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I have been looking for work in nearby states due to the over population of fire/ems personnel in Ohio. However, the states I have been looking into seem to always want residency for reciprocity. I have been looking mainly at VA, NC and SC cause I heard there were a lot of jobs in those states and they're close to Ohio. (I am divorced and have a daughter whom I would like to see from time to time still) Does anyone know if there are ways around this where I might be able to get reciprocity without already being a resident? I can't move without knowing I'll have gainful employment, I just don't have the resources, nor do I know anyone there. I am open to any suggestions, but apparently, staying here and functioning as a firefighter/emt (hopefully paramedic soon) isn't an option anymore.


Tough situation, my friend! I recently faced that when I looked into possibly moving to Mississippi. Nursing board there says no residence = no licence. Louisiana EMS board is the same way. My suggestion is to contact some prospective employers there for advice. The bigger and better agencies are already recruiting nationwide and are more than happy to consider out of state applicants. They also have experience in facilitating the reciprocity process for their applicants. If they want to hire you, they can grease the wheels, and at the very least, give you the peace of mind of knowing you DO have a job waiting for you.

NC is a good choice. They are beginning to take a serious lead in educational standards. And there are several NC medics here that can help you out with more specifics. Good luck!


We'd be glad to have you as a Tarheelian!

Here is a link to NCOEMS regarding reciprocity.


Here is a list of current Paramedic positions in which to start your search.

There is even one listed in the classifieds @ EmtCity.


I hope this helps you some.



I'm also in NC... so if you have any specific questions at all, feel totally free to PM me- I'll be more than happy to help! The links above are great resources- definately check those out, and good luck on your search! ;)


I actually contacted the reciprocity contacts for VA, NC and SC and printed out any forms they have. I only one I haven't heard back from was VA.

SC "urges" me to get my medic through NR before attempting reciprocity, which is understandable, but I don't know if I have that long. Divorce, lost job and working at a Quizznos for crissake don't bode well. I would love to be able to do that though. Fact of the matter is, I don't care where the NR cert comes from state-wise. The medic exam seems ta have my number and has kicked my arse twice already, but I digress...

NC asks for 1) copies of all my certs (naturally), 2) official transcript verification of complete an initial EMS course, showing course hours and grade earned, 3) a letter stating why I want to be certified in NC and 4) personal info like SS# and stuff. Then they will send a packet to complete, once they receive the packet, should take 5-10 days for them to decide whether or not they will grant reciprocity.

The only issue I have is #2. 10 years ago I completed NR Basic course and twice have completed paramedic school, (I let it lapse like a dumbarse, don't bring it up... :roll: ), the latest of which was completed 06/06. If they are referring to my initial NR Basic course I think I am screwed because it was through MTN (Military Training Network) while I was in CA and none of the Navy instructors that were overseeing it or taught it are there any longer, I guarantee. Naturally, I will be calling her to verify what it means exactly, but that's the scoop so far.

The main reason I searched and stumbled upon EMT City was because of this search and it was the main reason I signed up here. The site has been ever so helpful in helping to find links, want ads, departments, etc. Everything I couldn't find using such things as Monster etc. The combining of all the job sites makes it soooo much easier and I owe a lifetime of gratitude to whoever set that up.

I also appreciate the support already of 2 "Tarheelians" (is that really a word? :lol: ) and would have a "foreigner" transfer as a coworker. It means mounds.

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