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I think that a lot of the criticism that comes out of this site is that there are many here that have been there done that. When we see someone writing that they did something so utterly stupid that it just screams "OH MY GOD WHY DID YOU DO THAT????" then the veterans here jump on it.

There have been issues on here on whackerdom, scene safety, drug errors and the like that we have all been there done that and have experienced it first hand.

We do have the reputation of eating our young and this will never change. It is one of the main ways that services and EMS'rs weed out the incompetent.

So yes there are a lot of posts here degrading, slamming and yelling at each other but if take the behind the scenes look we are usually doing it because we are trying to teach something to those who have never been involved in some of the stuff that happens.

Can we do it better and make it all nice for the people on here, I ask why, it's not as fun. but seriously, yes we can do it nicer but sometimes nicer doesn't cut it.

Case in point, I had a student one day on an overdose call. We couldn't find the patient and the student walked away into the back yard. He went up to the garage and opened the door. The patient was in there with the car running in a enclosed garage door.

He came out screaming that the patient was in there. WEll we were looking for him in the house and didn't hear him yelling for us. He went in the garage, pulled the patient out of the car and started to do mouth to mask inside the garage.

We found him, we brought the patient out to the fresh air, worked the code and then had to put Oxygen and transport his sorry ass to the hospital for carbon monoxide exposure.

He was off my ambulance and nearly got kicked out of his program.

Can you imagine what would have transpired on this board if he posted here?

Sometimes Ignorance is bliss and other times it's fatal.


Here is one of my most memorable calls. My unit was dispatched Code 3 to a female, with foreign object penetration. Thats's all the information that dispatch was given, so we were puzzled at first. AOS, and located the patient in a small. to mid-size compact vehicle, surronded by approximately 25-30 people most of which were snickering when we walked up. The other half were pretty much in awe, to say the least.

What I found when I made my way through the crowd was an 22 year-old female who on a DARE had umm....how to put this (sexually molested) a 5-speed gear shift. During the process of her show, a vaccum formed, thus making it impossible for her to remove herself from the object. We had to request for a fire unit to respond for extrication as our units do not have extrication capability (at least not then). When the fire department arrived, they had to use the cutter from their extrication equipment to extract the patient from the vehicle. Patient was transported to the trauma center, where she underwent surgery to remove the "foreign" object.

The most unusual part of this call, was during the time it took FD to "cut" the gear shift, the patient actually experienced an orgasm, from the vibration of the cutter.

I swear to God, I am not making this up. That is the most memorable call, I have ever responded to.


GhostMedic28 post reminded me of a patient we had a few years back. Event coverage at a Harley division ‘party’ (need I say more!) Coverage started at 10pm till 10am.

Luckily I wasn’t the unfortunate person who had to deal with this.

I heard moaning in the back of the ambulance so I opened the door to see if I could help, I found. .Male 36 years old, typical biker, presented to first aid post with a 600ml coke bottle stuck in the patient’s backside. He had no idea how it got there or were he was (that’s drugs for yah)

We tried to remove it gently with no luck. Paramedic arrived, pumped the patient with muscle relaxant. Still no luck. Patient was airlifted to Trauma Centre for surgery.

This is why I have never returned to this event.

  Timmy said:
This is why I have never returned

Like a good ems student, you have followed the instructions on the bottle, which the patient, to his detriment, had disregarded: "No deposit, no return."

  GhostMedic28 said:
Here is one of my most memorable calls. My unit was dispatched Code 3 to a female, with foreign object penetration. Thats's all the information that dispatch was given, so we were puzzled at first. AOS, and located the patient in a small. to mid-size compact vehicle, surronded by approximately 25-30 people most of which were snickering when we walked up. The other half were pretty much in awe, to say the least.

What I found when I made my way through the crowd was an 22 year-old female who on a DARE had umm....how to put this (sexually molested) a 5-speed gear shift. During the process of her show, a vaccum formed, thus making it impossible for her to remove herself from the object. We had to request for a fire unit to respond for extrication as our units do not have extrication capability (at least not then). When the fire department arrived, they had to use the cutter from their extrication equipment to extract the patient from the vehicle. Patient was transported to the trauma center, where she underwent surgery to remove the "foreign" object.

The most unusual part of this call, was during the time it took FD to "cut" the gear shift, the patient actually experienced an orgasm, from the vibration of the cutter.

I swear to God, I am not making this up. That is the most memorable call, I have ever responded to.

Sounds like bullsh*t to me.

  hammerpcp said:

Sounds like bullsh*t to me.

You can say what you want, I was there, I know what I witnessed, and what occured. What would make anyone do something as stupid as this is beyond me. BTW, what is your problem hammerpcp, why do you wanna accuse me of making something up like that. Your in Canada, eh?? I am in the US, to very different EMS systems.

  hammerpcp said:
proppre spellign is criticle. htat bieng said i had a code fiver face down in a bathtub fully clotheed except for shoes wiht a suit case on his back. can you say suspicious circumstances? didnt have to work him though he'd been there awhile.

I could never spell Diarrhea, nausea or Hydrochlorothiazide.. But I got by okay. Nurses can't spell to save their life, and you can't read anything a doctor writes.. Therefore they should be fired?

I don't think so... And I was able to read what hammer wrote just fine. Just think of it as notes from a SNF patient. At least it isn't copied with the first two letters of each word cut off.

Sounds like bullsh*t to me.

Oh, it's possible... Have you ever visited buzzardbros.com ? I suggest the babes video section... :twisted:


Ghost I'm not saying you are lying but I have heard of that call from many many providers. In fact, that call you posted was nearly quoted exactly right down to the time it took the fire department to cut her off the thing.

if it really happened to you and you saw it then fine but this call is so widely quoted that it's kind of far fetched. It's also featured on Snopes.

Again not calling you a liar but this has been around for years

  GhostMedic28 said:

You can say what you want, I was there, I know what I witnessed, and what occured. What would make anyone do something as stupid as this is beyond me. BTW, what is your problem hammerpcp, why do you wanna accuse me of making something up like that. Your in Canada, eh?? I am in the US, to very different EMS systems.

I believe Americans and Canadians have the same anatomy. I could be wrong. I have several anecdotal experiences pertaining to diminished American cerebral function, if not size.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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