kinds of justifications to make it right in our minds. If you walked into the HQ of Home Depot or Microsoft, would you be shocked to see a TV playing a movie with nudity of any sorts in their lobby --- what if it were an episode of Rescue Me or the Shield, with the F or P word thrown out every other minute.

At least where I'm at, most of the fire stations are private. They have a business office area, but that's not a part of the living quarters. All of the EMS stations in my area are hotel or motel rooms. These aren't public places, and I know of at least one room (one of the stations where I did my clinicals) that has a disclaimer saying that 'if you have an emergency, call 911'

As far as corporate HQs, the lobby would be inappropriate, but I don't care about what is on in the employee break room.


You know, I think we are all professional enough to know not to watch pron.(porn)

You will have a hard time convincing anyone here or at any fire department or ems station that taking away the R rated movie channels is a good idea.

Porn = well there should be direct personnel policies addressing this and infractions should be punished even if there is no female personnel at the station.

I worked at a station once that had numerous x-rated movies in it's library but after a while they lost their appeal to the guys and they got rid of them. Jeesh, who the heck wants to watch a bunch of pornos with a bunch of guys. I sure don't.

I say get rid of the porno if there is any but to take away the R rated movie channels I say no way. Heck, believe it or not, many of the R-rated movies you seem to be against are shown on other non r-rated channels with the nudity and curse words taken out.

You can still see some offensive things on network or cable. Remember an episode of saved that I believe had the newbie medic watching two women make out in a car. I think I saw that on Saved. Not sure, I wasn't really watching but if that did happen on Saved then that could be considered in your statements to be a hostile workplace.

I think there are a lot more issues out there that we can tackle in place of taking away the r-rated channels.

If we take them away, you are going to have a lot of angry unionized fire fighters and medics. union or not, they will be angry.


I agree with the porn thing. It doesn't need to be at the station. As far as R rated movies go its perfectly acceptable. Our station is our home its not a store people don't come shopping at the station for a TV, some deodorant, or show up looking to buy fruit. If they are coming into the station for a BP check or for medical attention and an R rated movie is on what are the odds that they will walk in when there is nudity or when someone curses. When they come in we will probably shut the TV or DVD off so we can hear them better and find out why they need us. Also if its a medical emergency then they probably won't care what is on the TV as long as we help them. As far as the Chief, Chaplain, County Commissioner, or my hypothetical daughter are concerned I am sure all have seen an R Rated film on occasion. These people are not completely shielded. This field is rough and gruff, we can cut the clothes of of a female trauma victim and expose for injuries but we cant see an R rated movie with some nudity. And also i believe you are sexist because you said daughter and not children do you believe its okay to let your son watch an R rated movie but your daughter cant. That's a double standard. There are bigger issues in the world than should we be able to watch an R rated movie at the station.


Good posts and arguments folks, and you are right in that my initial question did sound soapboxish (thats because I know how the courts have sided). So lets amend the debate slightly, and just simply ask this question:

In today's EMS station is it professional to show movies (on DVD or cable) that have nudity, regardless of who is in the audience ? We are just discussing what is appropriate "on the clock" behavior ?


Thank you patrick, and please lets stick to facts and not sling mud. I am just asking a question, there is no reason to assault me with verbal jabs. I said daughter because 92% of the workforce is male, and this is where the difference comes for men. They have no problem watching these type of shows, on-duty, but if their daughter/girl-friend/wife were in that situation, they have a much different opinion. I was just trying to take the situation out of the accepted norm, that we are used to, and put it in a different context to see if your opinion remains the same. If you change the behavior, based on who is in the room, then you have to wonder if the behavior is appropriate ? If it is OK, you shouldnt have to stop it when certain people enter the room, or ask people to leave the room.

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