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I am starting my paramedic clinical rotations in the next few weeks.

I would appreciate advice from those who have been on them before on how to get the most out of the experience.

I get the opportunity to spend a fairly significant amount of time in emergency rooms, labor and delivery, cath labs, ORs, pedi ER, geriatric care and field rotations.

I'm fairly comfortable with the field rotations. I basically show up, talk to the in charge regarding my experience, where I work, etc., help with the truck checkout and generally meld in pretty well there. It is their turf, and their job, but I just glide into matching the mindset of people there.

Hospital based rotations, I'm not so comfortable with. Something about the anti-septic, JHACO-heavy atmosphere makes me feel incredibly out of my element. I try and be professional with the staff, let them know what my level is (and in many cases explain what a paramedic can do) and attach to one of the nurses/allied health people that seem ok and go out of my way to give them a hand with whatever is going on.

Just to give you an idea of my usual routine. Initially, I familiarize myself with where stuff is at the facility. I've been going to the same hospitals since basic, so usually it isn't too hard to find stuff. Then I make myself available for assisting in moving patients, IV starts, running ECGs, pulling vital signs or whatever else comes along to do. When it slows down, I try and find a patient and assess them, then find the patient's nurse and ask if my impression is matching up with theirs.

I really get varying responses with this system.

I would appreciate advice on presenting as a knowledgeable, interested student without looking arrogant or too excite-able and hopefully, to be able to get involved in patient care and treatment on a level appropriate to my skill level, rather than being the nurse's IV and bedpan monkey for the day. I don't mind doing helping them out, but I would like them to return my assistance by allowing me to learn appropriate to the paramedic skill level.

Another concern is drug administration. I understand that medication errors are a massive problem in hospitals and it's the nurse's fault if it happens, so I am reluctant to ask to administer drugs that I am knowledgeable about and are within the state's proposed scope of practice for my skill level. Is it appropriate to request to? Again, I don't want to step on toes, but I think it's important to give IV/IM/SC/nebulized/oral drugs while learning so that your first time administering one is not a stressful field situation.

Anyway, advice appreciated, fire away.

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