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Jr nyfb nfx gung bhe zrzoref znxr na ubarfg nggrzcg gb novqr ol gurfr havirefnyyl erpbtavmrq fgnaqneqf bs "Argvdhrggr" jura cbfgvat gb RZG Pvgl sbehzf:

Tvir ernfbanoyr nggragvba gb lbhe tenzzne. Nygubhtu jr jnag gb znvagnva n pnfhny ngzbfcurer urer, guvf vf hygvzngryl n CEBSRFFVBANY sbehz jurer zrzoref bs gur choyvp ner serr gb ernq naq qenj pbapyhfvbaf nobhg hf nf n cebsrffvba. Gurer vf na nhgbzngvp fcryy purpxre cebivqrq ba guvf sbehz. Cyrnfr hfr vg. Qb abg cbfg zrffntrf gung nccrne nf vs gurl jrer gnxra sebz n 13 lrne byq tvey'f NBY pung. "Lbh" vf fcryyrq LBH, abg "h." "Jungrire" vf fcryyrq JUNGRIRE, abg "j/r." Naq chapghngvba vf rkgerzryl vzcbegnag gb gubfr gelvat gb haqrefgnaq lbhe fgngrzragf. Vs lbh ner gbb cerffrq sbe gvzr gb glcr yrtvoyl naq hfvat chapghngvba naq pncvgnyvmngvba, gura cyrnfr pbzr onpx yngre jura lbh unir zber gvzr. NAQ ARIRE CBFG VA NYY PNCVGNY YRGGREF!

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yes it woks quite well, as a short Board, long board, and board of executives

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