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To those who correct others on spelling...

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Stduis hvae shwon taht eevn thuogh a wrod is spleld wrnog. You can stlil raed it. Yuor brian alolws you to raed it as a whloe wrod. Not by letetrs. Tlel me taht you dind't raed tihs wihtuot a prboelm. Plaese dno't crtizise aynnoe who cna't splel anmyroe. Thnak you.

There. Now don't you feel stupid?

Just my two cents,



I believe quality and attention to detail disappeared somewhere between Punk'd and Paris Hilton's porno video. R U getin wat I meen?


You left out the facts that the first and last letters must be in place, and the word should have the correct number of each letter, (which is not the case for a lot of posts), and the fact that it mostly only works on people who have been reading english for pretty much their whole lives, (since for this to work, the words must be read as a whole and not as strings of letters).

  Asysin2leads said:
I believe quality and attention to detail disappeared somewhere between Punk'd and Paris Hilton's porno video. R U getin wat I meen?


In a few years id like to do some travelling and ride with some different services around the world, and when i do im gonna come to new york and beat on you, i just spat coca cola out of my nose and it hurt... :shock:

That was funny man, good stuff! :lol:


Well, dat is why youse guys needs to does likes I does, and use da spelcheck before youse sends out a posting!

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