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Okay, so I was thinking, yeah, yeah, I know, surprising, isn't it? Anyway, I was thinking maybe this site could use a different kind of "FAQ". Our "Frequently Asked Questions" document covers topics about the site, but jeez louise if we don't get the same questions on this forum. Now, I realize that if people are too lazy to hit the search button they are probably too lazy to check out a secondary "Frequently Asked Forum Questions" list, but I say, hope springs eternal, and why don't we give it a shot? Here are the questions that I think we could all benefit from writing up into a formal, auxillary FAQ document:

1. How do I become a flight medic/nurse?

A. This one has been done to death. How about some of you flight dudes and gals write a nice, summarized, an concise paragraph about the ins and outs of flying around in a helicopter?

2. How do I become an FDNY EMT?

A. Yep, I'm tired of answering this one. I would be more than glad to write up a paragraph with the hiring standards, numbers, requirements, etc. if it will get people to stop positing.

3. How do I become a tactical medic?

A. We need to get a good answer on this before someone writes someone says something they'll later regret in their reply.

4. Should EMT's be allowed to do XYZ procedure?

A. I think this question takes the cake on fights, name calling and moved furniture more so than any other topic. Lets come up with a paragraph that nicely summarizes the debate that everyone can agree on and no one goes to bed angry.

5. What advice can you give for a new EMT-B?

A. We'll come up with our best words of wisdom and make it sound good.

6. How can I get used to bloody, icky and gross stuff?

A. I have no good answer for this. Either you can handle the job or you can't is my philosophy. Someone else could probably come up with something good.

Okay, so, these are some of my questions that I think could be of use in a new FAQ. Comments?

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Well, we have only ourselves to blame for the lack of such a FAQ. That's exactly why Admin set the FAQ forum up. Unfortunately, the Council Of Elders has dropped the ball on submitting entries to the FAQ. It's one of those little projects on my to-do list that I never get around to. I even have a list of questions drawn up somewhere.

Consequently, the FAQ forum has become a place for n00bs to prove that they don't bother to read before posting. I have never understood what would posess anybody to post a question there in the first place. I mean, think about it. If your question is truly "Frequently Asked," then you shouldn't have to ask it again. And, of course, if it is not frequently asked, then you have no business asking it in the FAQ forum, right? Not to mention the whole forum description sort of tells you that it is for ANSWERING questions, not asking them.

Anyhow, your assignment, should you decided to accept it, is to start us off with a nice thorough, comprehensive "How do I get on with FDNY?" FAQ to post there. Maybe that will inspire the rest of us to get on the ball and get this thing done. Then if we could get Admin to clean-sweep and lock that forum so that ONLY the FAQ postings are there, it could be an obvious and valuable resource for all of the community.


We have a FAQ forum? I really gotta start paying attention around this place.


LOL! Yes, the FAQ forum (up top) was set up for the Council to post exhaustive, comprehensive dissertations on frequently asked questions so these top-20 or so could be easily found and linked to in response to people still asking them. We've just never gotten around to taking care of business. It would be a real benefit to the community for us to do so. I mean yeah, we can keep on answering the same questions over and over. But when we do, the answers tend to be hit or miss. We need to research those topics by sitting down and spending hours on end reading previous topics and putting all that info together into one coherent and cohesive post.

A few other topics would be:

  • 8. How should I choose a paramedic school?

9. How long should I wait to go to paramedic school?

10. How long does it take to get my NR results? (or really, any other NR related question, since the answer is a link to the NR website).

11. What should I study to get a head start on paramedic school?

12. How should I prepare for my job interview?

  • Each topic should probably be a team effort so that we assure that the final result is comprehensive and won't require a bunch of add-ons after the fact. Maybe each of us take a topic and put it together, then run it past the rest of the Council for recommendations? If we do our research thoroughly here, it should produce some of the best material available on the Internet.

Okay, here is a working list of topics I have put together for the FAQ / Knowledge Base. Asys, if you'll work on the FDNY question, I'll handle all the rest. :lol:

What kind of money does an EMT or Paramedic make? Why?

What characteristics and traits make a successful EMT or Paramedic?

What characteristics and traits make for a poor EMT or Paramedic?

Do I have to be a fireman to be a Paramedic?

Is the EMS life I see on television shows like "Third Watch" and "Saved" realistic?

Do I have to be good in math?

What if I didn't do well in high school?

What if I have a criminal record?

What if I have a physical disability?

How do I know if I can handle bloody, icky and gross stuff?


What training do I need to be an EMT or Paramedic?

Can I work full-time and still be successful in EMT or Paramedic school?

How should I choose an EMT or Paramedic school?

What about those "accelerated" programmes?

How long should I work as an EMT before going to Paramedic school?

What should I study to get a head start on EMT or Paramedic school?

How and what should I study for my certification exam?

Should I become an EMT-Intermediate before going on to Paramedic school?

Will my military medical training count towards EMT or Paramedic school?

Career Options

What else can I do with an EMT or Paramedic certificate besides work on an ambulance?

How do I become a flight medic/nurse?

How do I become a tactical medic?

How do I become an EMS Instructor?

What should I know to work offshore, in the oilpatch, or other remote duty?

Is EMS a good step towards medical school or nursing school?

Can I become an RN without going to all that school since I’m already a Paramedic?

Finding A Job in EMS

How should I choose an employer?

How should I prepare for my job interview?

What should I put on and leave off of my resume?

What if they don't call me back?

What advice can you give for a new EMT-B?

Why can’t I find a job in EMS?

Should I join a volunteer department to get experience?

How do I get on with FDNY?

Scope Of Practice

Why is the EMS scope of practice so different all over the country/world?

Should EMT-Bs be allowed to do [insert advanced skill here]?

Should EMTs or Paramedics work in hospital nursing roles?

National Registry

What exactly is the National Registry?

Should I take take/keep the National Registry if my state doesn't require it?

How long does it take to get your results back?

How many times can I retake the National Registry exam?

Where can I buy more National Registry patches?


How should I pick the right stethoscope for me?

How should I pick the best boots for EMS?

Which monitor/defibrillator is the best?

EMS History

The Star Of Life

How and when did the Paramedic concept start?

How did EMS become associated with the Fire service?

  • in this FAQ?" question. That is intentional, so don't ask. 8)


I get the feeling this will be a good read when its done 8)


O.K. I agree, if one more person asks about FDNY or Tactical or flight medic, I think I'm going to scream.

Asy,, If you want to get with me in a PM we can work on the FDNY post, and

Some of the tac guys/Military medics/SOCOM and Ofc/Trooper/Deputy medic's we can get together on a Tac-medic FAQ site.

As far a flight medic, AK, Me, CHPmedic and others can get together on a Flight medic, Flight nurse FAQ.

Anyone interested in working on these 3 sites with me,, shoot me a PM...

What ever we do we should make sure to put all of the appropriate links on the FAQ site because you know what will happen if we don't. "I can't find it; it's not there, where's the application... blah blah blah..."

I'll leave Dust and some of the others to answer the EDU, training, NREMT, which class is best, and assorted other questions.....

That's all I'm done.

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