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We have solved this issue in two ways at my station. 1. No movie channels on the cable TV. Just basic cable. 2. We have two rooms with TVs. A group will say in one room, "we rented movie ABC, who wants to watch?" Those that choose not to, can go watch the other TV.

Plus, if you are that offended by the shows, go clean the apparatus, study protocols, or read a book!!!

As a boss of mine says, "too easy!"


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Good solution, it is pretty much the same that we have employed, although rated x is never permitted, which I am sure is the same for your group. Can you discuss whether or not the move was due to something that had happened in your organization, or just out of fear of potential problems ?


Gamedic wrote:

I appreciate the great comments, but I think we are missing the point. The question isn't whether or not you personally are offended

Harassment has everything to do with being personally offended.


Actually, My girlfriend is in EMS and I nor She has ever had a problem with me or her watching an R-rated movie. As far as the daughter question goes it truly depends on the age there. I wouldn't have a problem with my 15 yo daughter watching an R rated movie with me at station but i would probably not let my 10 yo daughter watch it at station, or home so it has nothing to do with the it being inappropriate for EMS stations. It has to do with it being age appropriate.

I also work with many female EMTs and Medics and none of them care about watching an R rated movie. Most of them curse just as bad as the movie or the men do and they have seen boobs before, and have seen worse gore than the movie.

As far as shutting of the movie when a member of the general public walk in, its not because it is wrong its because it conveys that we care enough about that person to stop what we are doing and take care of them. Whether its as menial as just a BP check or if they bring there child in who was just hit by a car outside the station. By shutting off the TV it says that the patient is the most important person in that room. It says that taking care of there needs is priority numero uno. And that after all is our job, treating patients.

You do what you feel you need to do at your station and we will keep ours just the way we like it.


Mr. spykes you hedged the daughter situation, with "if you were in the room". What if you daughter were 16 and in the EMS explorer program in the neighboring county (she wants to follow in daddy's foot steps). She is riding third on a Saturday, wheh she calls you because is very uncomfortable watching an episode of HBOs Real Sex Series, with 4 young adult males in the room. Does your opinion change any ?


Gamedic wrote:

She is riding third on a Saturday, wheh she calls you because is very uncomfortable watching an episode of HBOs Real Sex Series, with 4 young adult males in the room.

1. I wouldnt allow her to be put in that situation.

2. Especially at anytime when Real Sex would be aired.

3. However if she would like to follow in my footsteps, here is a short list of people she will be riding with. Me

4. She would never even step foot in an ambulance unless she was at least 18, probably closer to 21


So that situation is not acceptable EMS behavior to you. Thanks, we will see what others say. And to further the question, make her your 18 or 21 year old daughter, does that change the situation ? Is it professional at any age ? Let me know.


As far as the age, well, I started riding as a cadet when I was 17 and I am a female, so I knew that there were some people with whom I wouldn't like to watch a movie with nudity scenes; not because of my age or theirs, it was not because it was an R rated movie, cause we were old enough, it was more a matter of being comfortable with them. So, if I felt uncomfortable (I think it'd be foolish to feel offended by such small things) with what was being watched I'd said it, plain and clear "This movie bothers me, if you could watch something else that would be great, if not, wel,l I'll just go and read a book, no big deal". Of course, all of the few times this happened everyone was gentle enough to change the channel/movie.


Thank you pelotari for your honesty. In case no one has read the entire post, I really dont want this to be a solely female issue, this is more about professionalism than it is about what we can do when a woman is in the station. As stated previously, a male who is fairly religous could be just as offended by such shows. But so far, I have only had one person to agree with me. I wonder if any supervisors have weighed in ?


Oi Vey!!

Where to start?

I think we all agree that hardcore porn has no place at the station. Besides being unprofessional its plain out creepy. If you want to sit around and watch porn with other men I suggest you try a local bathhouse. As far as rated "R" programming, were all adults in this biz. Please do not give me the "what if you had an explorer in quarters" excuse. With kids today I would probably be asking them "what position is that?" In case you haven't noticed kids today aren't exactly puritan virgins, they are exposed to things we can't imagine. So that leaves us with Basic Cable. Lets look at our choices..

Praise the Lord, 700 Club...some are offended by religion

Lifetime, WE...some are offended by high estrogen levels

History Channel...some are offended by images of war

Disney...some are offended by large cooperation's

ESPN...some are offended by high testosterone levels

Home Shopping Network...greed

PBS...they have those creepy Teletubbies

Nick at Nite...runs "The Beverly Hillbillies"...stereotyping

Fox News, CNN...Politics

A&E...don't you just hate that "Inside the Actor's Studio" guy?


So who gets to decide? Lets make it simple, if you don't like it leave the room. You and only you can control what you watch. If something offends you don't watch it. Like Sarge said, too easy.

Whats next GA? Are you going to tell us we can't knock out a piece at work! Whats this country coming too? :wink:




P.S. I think its time for the dancing penis!!!


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