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Another trick I've had minor success with is this. If you suspect your patient does speak english and is just playing dumb start asking your partner about the "wanted poster the police gave you this morning. Doesn't this guy look just like the picture? Same height, weight, build, he's also (insert ethnic group here). And didn't the cops say he would be wearing (insert type of shoes here)." Watch for their reaction. This doesn't always work but it's worth a shot.

I can do ok with spanish speaking patients. I did have one patient who I suspected of being able to speak and understand english but was just playing dumb. I started in spanish with him. After several minutes of speaking with him in spanish, I said to him in plain english, "Hey, you dropped your wallet."

Don't you know the guy stopped and looked?


Good day!

-be safe


You guys are forgetting one key factor in the success of this technique. While yelling loudly and slowly in English, it is important that you affect a faux foreign accent, mocking the patient's native language. This is particularly effective in Spanish, even if Spanish is not the patient's language. :lol:

My honest answer to this is I just don't care. If they speak English, they get good care. If they speak Spanish, they get decent care. If they speak anything else, they get the same care as an unconscious patient -- ABC's and a ride to the hospital (whether they want to go or not) where it then becomes their problem, not mine.

I find a firm but loving backhand to the occiput does the trick. If you hit just the right spot you can jar the English speaking part of their brain. :D I also reserve one for the medics who bring in said pt without having a full report. :D:D


Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinus alacribus et fructuosis potiri potes!


For what reason(s) would a pt. feign ignorance of English?

Gotta ask them. I don't know why. You'd think if they spoke english they'd be less likely to have INS called on them.

-be safe

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