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I've sent you a pm and others have asked but we want to at least make sure you are not really dead. I understand how you can run off and not log off of the computer but I'm concerned that this might not have been a accident but some sort of foolish prank. The admin has told us what happened but we would like to hear from you. You have been conspicously absent from the forums which makes you look all the more guilty.

Please let us know that you are at least Ok!

Yeah me too.

Did we miss something?




See Global Announcement at the top of this forum. That should answer your questions.


I as well find it strange. One would think that with the seriousness of the post, and what happened that one of his first priorities would be to come on and set the record straight after learning about this transgression. The fact that this hasn't happened further could cast doubt into whether the purported reason for the post was in fact a factual occurance. That being said like "ruff," and others have mentioned previously, and reasonably; people who post here often have other things going on which may prevent them from posting right away. I have made my opinions on this known with both a thread and my post in the original made by "Gamedic,". I truely hope that he is not in harms way or suffered the purported tragedy.I am eagerly waiting to hear what he has to say about this. I fear though that he may not post here for some time again, if at all...

Best of luck "GAmedic,"



Yeah I have no clue what is going on either LOL



Someone mentioned to read the notice at the top of the forum but that doesn't help a bit.

Can someone please explain what's going on here?

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