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Brent your county sounds a lot like the county I used to work at.

But before the number 911 system here was a common direction

Go east on 7 highway, drive 2.2 miles and not a foot further.

Turn right on road 220

drive for .4 miles till you get to the fork in the road. Turn left at the fork and continue driving for 3 roads and then turn left at the third road.

If you get to the red barn or the field full of holstein cows you gone too far.

Turn around if you got there and go back to the next road and go north. Once you go north you will pass the bakers, the jones and the radcliffes and there is a small private road that you cannot see in the dark but you'll know it by the reflectors on the fence posts.

turn on that road and follow it till it dead ends. There are 4 houses at the dead end and it's the one with the broken down combine in the front yard.

The ambulance is too wide to fit down the road to get to the house so you will have to walk and carry in the equipment down the road. But it's only a 500 feet down the road.

By the way, you and your partner are It. No other assistance is available unless a deputy is close.

This was a real call I ran. The directions were a little different but you get the jist.

Rural medicine EMS at it's finest.

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Rural medicine EMS at it's finest.

And we'ld not want it any other way. Reminds me of how I used to walk to school and back bare foot in the snow uphill both ways. Oh the good old days.

But in reality it pisses me off that somebody got paid to set up the 911 system here and I really believe they never set foot in my county. Dispatch does try, they'll say comp says x address. But patient says somewhere else. So while I pick on dispatch they are not completly to blame, but just mostly to blame.


You can't use a map to get there, if you don't know where the geographic location of the call is at..

Dispatch to EMS 1 you are being requested to the XYZ residence for low ETOH syndrome. Directions are to turn left at the monster truck with flat rear drivers side tire. Pass the trailer with Piss on Gordan logo. Take a right after the Bud 8 trailer. And the patient will be in first trailer on the left with the big UPS logo. If you get to the Intimidator trailer you went to far.
Pt. is requesting lights, sirens, and a victory lap.
You can't use a map to get there, if you don't know where the geographic location of the call is at..
Try getting info from a drunk out of stater on a snowmobile whose brother just hit a tree at 65 and isn't breathing. I won't be trying to steal any dispatcher's job.
Try getting info from a drunk out of stater on a snowmobile whose brother just hit a tree at 65 and isn't breathing. I won't be trying to steal any dispatcher's job.

and you want the hearse to turn where?


Our county dispatch has came a long way in the past three years or so. The 911 center has a totally integrated CAD that gives GPS position of the calling party whether its land line or cell. This is integrated with the county mapping system and also provides some text directions. There is also a feature that allows the dispatchers to annotate a residence if there are logistical concerns (850 pound patient, dangerous dog, any safety or operational concerns) when a call is received from or dispatched to that residence the CAD flashes with a red indicator to make the dispatcher aware of previous issues at a specific residence.. This enables them to get another unit enroute and or FD assistance.

I stll hate them, they are pond scum.......................

Exactly, it's just like an EMT or Medic thant cannot get the skills from their head to their hands, how often do we see that?

I dunno about that. What I mostly see is medics whose only skill is in their hands, and they never had it in their heads.

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