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I do find it sad how some people do make fun of the heavier pts we do encounter as for a few of the replys on this post about how they are just a down fall in ems. I guess for some really i have to disagree their just like any other pt just alittle bigger NO BIG DEAL.

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Imagine89, When I first posted, some ppl had a hard time to differentiate with my post, they didnt understand what it was I was trying to say, so your moot is uncomprehensable to say the least, it shows want, yet wanes because you make yourself look stupid, if you feel justifiable.

1. Explain, you lacked there of, means you show less character, considering the fact I now know what to expect from you and If it were my post, in the first begining I would of said: WITHOUT PREJUDICE, because it lets the persons know where I stand!

2. Understanding, you lacked there of, it is only what you want to see, yet you say we failed to understand your post, read #1 again.

3. Disoriented, you lacked there of, we are all human beings, I'm sure you do care, but again, must you be like the world, cruel and unjustifiable.

Well of course your going to get attacked, what did you expect a pat on the back, someone telling you well done son?

You are like a lemon, pretty on the outside, but very bitter on the inside. wtm

Imagine89, When I first posted, some ppl had a hard time to differentiate with my post, they didnt understand what it was I was trying to say, so your moot is uncomprehensable to say the least, it shows want, yet wanes because you make yourself look stupid, if you feel justifiable.

1. Explain, you lacked there of, means you show less character, considering the fact I now know what to expect from you and If it were my post, in the first begining I would of said: WITHOUT PREJUDICE, because it lets the persons know where I stand!

2. Understanding, you lacked there of, it is only what you want to see, yet you say we failed to understand your post, read #1 again.

3. Disoriented, you lacked there of, we are all human beings, I'm sure you do care, but again, must you be like the world, cruel and unjustifiable.

Well of course your going to get attacked, what did you expect a pat on the back, someone telling you well done son?

You are like a lemon, pretty on the outside, but very bitter on the inside. wtm

Oh poor you. Poor everyone. People can't be accountable for anything these days, because every down fall of human beings is a condition or disorder that should make society weep. And yeah, I'm bitter. It's my own fault, I'm not blaming it on anyone or anything, I could be more compassionate, but I CHOOSE not to be. In my opinion sugar coating everything is just as bad as ignoring the problem to begin with. Everything's a choice.

In your previous, disjointed, post you compared eating to smoking. WRONG. Smoking involves nicotine addiction, which is a chemical condition, unlike so-called "food addiction". Even so, I hold these people accountable for their habit, because they chose to buy the god damn pack of butts in the first place. And yeah, with will power they can quit.

As for my post being "uncomprehensible" and "making me look stupid" did you even read what you wrote? I have a three year old cousin capable of better syntax than that. If you're going to argue with me, do it like an adult. I'm not bashing anyone, I'm jus t stating my opinion.

Keep letting people make excuses, I'm sure you'll LOVE the kind of society you live in.

I do find it sad how some people do make fun of the heavier pts we do encounter as for a few of the replys on this post about how they are just a down fall in ems. I guess for some really i have to disagree their just like any other pt just alittle bigger NO BIG DEAL.

I treat these people with the same respect as I would others, I respect the fact that they're still human, I do not respect the excuses they present society with. I empathize with them if they are having a medical emergency, however I have no sympathy for their obesity.

....however I have no sympathy for their obesity.

These are words spoken from someone who obviously has NEVER had a weight problem.

So, what's your addiction, if it's not to food??? Everyone has an addiction....since you love to pick on and de-mean fat people, what can we pick on and de-mean you for???

Do you smoke? Pump all your money into VLT's? Get a hooker every night of the week so she can satisfy your sexual urges? Or do you hit the bottle too hard?? Surely you must be addicted to SOMETHING! You're not perfect, I'm sure!!!

Just like obese people aren't perfect either.


These are words spoken from someone who obviously has NEVER had a weight problem.

So, what's your addiction, if it's not to food??? Everyone has an addiction....since you love to pick on and de-mean fat people, what can we pick on and de-mean you for???

Do you smoke? Pump all your money into VLT's? Get a hooker every night of the week so she can satisfy your sexual urges? Or do you hit the bottle too hard?? Surely you must be addicted to SOMETHING! You're not perfect, I'm sure!!!

Just like obese people aren't perfect either.

I'm not perfect, but I don't blame my pitfalls on science, medicine, or emotional problems. No i've never had a weight problem because i eat right and exercise. Oops, i guess that makes me a bad person. If diet and exercise aren't enough for these people, and they give it an honest shot, then they have my sympathy, otherwise, they have about as much as the alcoholics in my family.

I'm not picking on anyone per se, I'm saying that people need to be accountable for their health, and their decisions, and I'm saying that I don't have sympathy for those who are not. End of.

Imagine89 Posted: I'm saying that people need to be accountable for their health, and their decisions,

That's probably the only thing i agree with you on is that yes people do need to be accountable for their own health care and decisions that they make there in. However you have been making it sound as if most obese people in general want to whine and complain and blame their problem on someone or something else. Which in some very few cases may be true i.e like jackasses like the guy who tried to sue Mc Donalds for his problem. But I think for the most part people with that problem feel embarrassed and or ashamed that they let themselves get that way in the first place and are not trying to draw even more attention to themselves by claiming its someone/something elses fault. Sadly, people that big usually do have some sort of medical/mental problem the later that usually goes undiagnosed because they just hide behind the shame of people like you projecting your mindset of everyone should be/ or know better...when that just doesn't fit for everyone. And that does not mean that they are making excuses for themselves.

You need to quit making grand generalizations because it makes you look like an A$$. Just because you may know of one person in your life that may be obese who is lazy and who feeds off the system and who whines and complains about how its not their fault does not make it so for everyone.


That's probably the only thing i agree with you on is that yes people do need to be accountable for their own health care and decisions that they make there in. However you have been making it sound as if most obese people in general want to whine and complain and blame their problem on someone or something else. Which in some very few cases may be true i.e like jackasses like the guy who tried to sue Mc Donalds for his problem. But I think for the most part people with that problem feel embarrassed and or ashamed that they let themselves get that way in the first place and are not trying to draw even more attention to themselves by claiming its someone/something elses fault. Sadly, people that big usually do have some sort of medical/mental problem the later that usually goes undiagnosed because they just hide behind the shame of people like you projecting your mindset of everyone should be/ or know better...when that just doesn't fit for everyone. And that does not mean that they are making excuses for themselves.

You need to quit making grand generalizations because it makes you look like an A$$. Just because you may know of one person in your life that may be obese who is lazy and who feeds off the system and who whines and complains about how its not their fault does not make it so for everyone.

It's not one person. There is an organization, the NAAFA (National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance) , for the morbidly obese that attempts to dispel their accountability for their weight, stating that food is an addiction, and that it is society's problem and not their own. This organization holds the philosophy that it is easier to change society than to change their eating habits. It is ideas like this that make my blood boil. Now I'm not saying whether or not the majority of fat people want to be fat, or not, I'm merely saying that if they are, and they're lazy about it, it's their fault, and no one else's. I don't understand how any of you can deny that. Sure, depression can lead to weight gain due to comfort eating, however there are also better ways to deal with problems like this.

I respect many of the obese people I know because they do NOT blame their condition on society, addiction, or any of that other bull shit. I do not have sympathy for their obesity, because even THEY admit that they brought it on with poor habits. In general, you all seem to think that no one should be accountable for their choices.

Stop analyzing MY personal character, and start analyzing the issue at hand. Taking personal shots at me does not move your argument along one iota, because honestly, I'm unaffected by peoples opinions of me.


Stop analyzing MY personal character...Taking personal shots at me does not move your argument along...I'm unaffected by peoples opinions of me.

Fair enough...enough said.

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