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is it a case that it is not terror unless it is in the US


and i would love to see some of the posters in the same situation with the same resources they had.

If it makes you feel any better a similar thing happened in another "what's wrong with this picture" thread not so long ago:


And like this thread here, it got silly (and obviously so) too.


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what is wrong with you people, in 11 days most people on this site will be bowing their heads in remembrance of the most diabolical terrorist attack ever.

this guy is evacuating a Pt from the area of terrorist bombings of his country and all you can do is take the piss and try to critique the way he is dressed and what way he has his PT.

what you are posting is in bad bad taste,especially around this time, would the comments be so jovial if it was 9/11 pic under discussion, this bombing only happened last week in three separate areas, try google.

i am very surprised at some and disappointed in others, is it a case that it is not terror unless it is in the US, and i would love to see some of the posters in the same situation with the same resources they had.

First, I haven't seen anyone here make claims either way towards terrorism or not.

Second, I fail to see how a terrorism vs not terrorism would change how an MCI is handled.

Third, just because it is an MCI does not resolve the provider from doing stupid things. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Lets say this is that patient that probably has nothing wrong with them (c-spine is done simply because it is a trauma, thus everyone is c-spined), but wants to be checked out anyways by a doctor. Lets say that they have already used all of their back boards. Ok, C-collar and put them on the cot and tell them "Don't move". That still doesn't show how incredibly stupid it is to put the patient in BOTH semi-fowlers AND trendelenburg . There is a difference between a lack of resources and doing stupid things.

Finally, please educate me on why stupid actions should be overlooks on, say 9-11, but not, for example, on other wide spread MCIs like Katrina? It's like saying that hospitals in NYC would be justified taking patients off of life support (similar to what happened in New Orleans) to make room in the ICU for 9-11 victims.


Congrats, it's terrorism. Now please educate me on how a terrorist attack is different then any other MCI in terms of how care is given or the problem of lack of equiptment?



i really do think that you should go away and get some experience, by your profile you state that you are a student, study up on MIMMS, if you had any experience of terrerist incidents you may not be so cocky.

these incidents are an entirely different thing to an MCI, an MCI could be any incident with more then the number of Pts that the usual resources service, add to this unwarned use of explosives and its a nightmare for EMS, the usual scene safety goes out the window, other services come into play, EOD, specielist fire, hazchem the works are working around you......i say again working around you, its chaos and takes a while to organise but its still chaos.

picture the first triage from the first Veh on scene or the second, bringing priority Pts away form the area, you seem to think its funny to have one pic to redicule, how do you know when where that pic was taken.

unlike you i have had experience in this, and as a few ppl on this site have as well, i honestly dont think you can even see how silly your arguements and comments are, i did not want to say this as i thought you would have the maturity to leave this be, ppl read your signature and your profile and can see that you probably do not have the experience to actually comment on this, your just a bored student googling for pics...grow up this is not an arguement that i wish to have, even after i left the links you still come back like a petulent child.


i really do think that you should go away and get some experience, by your profile you state that you are a student, study up on MIMMS, if you had any experience of terrerist incidents you may not be so cocky.

these incidents are an entirely different thing to an MCI, an MCI could be any incident with more then the number of Pts that the usual resources service, add to this unwarned use of explosives and its a nightmare for EMS, the usual scene safety goes out the window, other services come into play, EOD, specielist fire, hazchem the works are working around you......i say again working around you, its chaos and takes a while to organise but its still chaos.

picture the first triage from the first Veh on scene or the second, bringing priority Pts away form the area, you seem to think its funny to have one pic to redicule, how do you know when where that pic was taken.

unlike you i have had experience in this, and as a few ppl on this site have as well, i honestly dont think you can even see how silly your arguements and comments are, i did not want to say this as i thought you would have the maturity to leave this be, ppl read your signature and your profile and can see that you probably do not have the experience to actually comment on this, your just a bored student googling for pics...grow up this is not an arguement that i wish to have, even after i left the links you still come back like a petulent child.


Like every undereducated individual who has run out of educated arguements, you leave the discussion throwing poorly spelled barbs filled with ignorance towards your opponent.

I absolutely have disagreed with JP's positions before, but your being the potart today. Regardless of the nature of any incident, number of patients, the ideaology is always the same.

Establish command, MCI protocols, establish resources....blah blah....blah.

Doesnt matter the reason behind the MCI.

Side note: When your ready to finish the discussion like a big kid, feel free. Till then, keep your derogatory comments to yourself.



it looks to me that i am beat, thanks prpg for pointing that out to me, my arguments have no grounds, it is OK to ridicule other countries EMS or the fact that things are not done as well as all the things you can find on google.

just some points

1. people say that the trendeluberg is redundant....then why is it still taught, no matter how many reports people put up here it is still part fo EMT training.

2. all the things that are quoted are the first ambulance on scene duty, if anyone here has been to an MCI they will tell you that nothing goes to plan, there are never enough resources.

3. in a terrorist event there are other circumstances to consider..is the event over...other agencies to ferry cas's from the area to keep resources flowing.

4. the pic itself....we do not know where this Pt came in the triage sort.. the Pt could have been through three or four stages of the sieve and could have been downgraded but still require transport

in my opinion it is unprofessional to put up a pic and ask what is wrong with it, people do things that some may see are wrong in their eyes, it is very easy to pick out what you deem are mistakes when you are not involved or do not know the history..i my eyes it is also bad taste

as for my spelling and gramme, i don't really care for your opinion, at the end of the day i do my job come here to chill and talk to friends, i do not have to try and prove myself to anyone here, if i learn something well and good but if i see something that i feel is wrong i will speak out...even if if it is misspelled, i have experience of terrorist events and of MCI's, i have seen things go belly up and you can only stick to your own personal standards..that does not say you do not make mistakes and i don't think there are many here who do not make mistakes...they just do not talk about them here.



it looks to me that i am beat, thanks prpg for pointing that out to me, my arguments have no grounds, it is OK to ridicule other countries EMS or the fact that things are not done as well as all the things you can find on google.

just some points

1. people say that the trendeluberg is redundant....then why is it still taught, no matter how many reports people put up here it is still part fo EMT training.

2. all the things that are quoted are the first ambulance on scene duty, if anyone here has been to an MCI they will tell you that nothing goes to plan, there are never enough resources.

3. in a terrorist event there are other circumstances to consider..is the event over...other agencies to ferry cas's from the area to keep resources flowing.

4. the pic itself....we do not know where this Pt came in the triage sort.. the Pt could have been through three or four stages of the sieve and could have been downgraded but still require transport

in my opinion it is unprofessional to put up a pic and ask what is wrong with it, people do things that some may see are wrong in their eyes, it is very easy to pick out what you deem are mistakes when you are not involved or do not know the history..in my eyes it is also bad taste

as for my spelling and grammer, i don't really care for your opinion, at the end of the day i do my job come here to chill and talk to friends, i do not have to try and prove myself to anyone here, if i learn something well and good but if i see something that i feel is wrong i will speak out...even if if it is misspelled, i have experience of terrorist events and of MCI's, i have seen things go belly up and you can only stick to your own personal standards..that does not say you do not make mistakes and i don't think there are many here who do not make mistakes...they just do not talk about them here.


Again we have a topic that has gone to heck in a handbasket. peoples feelings are hurt, people are hurling insults and it's just not a good scene man.

MCI's never have enough resources.

MCI's never go the way we want them to.

these types of threads just eminate nasty responses and such.

To quote one person we all know "Can't we all just get along"

it looks to me that i am beat, thanks prpg for pointing that out to me, my arguments have no grounds, it is OK to ridicule other countries EMS or the fact that things are not done as well as all the things you can find on google.

I think it was intended as an educational tool...i think. Otherwise, your right.

just some points

1. people say that the trendeluberg is redundant....then why is it still taught, no matter how many reports people put up here it is still part fo EMT training.

Because ems education is ions behind and other education in medicine

2. all the things that are quoted are the first ambulance on scene duty, if anyone here has been to an MCI they will tell you that nothing goes to plan, there are never enough resources.

Very true.

3. in a terrorist event there are other circumstances to consider..is the event over...other agencies to ferry cas's from the area to keep resources flowing.

That is a law enforcement consideration, not EMS. When operating a MCI with a terroristic basis, unified command structure should be used, putting you right next to the law enforcement head honcho who can tell you if theres more to worry about.

4. the pic itself....we do not know where this Pt came in the triage sort.. the Pt could have been through three or four stages of the sieve and could have been downgraded but still require transport

Certainly true.

in my opinion it is unprofessional to put up a pic and ask what is wrong with it, people do things that some may see are wrong in their eyes, it is very easy to pick out what you deem are mistakes when you are not involved or do not know the history..i my eyes it is also bad taste

I also 100% agree. Monday morning quarterbacking can never turn out well. Especially not having all the details.

as for my spelling and gramme, i don't really care for your opinion, at the end of the day i do my job come here to chill and talk to friends, i do not have to try and prove myself to anyone here

Speak like your dumb and you will be regarded that way. Just a thought.

if i learn something well and good but if i see something that i feel is wrong i will speak out...even if if it is misspelled, i have experience of terrorist events and of MCI's, i have seen things go belly up and you can only stick to your own personal standards..that does not say you do not make mistakes and i don't think there are many here who do not make mistakes...they just do not talk about them here

Your right. Hence why exercises like this one are pointless and fruitless.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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