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I told the boss that he was breaking the law in several areas, presented evidence of said infractions, then almost lost my job because of it.

The good news is that he changed the practices so as not to violate those particular laws. The bad news is that he just arranged it so he broke the same laws in a different way (harder to detect) and threatened me that if I ever spoke up again I'd get fired for my trouble and sense of fair play. That and our employee rep told me to keep quiet about it because it would affect other jobs within the municipality.

You know one of the biggest problems in EMS today? Managers. Especially overzealous managers, and wanna bes who think they need a soapbox.

Otherwise, I echo AZCEP's words. GA, you need to lighten up. You've come into this sight as a whirlwind of arrogance and self importance. Maybe if you slowed down a bit you might see things for how they really are. AZCEP is a leader. He's also got a pretty funny sarcastic streak, too.

-be safe.


sounds like we touched a nerve -- if any of that is true, why do you still work there ? I would leave the industry before i would work for someone that is unethical.

sounds like we touched a nerve -- if any of that is true, why do you still work there ?

Are you intentionally trying to cause trouble!?!?!?!? This is the SECOND TIME I have asked you this?!?!?!!?

Your just asking for this....


sounds like we touched a nerve -- if any of that is true, why do you still work there ? I would leave the industry before i would work for someone that is unethical.

What color is the sky in your world pumpkin? Guess what, survival ahead of all else, welcome to adulthood.


No, just a simple question. Unfortunately many people assume that if you question something, that you are attacking them or their position. I have not attacked, unless i have been attacked. I think i have gone out of my way to allow people to say their piece, even when i disagree with them. But if you would prefer that I only ask simple questions that never cause any concern or thought, I will:

What kind of wax do you guys use on your ambulance -- there is that safe enough ?

No, just a simple question. Unfortunately many people assume that if you question something, that you are attacking them or their position. I have not attacked, unless i have been attacked. I think i have gone out of my way to allow people to say their piece, even when i disagree with them. But if you would prefer that I only ask simple questions that never cause any concern or thought, I will:

What kind of wax do you guys use on your ambulance -- there is that safe enough ?

Just out curiosity... What's the prehospital M&M in your system?


Since starting at my job a year ago, my co-worker and I have made many improvements..

1. We upgraded the monitor/defibrillators and are now 12 lead equipped from HP ( big yellow boat anchors) to Zoll M

2. Upgraded the head block systems on the back boards to the ones with velcro so we don't have to use duct tape anymore

3. Made sure the ambulances are fully stocked and operational

4. We clean the building whenever it needs it.

Thats what we have done so far.. Our wish list is still long as to what other improvements we want to make, but we are checking them off one by one..

Later all,


No, just a simple question. Unfortunately many people assume that if you question something, that you are attacking them or their position. I have not attacked, unless i have been attacked. I think i have gone out of my way to allow people to say their piece, even when i disagree with them. But if you would prefer that I only ask simple questions that never cause any concern or thought, I will:

What kind of wax do you guys use on your ambulance -- there is that safe enough ?

attack. Welcome to the boards. If you dont like it, wear a cup and toughen up a bit.

This is simple. You work to live. Regardless of situation. Im sure Medic Mike was there because of the wonderful staff, good municipal benefits, and attractive civil service compensation for retirement?


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