hammerpcp Posted November 9, 2006 Posted November 9, 2006 WelshMedic said: Why didn't he go the whole hog and suggest good 'ol Bretylium as well? Methinks this is one teacher that should hang up his gown pretty soon. (I'll never forget that great line in the film " Flatliners" - "No, don't give him Bretylium; he'll fry". Why didn't someone ask: " How you want him, medium rare?") WM Never mind defibrillating asystole. What? Do they work in Niagara?
Lithium Posted November 9, 2006 Posted November 9, 2006 hammerpcp said: What? Do they work in Niagara? Ha! It's either there, or Hamilton :wink:
Doczilla Posted November 9, 2006 Posted November 9, 2006 Firejeep3 said: :scratch: ... the instructor said that Lidocaine was an option in the treatment of PEA and Aystole as a second round drug. Only if his version of PEA is a pulseless rhythm that is wide complex and at a rate of 200bpm. 'zilla
firefighter523 Posted November 10, 2006 Posted November 10, 2006 Mr. Rid, I guess I should have spelled it out for you that when you block sodium channels of a cell, it actually DOES slow, numb, or here's the kicker, make it less irritable. Numbing was not to be confused with the topical kind. Sorry for your confusion!!
paramedicmike Posted November 10, 2006 Posted November 10, 2006 firefighter523 said: Mr. Rid, I guess I should have spelled it out for you that when you block sodium channels of a cell, it actually DOES slow, numb, or here's the kicker, make it less irritable. Numbing was not to be confused with the topical kind. Sorry for your confusion!! Dude! You so need to get over yourself.
Ridryder 911 Posted November 10, 2006 Posted November 10, 2006 firefighter523 said: Mr. Rid, I guess I should have spelled it out for you that when you block sodium channels of a cell, it actually DOES slow, numb, or here's the kicker, make it less irritable. Numbing was not to be confused with the topical kind. Sorry for your confusion!! I suggest taking either another pathophysiology, pharmacology class or maybe a writing class... This time quit "Googling" your answers after you get caught. ... Write what you mean then there would be NO confusion. By the way, my initial statement was not addressed about you. it was about a student that made that same asinine statement As I recall a physician that overheard him stated." What a dufass!"...point delivered. Dead myocardium cells cannot receive interpretation or impulses so their would be no receptor signals to be "numb"... You have nothing to prove here, we are all practitioners... so hostility, does not impress many of us and definitely does not display tact, education, and experience of being in the people business. R/r 911
Doctor Death Posted November 10, 2006 Posted November 10, 2006 I think Rid, AZCEP and Spock covered it… Well done guys. If you want me to go into more depth please don’t hesitate to ask.
somedic Posted November 10, 2006 Posted November 10, 2006 Firefighter523: The real question here is if you are a Paramedic and you knew the instructor was wrong, why didnt you be a man and call him out on it? You should have made what we in the military call an"on the spot correction". Instead you bring your punk story here and debate people who took the time to answer to your insecurities. Go find the instructor and tell him he was wrong. Be brave. If he is a good instructor, he will appreciate and respect you for not being an ass fairy With every best wish, Somedic
firefighter523 Posted November 10, 2006 Posted November 10, 2006 Somedic: Before you reply to a topic, it would best if you've read the previous posts, K. Find out for yourself who asked the question, before you make yourself look like an ass.
firefighter523 Posted November 10, 2006 Posted November 10, 2006 Rid, well, you and I don't seem to agree on much. Your initial statement, you say wasn't directed at me, directly! But, indirectly, you know as well as I, it was! You might impress the various providers on here with your titles that are under your name, and the fact that you say you are old. My last post was 100% correct, I mean by saying a dead heart, is on its way out, it is dying!! Here is a good example: If you have a pt with malignant PVCs that are caused by an underlying MI, and you give them lidocaine because you didn't do a 12 lead, hence not finding the MI, you have a good chance of causing conduction abnormalities, facilitating re-entry, and hence the outcome of possible VF. Here is the point I was trying to make, the point that you didn't grasp. If you numb (blunt) the conduction of an already ischemic myocardium, you will do more harm then good! I rarely google on this site, of course we ALL do, even you, MR perfect!! Get off your highhorse, come down here with the rest of us, you are not God, you are a tool that might make a difference in someones life, just like the rest of us. If God wants to take you, He will. You DON'T impress me, you never did, and you never will. Your attidude is poor, and it reflects to me that you are only in this for yourself, to satisfy your little adrenaline rush. You do nothing but put yourself up on a pedestool, by constantly telling us about all of the things that you do, and have done. Who cares. You want to impress me, QUIT GLOATING!!!!!
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