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what do you think about displaying the confederate flag?  

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    • it's racist and it offends me
    • it's a sign of southern pride

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The confederate flag has a nasty history and I can't see how a flag can redeem itself. I know the flag didn't hurt anyone, but the people that held it highest committed disgusting acts. I'm not totally black, but it offends me. I guess it's all about the stigma

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Speaking of symbols, what about the swastika? For nearly 3,000 years it was a symbol of good luck and life. The US Army even used it as a symbol for the 45th Infantry Division in WWI. The Nazi's chose to use it and, badda-bing, now the swastika's meaning is trashed and anything bearing it is automatically labeled hatred.

The heritage of the swastika and it's original meaning were shattered for modern people by a few bad apples and some really atrocious acts. Likewise, the confederate flag to many people has lost it's original meaning and now symbolizes oppression. Fair? Maybe not, but that's the way it works sometimes.

Slightly Off Topic: I've always found it interesting how Lincoln's Emancipation Proclimation freed slaves only in states that were in "rebellion against the United States." Nothing like stirring the pot.


What is a flag? A Piece of fabric with colors meant to represent something..right? well during the civil war the south was very much in favor of slavery. So, why wouldn't i being of African decent be offended. Of course those of us whom ancestors weren't beaten, slaughtered, raped, and stolen from their homeland only to be kept in captivity by greedy and lazy land owners would understand. One post stated that most of the solders did not own slaves. And i ask you does it matter if they owned them if they were fighting to keep them in captivity for their own gain. I am not saying that everyone who displays it is a racist, just trying to help you understand why it may upset African Americans.Last but not least i guess some people did not get the news flash that we are'nt called blacks anymore that's kind of offensive. I feel someone is stuck in the 60's and medic64 just because you are surrounded by "black" people does not mean you are not a racist maybe you should make your point clear. also there are alot of people who are against slavery who are still racist.


Ok , maybe I can clarify this for some people.

Here, in THE SOUTH, anytime a white person (Caucasian) displays anything that resembles a Confederate flag, they are automatically deemed a racist by a black person (AFRICAN AMERICAN) Without question, you are a racist...........

I personally dont "wave" the confederate flag, but I dont condemn a person just because THEY do. Thats their RIGHT. Its not my business WHY they display it.........

Now, my POINT about the "surrounded by blacks" is simply this..

If I considered myself to be racist, or to be more specific "Hate African Americans", would I :


---Work in an area and profession where, by far, the majority of my patients are AFRICAN AMERICAN?

---Have AFRICAN AMERICAN friends?

I think the answer to all these questions, IF I WERE RACIST, would be NO.

Also, something that pisses me off more than anything. When a white person refers to an African American as anything but "African American", (ie..black person), its considered as being "politically incorrect". Yet, African Americans can freely call each other anything they so desire. Just yesterday, my wife and I were eating at an IHOP (International House of Pancakes, for those that are unfamiliar with the abbreviation). In the booth behind us sat 3 African Americans, 1 male, 2 female, all in their mid-to-late teens. One of their cell phones rang. Do you wanna know how they answered the call??

"Whats up my nigger".......Thats how.

Now if me, or any other white person had made that statement, in a public area, what do you think would have happened?

People, please understand, I am not trying to push anyones buttons, ignite any fires, or outright piss anyone off, I just dont understand WHY the AMERICAN public has made such an issue about something as petty as a piece of colored cloth........ if a group flying the confederate flag were trying to get slavery or racial segregation "reinstated", THAT to me, would be inidicative of racism. And I agree, there ARE groups out there that fly the confederate flag based solely on hatred of an ethnic group, but not EVERYONE that owns a confederate flag belongs to those groups. The FBI and the ATF handle those people, not me, not you.

Lastly, the remarks about the clothing-----------I dont care what race or ethnic background you are, clothing is made to wear a certain way, with decency. Underwear was intended to be worn inside the outer clothing, hidden within, not sticking 6 inches above the waistline. Thats why they call it a waistline------to be at the waist, not at the bottom of your butt. Beltloops are provided to accomodate a belt, to hold the waistline where it is supposed to be......................this applies to ALL people, not one specific ethnic group...................


in a country that claims to take pride in its beliefs that everyone is entitled to their beliefs, I am simplay amazed that this is even an issue. Why is it ok for one group who has a socially acceptable policy to display what they believe in , but it is not for another whos beliefs dont jive with th e percieved "norm'?

Its a hypocracy full of reverse bigotry hidden behind a flag of equal rights. Im of german protestant heritage, and I could care less if you have a rebel flag, clan hood, black panther symbol or that jewish star as long as you dont hang it on my front porch, more power to you.

if we are going to claim to be free and open minded, then we have to accept what we dont like as well as what we do. If you want equal rights, you damn well better offer them back. It doesnt matter what our great grandparents did in the past, that is over now, get on with yer life and quit bein lazy.


Why do you care what we call each other? and the word is "nigga", there is a very big difference. Truth be told the saying has crossed into the main stream and it freaks me out. We as a race of people have taken a word that was created to put us down and changed it into something that is a part of our culture. As a way of saying Hello, like those of us who are from the south "who say what up cuz" it is a form of slag, nothing more nothing less. and you seem to be more upset that you cannot call a African American person out of their name rather than if African Americans are degrading one another with this word. Yes i get upset when some batty ass 2pc pt calls me all types of niggers no matter what the race. i also get upset when i hear young kids like whats up my nigga. it makes me scratch my head like what the hell is going on here, has everyone lost their mind, but then i realize that hip hop is apart of American culture so it is only a matter of time before these kids are imitating what they see and hear. The fact is the flag may be offensive to some regardless of the motive of the person displaying it. This may be hard for some to understand but its the way things are. We live in America a country where people are offended by the way you dress, and the way you look and they are welcome to voice their opinions. that's what makes this country great.


Actually the buddhist swastika was a symbol of luck. It's arms rotate the opposite direction as the Nazi symbol and it sits straight instead of at a 45 degree cant.

In any case, I agree with you that whether we like it or not, symbols tend to adopt the meaning that the general public believes (misconception or not). The swastika is forever going to be associated with the Nazis. The confederate battle flag is associated (maybe, hopefully, not forever) with redneck racists and old pick up trucks.

Sad but true.

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