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Still, care to explain your requisites that this member first:

-memorize all of the bones of the foot?

-achieve 100% on her EMT-B exam?

-learn minatuae about various non life threatening ABD pathologies?

-understand the precise differences between wheels/rales/rhonchi as an EMT-B?

-memorize ottawa rules for the ankle and knee?

Does it really need explaination? Do you really not understand the point that everybody on this board seems to pound home day after day? BLS before ALS, as you yourself has already said here, is the point. So it makes sense if you say it, but not if I say it?

Like I said, there is much more in my post above that you managed to ignore.

Ummmm... that is because it was -- as is this last post -- too silly to even respond to.

I agree with you that good BLS comes before ALS. I said that multiple times, and I dont think this is really what we are discussing.

Speak for yourself. It is indeed what I am discussing. Somehow you have gotten sidetracked on a personal ANALysis of my personality, but my focus remains the topic at hand.

You came off as VERY arrogant, seemingly suggesting that this member is unworthy of learning about EKGs simply because she may not know things that EMTs are generally not expected to know.

And that, my Friend, is the very root of the problem. This pervasive attitude in EMS that "I don't need to know that." It is the number one factor that keeps EMS in the toilet.

I agree with you that EKGs arent exactly the next best step as far as providing better patient care, but then again, neither is memorizing the foot bones either. I hope we can agree on at least that.

I agree it is not the best next step. But then again, I never said it was. I used it as one little example of the multitude of basic bits of knowledge that every practising EMS professional should learn, but does not. What good is knowing how many bones are in the body -- which is taught in probably every EMT school -- if you don't even know what they are? Hell, I'd rather have a partner who knew what they were but didn't know how many there were. Wouldn't you?

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I'm an EMT-I, and at the moment I cannot go to paramedic school due to $$ issues as well as time...

But I want to continue my education as much as I am able, and I'm looking for a good text about EKG interpretation.

On Amazon, there are a couple that look promising: Dubin's Rapid Interpretation of EKG's, as well as Thaler's The Only Ekg Book You'll Ever Need.

Before I get flamed, I realize this does not take the PLACE of paramedic training and study. However, I don't want to

be totally ignorant when we have a pt hooked up the 12-lead! I know this will not qualify me as any kind of expert on EKGs,

but for my own personal satisfaction in knowing what my medic partner is talking about and being able to spot something

vital...etc etc. Anybody have some good texts or websites to suggest? My EMT-I book actually has a great couple of chapters on

the subject but I want to dig deeper. Thanks! R.


Another great book I would recommend, was wriiten by a gentleman I personally know named Bob Page NREMT-P who has actually worked in EMS - 12 Lead ECG Interpertation for the Acute Care Provider. It is available on Amazon!


I dont see anything wrong with someone who wants to attempt to learn more. If all EMTs and medics were like that it would make a significant difference in the level of care we provide.I dont see the need to make "smartass" comments about a basic or EMT-I trying to learn more, hope it boosted your self esteem because we all know thats something thats important right :wink:



I totally forgot Bob's book and his educational materials. Anything by Bob Page is top notch.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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